
Greetings from the Grand Secretary

The Grand Lodge Messenger
May 2021
Message From M.W. Chris J. Coffman
Grand Master

My Brothers,
When this article is published, we will have resumed in-person Lodge Communications. I cannot tell you how glad I am that we are finally seeing an end to the COVID-19 pandemic and the start or some semblance of normalcy. But I remind you we are not there yet. We have seen ebbs and flows with this pandemic and until we have a large portion of the population vaccinated, we must keep up our guard. That is why there are still restrictions on how many and who may attend an in-person Lodge Communication. That is why our Lodge buildings must engage in extra efforts before we resume our functions. And that is why we can only have limited attendance at the Annual Communication. 

I am not deaf to the rumbling of some within the Craft that: we must throw off the masks and other restrictions on our freedoms; we need to get back to practicing Masonry or Masonry will cease to exist; we must start conferring degrees or these candidates will walk away; and similar doomsday comments. Obviously, I do not subscribe to those points of view.

The first time that we were limited as to who could attend our Annual Communication was in 1945. While the reasons were different (the war effort not a pandemic), I find MW Brother Ford Quint Elvidge’s opening statement educational for us. He said:

My Brothers. It is not necessary for me to spend any time in elaborating upon the form of this meeting this morning. Those of you who are conscious, as we all are, of the exigencies of the day and the times, and the fact that our men are dying on the battlefield every minute, men of high ranks, as well as men of low rank, appreciate that we cannot today undertake to question authority, and so we do that which our government has asked us to do. We set aside all questions of bias or prejudice or personal feelings, quibbling, technicalities and so and so, to get together here today for the purpose of performing the business that we have to do as a business organization, as well as a fraternal organization, and then go home.  (Emphasis added.)

While we may not agree with the steps taken by our governmental leaders to address the pandemic, we do have an obligation to respect and comply with them.

Remember the Past, Visualize the Future

Chris Coffman
Grand Master
From the Desk of R.W. Clinton M. Brown, Jr.
Grand Secretary

Dear Brethren,
This will be the last Messenger before Grand Lodge.  As most of you are aware, this is the busiest time of year for the Grand Lodge office.  However, we are here to help the Lodges and we are all back in the office.  So please let us know if you need assistance or have questions.

It has been a very different year.  But I am excited about getting back to meeting in person.  I hope to get to a few Lodge meetings in May and see many of you who I have not seen in person for over a year.  I am also looking forward to the Annual Communication.  Please make sure that you have read and understand the Grand Master’s directives regarding the reopening of Lodges in May and the Annual Communication in June.  These are rules that have been put in place by the State and we want to make sure that we can continue to meet in person.  

We have a lot of business to conduct at this year’s Annual Communication and because of COVID restrictions will be doing it all in one day.  We will open Grand Lodge at 9 AM.  So, if you are attending, please make sure to be in your seats so that we can start on time.  The Resolution Booklet has been sent out to all the Lodges.  Additionally, it is available on GrandView under the Resources/Master Mason tab.  Please take the time to review the Resolution Booklet which includes a proposed balanced budget and Statements of Availability for the positions of Junior Grand Warden, Grand Secretary, and Trustee positions for Washington Masonic Charities, Washington Masonic Grand Lodge Building Association and the Kane Masonic Cemetery.

It is an honor and a pleasure serving as your Grand Secretary.  I hope to see you in Lodge soon.

Clinton M. Brown, Jr.
Grand Secretary
From The Desk of V.W. Clayton LaVigne
Assistant Grand Secretary



My Brothers,

Greetings, and I certainly hope you have enjoyed this previous week of summer weather! As I type this, the Annual Communication is only 51 days from now. Less than two months! And, we’re only a week or so from the month of May, which means for many of us, we will be meeting in person for the first time in over a year! While all this sounds great, please remember the responsibilities that go along with reopening the Lodges. It’s very important that we follow the proper guidelines.

There are many of us who frequent Social Media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and similar sites. And there are also many of us who are growing increasingly frustrated at how the climate on some of those sites have become caustic, combative, and uncivil. I would like to bring to your attention a Masonic Publication from our Deputy Grand Master, RWB Cameron Bailey. It is called Emeth, and you can find it with this link: You will need a subscription, which like Cameron says, is not difficult at all, and if you upgrade and purchase a paid subscription, you will be able to participate in further discussions and forums. I have been told that at least one of the comment threads has achieved over a thousand views, and as of right now, there are about a dozen of us who have regularly offered commentaries on the subjects that RWB Cameron introduces. My brothers, this is an excellent opportunity for Masonic Education! I strongly encourage you to at least get the free subscription, so you can read and offer your own input. And the paid subscription? The cost is roughly the same as the annual dues of a typical Masonic Lodge. Just treat it as another Lodge membership! Also, if you are a member, you can take these comment threads and use them in your Lodge meetings. Start up a round-robin discussion in your own Lodge, then introduce the comments on the thread, or something similar. It all depends on what your Lodge officers are most comfortable with.

After meeting for over a year through only teleconferencing, we have a clean slate and a broad horizon in front of us. As well as over 250 gentlemen who are interested in joining us on this journey. This has been as good a time as any for our Fraternity to not only regain its relevance, but its prominence in our society.

See you in Lodge soon!

Clayton LaVigne
Assistant Grand Secretary

Grand Lodge Events

May 15, 2021 - 10:00 AM - Long Range Planning - Zoom Teleconference
Links to the meeting are on the Seminar page on GrandView.

May 21, 2021 - 6:30 PM - District 2 - Zoom Teleconference

Links to the meeting are on the Seminar page on GrandView.

May 22, 2021 - 11:00 AM - District 15 - Zoom Teleconference
Links to the meeting are on the Seminar page on GrandView.

May 22, 2021 - 3:00 PM - District 14 - Zoom Teleconference
Links to the meeting are on the Seminar page on GrandView.

June 11-12, 2021 - Annual Communication - Wenatchee Convention Center
121 N Wenatchee Ave, Wenatchee, WA 98801


The Grand Lodge office will be closed on Monday, May 31st, 2021 in observance of Memorial Day.

The Grand Lodge office staff has been back in the office since Monday, April 12, 2021. 
However, we remain closed to visitors.  If you need to visit in person, please call ahead to make an appointment. 
Lodge Secretary Corner

Annual Communication 
st 5:00 p.m.

Registration for the Annual Communication is on the Grand Lodge website ( under News/Events/Annual Communication.  Please make sure you have read the Grand Master's directive about who is allowed to register to attend. 

Attached is a copy of his directive for your convenience. 
Annual Communication Letter

Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 restrictions you will not be allowed to register in-person at the event this year. You must register online if you are planning to attend the Annual Communication.


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