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Horoscopes for Mars in Cancer

Aries & Aries Rising

You’re no stranger to Mars, a planet known for speed and spunk, if not always table manners. However, Mars isn’t so at-home in Cancer, the sign that informs how you nest and tend connections to family. This is one area where you permit yourself the creature comforts: your sofa chosen for its sink-in-ability, maybe a stash of chocolate within reach. It’s also a space where you get vulnerable with those special enough to have earned your trust. Mars in Cancer tests these connections. If you live with others, their quirks may grate on you more than usual. It will be easy to take less care with your requests, especially if you’ve had to repeat them more than once. Dynamics with family could feel razor-edged, especially around May 11th when Mars trawls up old hurts. Consider that this heat has a potential to purify. If you’ve been delaying any important chats, Mars will request that you rip off the bandaid. The deepest healing starts when you do. 

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Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Most days, it’s hard to ruffle your feathers, but we aren’t in the realm of “most days.” Mars in Cancer adds a knife edge to your exchanges. On the one hand: you might use this blade to slash through the overgrowth of your communication channels, be they social media, email or text threads. Mars has an impressive ability to identify what’s important and leave the rest in the road dust. On the other hand, Mars isn’t always so discerning with its cuts. As Mars motors through Cancer, you’ll have to choose whether you wield a scalpel or chainsaw. One’s more useful than the other when it comes to parsing other people’s speech and tailoring your own words. This is a time to be scrupulous with your reading choices, your Tweets, your writing or learning projects. Be brave with your voice, but don’t forget to stay kind.

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Gemini & Gemini Rising 

There’s a chance you’ve felt more on-edge since March, as Mars heated your air waves. Personal exchanges may have erred on the side of barbed or charged. Few people can spar with you in an intellectual dual and emerge unscathed, but it’s possible you didn’t expect to feel guilty after. Even if you managed to mind your tongue, or your typing fingers, there’s a chance you’ve been living on high alert, with more cortisol or adrenaline than strictly comfortable. The good news: now that Mars has moved on, you can exhale. Relax into a more commodious sleep schedule. Send apology notes to anyone you verbally dismantled. The growth edge: Mars’ act-now-damage-control-later M.O. has migrated to your piggy bank. This is the space where we earn and save money, where we find anchorage in material possessions. Mars may inspire you to take risks, or it may unearth old money wounds. Take care with your financial decisions. Use your penchant for logic to build all the necessary spreadsheets before you splurge. The lessons you learn over the next 7 weeks will only strengthen your self-knowledge when it comes to what you need to feel materially secure.

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Cancer & Cancer Rising

As someone so attuned to other people’s feelings, you may be practiced in the art of not hurting them. With all that learned self-effacement, it could feel especially thrilling to tell someone off. Accumulated anger has a way of spewing out with more venom and lightning than isolated incidents typically deserve. Often, the recipient of all that rage isn’t even the person who most betrayed you. It’s the one who made you feel safe enough to speak (or scream) your heart. Mars in Cancer lends you a sword, but you’ll need to practice some restraint in how you wield it. Also, practice sharing your anger as it arises, in manageable puffs of hot air, rather than storing it for a monsoon. Around May 11th, your fury may root in long-standing frustrations about not feeling seen authentically in your career. As we enter June, power struggles may play a role too. You’re equipped right now to speak your mind with candor. Do so, but don’t forget the empathy that led you to be so concerned about other people in the first place.

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Leo & Leo Rising

As Mars enters Cancer, it’s the invisible irritations that drive you up the wall: the mental hives that break out when left alone for too long. Maybe you’re picking up something from the ether, or from other people’s emotions; maybe you’re more absorbent than you thought. This is a time to lend others a wide margin, to see if the tension diffuses on its own, rather than bait the lake monster. Around June 5th, it will be especially important to remember the health rituals that help you feel grounded. You might feel extra anxious at this time, or more susceptible to the power dynamics at work. This is a moment to pull out your best practices when it comes to sleep hygiene and fuelling your body with nutritious meals.

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Virgo & Virgo Rising

Sure, you’re discerning. (Some may use the word “critical.”) But when it comes to your friends, you operate from a baseline of care. That doesn’t change as Mars enters Cancer, but your demeanor may grow less unflappable. There’s a chance you’re not used to this voltage, because you’ve become so trained at maintaining your poker face. You might even experience a tremendous energy for your friendships as Mars moves through this area, but if other people appear at cross-purposes, it might lead to a snag in the pantyhose. Use the incisive powers of Mars to identify which patterns need to be cut, which cords need snipping, or which dynamics no longer nourish you. Mars goads us to start the conversations no one wants to have, but which need to take place before everyone moves on. It’s the time for that now. The process doesn’t have to feel pleasant to be healing. 

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Libra & Libra Rising

As Mars enters Cancer, it provides the rocket fuel beneath your wings when it comes to professional advancement. The problem with rocket fuel is it doesn’t support the most subtle modes of locomotion. You may make an entrance or two. Or a Hollywood exit. Especially if someone or something interferes with justice, as you perceive it. Possibly you’re not used to making a scene; someone else normally does that job for you. However, your fidelity to truth and fairness can lead you to wield a hefty sword when it’s needed. Right now may be the time. Those untrained in voicing their anger don’t always know how to cap the rage that froths forth. Like popping a champagne cork, you’ll have to release the pressure slowly to avoid breaking a window. Mars isn’t an expert in self-restraint. Good thing you are. Speak your truth. But remember it’s okay to meet people halfway. 

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Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

As Mars churns the water in Cancer, you may do some churning of your own when it comes to the belief systems that claim you. On the one hand, you may possess more vigor to spelunk these wells of knowledge or understanding. On the other, if you encounter folks who share dissenting opinions, it will be tempting to prosthelytize or cross swords. There’s also a chance that you’ll perceive certain teachers or leaders in raw, unflattering light. The doubt that pimples up may be enough to unstitch your confidence or faith in the systems that used to hold you. Alternatively, your wanderlust may turn up a notch, as you yearn to set sail in a physical sense. The people (or travel restrictions) who block your path may become the unwitting targets of your excess heat or frustration. All this said, you’re no stranger to Mars’ impulses. Around June 5th in particular, you will possess an X-ray vision that pierces the fugue of other people’s bunk. Take mental notes. Blow the appropriate whistles. These next 7 weeks of Mars in Cancer will only sharpen your radar for the people and traditions worth your time.

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Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

With Mars squalling through Cancer until June 11th, you learn sharp truths about how to share and not share. These truths may feel obscure at first, because you’re so generous by nature. Not only by nature: generosity could be a philosophical ideal for you. However, ardent magnanimity will only stay sustainable if you remember that sharing shouldn’t require you to burn out, or singe a permanent hole in your pocket. This is a time to get incisive about what’s yours and what belongs to your closest collaborators. Maybe that’s money, or maybe it’s more slippery than that. Cancer also corresponds to your closet of rage, grief and trauma. Get clear about which emotions you own and which ones need to be claimed, and cleared, by other people.

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Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

With your discipline and apparent stoicism, other people may perceive you as a rock. However: chuck a rock into the fire and it retains that heat. As Mars spears into Cancer, your one-to-one dynamics may feel jagged around the edges. Until June 11th, you’ll likely get irritable, especially with the people you don’t need to be polite too. Now, there’s politeness and there’s respect. The latter isn’t something you can compromise when it comes to your beloveds, best friends or collaborators. Come June 5th, your partnerships may provide the training ground to unlearn all the power dynamics you have absorbed from your ecosystem. These lessons may sting at first, but that’s often how the healing begins.

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Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

In a society where many of us work at least 40 hours a week, it’s common to spend more time with colleagues than your best friends and beloveds. Maybe it’s inevitable then that the people we toil with day in and day out have the same superpowers to get under our skin. As Mars sputters through Cancer: this could be one of those times. You will need to call on the systems you have built in this area to keep your interactions and reactions constructive. Respect all the boundaries, and be vigilant about your own. You may find relief by finding a physical outlet for your accumulated heat. Maybe that involves movement, or maybe it involves another practice that keeps you strong and regulated. Identifying these channels in advance will help you steer a course through any rogue waves.

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Pisces & Pisces Rising

Mars rushes into Cancer on April 23rd, foaming the fluids in your creative cauldron. This may not be an entirely comfortable process, as Mars comes with its toil and trouble, but there’s a reason they call childbirth (and art, and love) a “labor.” If you are an artist or creator, the inspiration may cross your brainwaves like vividly colored, ungraspable fish. You’ll have to get brisk about it if you have any hope of spearing one. This is also the space where you seek pleasure, but it may feel hard to relax with a Mars-shaped piranha gnashing the waters of your inner jacuzzi. You could interpret Mars in a water sign quite literally and find a sauna or bathtub to melt your tensions into. (Spa day, anyone?) Alternatively, you might get brave with the ways you express your luminous imagination. 

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