Welcome to our Duke Urology's Spring Newsletter.
I am hoping that the availability of increased vaccinations across the country has enabled many of you to move towards some semblance of normalcy.
Despite a completely Virtual Residency Interview process this year, our Duke Urology match was quite successful. We are excited to have Diana Aponte-Colon, David Barquin, Logan Grimaud, Jeremy Kurnot, and Austin Livingston join us later this June.
We have continued to be successful in our virtual environment having Mike Coburn, MD as our Duke Urology visiting professor in February. The highlight of Dr. Coburn’s virtual visit was a joint Grand Rounds with the entire Department of Surgery along with Duke Urology, where Dr. Coburn had the opportunity to give a thorough update on the UroTrauma Guidelines. Our Duke Urologic Assembly also went virtual in late March, 2021. We had a total of 282 healthcare providers from across the US and seven foreign countries registered for the symposium which was a wonderful opportunity to update participants on Duke Urology's innovations in research and clinical practice.
I am delighted to share with you the news that one of our newest faculty members Deborah Kaye MD MS recently was awarded an American Urological Association 2021-23 Research Scholar grant to continue her work in health disparities studying the financial burden for patients undergoing treatment of advanced prostate cancer.
Unfortunately, we are still unable to hold in-person meetings so we will stay virtual for our 20 July 2021 inaugural David Paulson Lectureship with Brant Thrasher as our Duke Tuesday Visiting Professor. Please consider joining us virtually for the upcoming Duke Urology CME events listed in this month’s newsletter.
I trust that you and your families have been well and safe. We are also hoping to have a pared-down DYSURIA get-together at the AUA Meeting in Las Vegas later this September. More information will be forthcoming.
All the best for a great summer,
COVID created an unusual challenge by preventing in-person resident interviews this past fall. We interviewed many outstanding applicants via Zoom and matched four of the best to join the Duke Urology family in June.
Diana Aponte Colon
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
David Barquin
Medical School: University of Virginia School of Medicine
Logan Grimaud
Medical School: University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine
Jeremy Kurnot, Captain, U.S. Army
Medical School: East Virginia Medical School
In addition, we are sorry to lose one of our current interns to another program, where she will be with her fiancé, but there was great interest in our vacancy. We interviewed many fine applicants and are fortunate to have Austin Livingston MD join us in June upon completion of his internship at Vanderbilt.
Austin Livingston, MD
Medical School: Medical School of Wisconsin
Michael Coburn, MD, Professor and Russell & Mary Hugh Scott Chair of Urology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston TX joined Duke Urology on February 3. Unfortunately, he was unable to visit Duke in person and gave his lectures virtually. Dr. Coburn is internationally recognized as a thought leader in management of urologic trauma. His lecture, "The AUA Urotrauma Guidelines: In Theory and Practice" was presented as a joint Grand Rounds for the Division of Urology and the Department of Surgery. Following Grand Rounds, he met with Urology and Trauma faculty individually before giving a talk on "Reconstructive Challenges in Genital Trauma" to the residents and fellows.
Another modification related to the COVID pandemic was that we held the 53rd Duke Urologic Assembly virtually. Although we missed the collegiality and fun of the meeting in person, the upside was that we could expand our reach by going online. A total of 282 health care providers from across the US and 7 foreign countries registered for the symposium that took place on two evenings and a Saturday morning on April 8 -10. This format allowed the opportunity to update knowledge and gain CME credits while minimizing time away from the office and family. The 20 state-of-the-art lectures were viewed live and were recorded for later viewing for all registrants. It was nice to see many of our DYSURIA family in the audience. Sixteen industry partners generously supported the DUA and made it possible to put on the meeting without any registration fee.
The Victor A. Politano Lectureship on "Management of Mesh Complications" was given by Gopal Badlani MD, Professor, Department of Urology, Wake Forest University. The Morris Center for Urologic Research Lecture on "Genetic Predisposition to Prostate Cancer from Gene Discovery to Clinical Implementation" was presented by Kathleen Cooney, MD, Chair, Department of Medicine at Duke.
.Congratulations to this year's trainee award winners
Sonali Advani, MBBS, MPH, Duke University
Sustained Reduction in Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections using Multi-Faceted Strategies led by Champions: A Quality Improvement Initiative
Elizabeth Bottorff, MS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Investigating the effect of tibial and pudendal nerve stimulation on external vaginal blood flow in anesthetized rodents
Lauren Caldwell, MD, University of Texas at Austin
Women's Experience of Their First Sexual Encounter After Urinary Incontinence and/or Pelvic Organ Prolapse Surgery: A Qualitative Study
Eric Gonzalez, PhD, Duke University
Voiding and Muscle Contractility Dysfunction in a Rat Model of Detrusor Underactivity
Byron Hayes, PhD, Duke University
Hyperinnervation and Chronic Mast Cell Activity in Bladder Pain Syndrome Following Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection
K Tyler Hobbs, MD, Duke University (PGY-3 Urology Resident)
Machine Learning for Urodynamic Detection of Detrusor Overactivity
Douglas Luchristt, MD, Duke University
Timing of Diagnosis of Complex Lower Urinary Tract Injury in the 30-Day Postoperative Period Following Benign Hysterectomy
Petra Popovics, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Loss of Osteopontin Leads to the Resolution of E. Coli-Induced Prostatic Inflammation and Fibrosis
Stephanie Sirmakesyan, BS, McGill University
Potential Diagnostic Value of Urine MicroRNAs for Female Patients with Overactive Bladder
Deborah Kaye, MD MS was recently named an AUA 2021-23 Research Scholar. Her project "Decreasing the Financial Burden for Patients with Advanced Prostate Cancer by Understanding Provider Decision-Making" is sponsored by the Society of Urologic Oncology.
Tom Polascik MD and Cary Robertson MD: were recipients of a $100,000 grant from a generous CURED donor as the initial contribution to create a formal focal therapy program within Duke Urology.
Tyler Hobbs MD (PGY-3) was awarded first place at the Department of Surgery Research Day on April 21 and the K12 KURe Multidisciplinary Benign Urology Research Symposium on April 28-29 for his translational project "Machine Learning for Urodynamic Detection of Detrusor Overactivity." He was supported by his research mentor Jonathan Routh MD MPH along with support of the Department of Biomedical Engineering (where Tyler received his undergraduate degree).
We are proud of three fourth year Duke medical students who matched at some of the top ranking programs in the country: Shelby Harper (Cleveland Clinic), Taylor Hughes (Stanford), and Joshua Hayden (Yale).
Suzanne Merrill, MD, Associate Professor of Urology at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center was selected to participate in the AUA 2021-2022 Leadership Class for promising young leaders in organized urology to represent the Mid-Atlantic Section.
J. Brantley Thrasher, MD – former fellow of Dr. Paulson – 1991-92, Executive Secretary, American Board of Urology, Former Chair, Department of Urology, University of Kansas Medical Center
“Nutrition and Prostate Cancer – Results from the WARRIOR Trial”
Stephen A Boorjian, MD, Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN
Mark P Cain, MD – University of Washington School of Medicine/Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle WA