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Is it appropriate to wish Happy Mothers' Day to Mother Earth? Greetings from CURE100 to all moms, and all who nurture and nourish us. Happy Mothers' Day to Mothers Out Front who recently joined Croton100 in opposing Proposition 1 (fossil fuel buses) on Croton's school ballot. Read on to learn how President Biden took CURE100's mission national, how Croton100 is fighting to bring electric buses to its schools and about the activities of various chapters. Remember to join our next chapters' meeting on Saturday, May 15 from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Eastern.


April 22 was an Earth Day for the ages. President Biden announced at an International Climate Summit that the U.S. would reduce greenhouse gases 50% by 2030 -- the "must have" along the way to net zero according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a key rung of our mission! He was joined in announcement of aggressive GHG goals by leaders of multiple countries. The UK has pledged 78% reduction by 2035 and Japan will reduce 46 to 50% by 2030. How significant are these targets? Will we achieve them? Do we need tops-down or bottoms-up efforts? Read our blog to learn the answers to these questions.


CURE100 Monthly Chapter Meeting
When: Saturday, May 15, 2021, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. Eastern
Details: Please join us to get an update on chapter activities, upcoming events and Carbon Tracker progress. All are welcome.
Where: Virtual meeting.
Conference Call Details: 
Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap:  +1(773)2319226,,9748701484#
Or Telephone: +1 (773) 231 9226, meeting ID: 974 870 1484
International numbers available:


Croton100 is campaigning to bring electric school buses to Croton! The additional debt service cost per household for the higher up-front cost of three electric buses versus two fossil fuel buses is an average of a mere $90 (spread over 5 years) thanks to New York state aid and subsidies.
This $90 will be substantially recovered over the lifetime of the bus due to lower maintenance and fuel costs. Electric buses are better for health, better for the environment and better for the pocketbook.  Vote NO on Proposition 1 (fossil fuel buses) and YES on Propositions 2, 3 and 4 (electric buses) on May 18. See for more voter education.


  • Croton100 announced the winners of its art competition on Earth Day. Winning art and Croton100's logo made it to the cover page of River Journal North!  Congrats!
  • Sharon Rowe, Jonathan Davey, Lauren Brois and Chandu Visweswariah spoke to Environmental Science High Schoolers in Ms. Pappalardo's class about "Green Careers" on April 23.
  • Check out and learn from Croton100's array of amazing decarbonizing residents here!


Croton100 joins the Croton Village Sustainability Committee in promoting a new opportunity to enroll in Community Solar. This program allows anyone not having solar panels on their property to access solar power from nearby sites. It provides a 10% discount (average over a year) off the electricity use portion of your Con Edison bill.
There is no enrollment fee and Community Aggregation Choice (CCA) enrollees are eligible. Why CS 2.0?  This Community Solar project eliminates the pesky requirements in CS 1.0 (you do not have to provide access to bank (ACH) information and you do not need a second bill to process the discount). Enrolling in CS 2.0 will help the Village Sustainability Committee earn valuable points towards a $70,000 grant from New York State. Click here for the sign-up application. Learn more on the Village Sustainability Committee’s website, read our blogs about Community Solar and read up on one of your neighbors who enrolled in Community Solar in Croton100’s Neighbors helping Neighbors Campaign.


Greetings from Yorktown100!
  • Our last public meeting was on Monday, April 12th, on sustainable gardening and the importance of native plants in supporting pollinators such as bees, birds and butterflies. Fiona Mitchell from Healthy Yards joined our discussion and provided great advice! Check out their website for lots of information.
  • We also talked about using electric-powered lawn care products instead of gas-powered ones to reduce our carbon emissions. Watch the recording on Facebook.
  • Our next Community Meeting is on Monday, May 10th at 7:00 p.m. Our topic is “Carbon Footprint: Know Your Score!” - learn how to use the Carbon Tracker app to find your household carbon emissions. We will show how to make lifestyle changes to reduce your carbon footprint (see image).

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