Centre for Research Excellence:
Strengthening Systems for Indigenous
Health Care Equity
Indigenous Health Strider's Scoop
Issue #11
April 2021
Welcome to the April edition of STRIDE news. 

In this edition, we are putting the call out for presenters for our monthly Research Capacity Strengthening webinars, share a recent publication on using co-design approaches to strengthen immunisation services in South Africa, and encourage you to submit your research for both the 2nd Annual National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research Showcase, and the 6th Ngar-wu Wanyarra Annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Conference

Finally, we share a gorgeous photo of our (unofficial) four-legged STRIDE mascot, Tilly the Aussie Shepherd, and her sister Banchan.  Thanks to Katie Conte (STRIDE Associate Investigator) for sending this photo from their new home in Oregon, U.S.

Many thanks, 
STRIDE Coordinating Team  
STRIDE Research Capacity Strengthening Webinars 2021:
Call for presenters & previous webinar recordings now available 

We are putting the call out for presenters for our monthly Research Capacity Strengthening webinars.  If you would like to share your research work, get feedback on an upcoming presentation, seek further information on a topic or share Indigenous knowledge, we encourage you to please get in touch

STRIDE RCS webinars are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month (times are flexible).  STRIDE coordinating team will assist with technical set up, support and advertising. 

And for those of you who missed out on attending any of our past RCS webinars, or you just wish to re-visit these, they can now be found on our website

Timothy, A., Coetzee, D., Morgan, C., Kelaher, M., Bailie, R., Danchin, M.  Using an adaptive, co-design approach to strengthen clinic-level immunisation services in Khayelitsha, Western Cape Province, South Africa.  BMJ Global Health, 2021; 6(3), e004004.   
News & Events

2nd Annual National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research Showcase 

Abstract submissions are now open for the 2nd Annual National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research Showcase, taking place on the 27th and 28th of July at the University of Sydney.

The highlights of both conference days will be abstract presentations covering all areas of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research. Wherever you are in your career, we encourage you to submit your research. Travel prizes will be awarded to assist some interstate presenters.

Fill out the abstract submission form and email to by COB Friday 30th April.

The showcase is organised by the National Indigenous Research(er) Capacity Building Network (IRNet) and proudly hosted and supported by the University of Sydney and Sydney Health Partners.

IRNet is an initiative of the Australian Health Research Alliance (AHRA). For more information about AHRA, IRNet and the Showcase, visit
download the abstract submission form

6th Ngar-wu Wanyarra Annual Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Conference

Abstract submissions are now open for the 6th Ngar-wu Wanyarra Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Conference, taking place virtually on 13th October 2021.

The Conference, hosted by University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health,  is an opportunity for sharing information and connecting people that are committed to reforming the practice and research of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander health and celebrates Aboriginal knowledge systems and strength-based approaches to improving the health outcomes of Aboriginal communities.

This is an opportunity to present evidence-based approaches, Aboriginal methods and models of practice, Aboriginal perspectives and contribution to health or community led solutions, underpinned by cultural theories to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing. 

Abstract submissions close on 30th June 2021.

Mr Stan Grant will be the keynote speaker at this year's conference.

For more information, visit the website below.

find out more here


Copyright ©2020, CRE-STRIDE, All rights reserved.

We acknowledge the traditional custodians of country throughout Australia and recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and community.  We pay our respects to them and their cultures; and to Elders both past and present.
The NHMRC funded Centre of Research Excellence: Strengthening Systems for Indigenous Health Care Equity (#1170882) is a collaboration between researchers, policy and service delivery partners who have a long-standing commitment to improving Indigenous primary health care.

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