Our Spiritual Theme for May is

Reflect on STORY
What story about yourself have you outgrown, but others are still telling about you?
What family stories did your “elders” pass down to you? Have you cared for them and passed them on as those elders hoped?
What story does your family of origin tell about you? Does that telling leave you feeling seen or misunderstood? Celebrated or unfairly characterized?
What unrecognized current cultural or political “story” strikes you as most dangerous?
Lynne’s Wisdom Seeds
I love this month’s theme of Story. The stories we share with others enrich our lives in so many ways. Stories captivate us and connect us to the web of life in which we are all a part. We are hard-wired to listen to stories. When we listen to a good story, our imaginations take flight. The best Ted Talks, for instance, are the ones in which the speakers tell stories.
The stories we tell ourselves have a huge impact on our day-to-day lives. For example, when my son was growing up, I was telling myself that a group home placement was unlikely, because that’s what my DDS caseworker said. He had challenging behaviors, such as aggression towards those around them, and himself when he would get angry or frustrated. When he got bigger than me, I changed the story to one of setting a goal for a group home placement. My DDS caseworker said it was the fastest group home placement she’d ever seen! Talk about the power of story!
The majority of my spiritual work has been to change my story-from one of disempowerment to empowerment, and I’ve transformed my life several times over. In order to reverse climate change, or eradicate white supremacy, we as a society need to change the stories we tell ourselves. We can start by writing a story of hope in our hearts, then sharing stories with each other of faith, vision, action and change.
In faith and love,
Our spiritual theme for May is “Story”. Join us Sunday mornings or later in the week at our virtual worship services. Rev. Tony, members, and friends as well as guest speakers participate in the services. Our virtual choir along with our pianists Ann and Alan add beautiful music. These new innovations in technology and the generosity of time and talent from volunteers make it possible to share our Unitarian Universalist messages and values with all of you.
May 9 - “The Many Stories of Mother's Day"
Ministerial Intern Lynne Grobsky and Rev. Tony Lorenzen reflect on the many stories of Mother’s Day: peace protest, “women’s work” is real work, and greeting cards. They’ll also reflect on the difficult stories of Mother’s Day including infertility, foster parenting, adoption, and other things that make the day difficult. MUUS welcomes a new member to the congregation!
Tune in at 10:20 a.m. for announcements, and the service begins at 10:30 a.m. You do not need a Facebook account to view the service.
Hymn of the Month: Singers of All Kinds Wanted for the UUOne Virtual Choir's NEXT HYMN: "Spirit of Life", one of our most revered pieces of music. If you're not on our email list and would like to be included, we'd LOVE to hear from you -- please contact Ann Quackenbos or Jeff May. We will be using this hymn many times, and the more voices we have, the better.
MUUS Coffee Hour
Join us after the Sunday Service for Coffee Hour.
Bring your own coffee and visit. All are welcome!
Join here
Meeting ID: 960 2842 8691 Password: 672120
Small Group Ministry
Small Groups have a powerful and transformative experience. Join a Soul Circle - an online small group ministry that meets regularly on Zoom. Groups are now meeting, but you can join anytime. You can sign up to join a group by clicking on this link or contact Rev. Tony.
Rev. Tony has created a Google Drive for Soul Matters materials for Small Group Ministry that can be found on the members page of the website under Soul Matters.
Book Group
Read with Rev. Tony Minister’s Book Group
Facilitator: Rev. Tony Lorenzen, revtonyuu@gmail.com
Join here
Description: Read novels with spiritual and religious themes and discuss with Rev. Tony. The group meets 3rd Wednesdays at NOON on Zoom during Lunch with the Minister, so bring your lunch and log on. The range of novels spans a wide spiritual and religious spectrum and includes a variety of fiction genres such as science fiction, memoir, fantasy, historical fiction, travelogue, and literary novel.
May 19 - American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Multi-Pantheon Fantasy)
NOTE – No need to contact the facilitator, just read and come to lunch. Lunch will happen regardless, if people read the books, so much the better!
Share the Plate: New Routines
MUUS had a tradition of supporting local and national organizations making the world a better place by putting donations in “the basket” twice a month. The basket is gone (for now) but our giving tradition doesn’t have to be.
Click on the picture to donate
Monica Burnham
For the Social Justice Coordinating Team
Black Lives Matter
Justice Woodbury – meets Sundays at 12:30 p.m. at North Green in Woodbury. Justice Southbury – meets Sundays at 2 p.m. at Playhouse Corner
Rev. Tony Lorenzen is in his home office Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. He is available for appointments on Zoom, phone or online chat. Monday is Rev. Tony’s day off, Friday is his Sermon prep day. You can reach Rev. Tony at (508)-344-3668 and revtonyuu@gmail.com
Rev. Tony Lorenzen Minister, The Unitarian Universalist Church in Meriden and The Mattatuck Unitarian Universalist Society cell:
508-344-3668 revtonyuu@gmail.com
Website: http://revtonyuu.com
Facebook facebook.com/RevTony Twitter @revtonyuu.
Helping Hands
If you or someone in our congregation needs help, please contact helpinghands@muusct.org for assistance. We are keeping those who are ill or struggling with life circumstances in our thoughts and prayers. Please check our website www.muusct.org for additional resources for dealing with the COVID 19 pandemic. We are working to continue to be of assistance from a distance via ZOOM, etc.
Judith Frances, Liaison for Helping Hands
It’s easy to donate on the website: MUUSCT.org use a credit card or PayPal. Or mail in your weekly donations to MUUS, P.O. Box 876, Woodbury, CT 06798. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Support MUUS when you shop anytime, by shopping at “smile.amazon.com." There’s also a link for Amazon Smile on the homepage of our website
MUUSCT.org. Amazon donates .5% of your purchases to us at no extra cost to you. Thank you!
The MUUS “40 Years and Counting Auction” was a wonderful success. The auction committee is pleased to announce that we raised over $8300 at the virtual event. Thank you all who participated by donating items and making the purchases. We couldn’t have done it without all of you: members, friends, families and those both near and far. The pandemic may have made it challenging but Zoom helped us create a way to hold us together.
If you have other fundraising ideas to share and then work on, please send them to fundraising@muusct.org. We look forward to your support in the future!
Sunflower Sale
The Fundraising Committee has put in motion another Sunflower Sale! We took advantage of the abundant sunshine and warm, dry weather last Saturday to get the project started.
We planted about 150 small peat pots with 3 varieties of sunflowers. They are nestled warmly in a greenhouse, waiting for the warm weather to stay. In about a month or so, we will replant the babies into larger containers!
I would like to thank, Jackson Baskin, Miles Baskin, Eileen Resnick, Denise Pedane, and Christine and Ed Edelson for helping get this project started. Thanks also to Jim Templeton who set up nice new shelves in his chicken greenhouses for the plants, and for the weeks of watering those plants that lie in his future!
If you would like to join us when we repot our little plants, please call or text Vivian Templeton and let her know you are available. 203-910-7496.
UUA GA Update: Circle Round
UUA GA Update: Circle Round
Circle 'Round for Justice ● Healing ● Courage is the theme for General Assembly 2021. You may now view the full GA schedule! You can now preview the abundance of Virtual GA programming including 75 On-Demand Programs and 39 Live Webinars. And remember, there is no "tyranny of choice" at a Virtual GA because anything attendees miss live can eventually be watched On-Demand!
Save the date: Saturday, June 26 at EDT/6:00 p.m. for the 2021 UU General Assembly Ware Lecture. Speakers will be Stacey Abrams and Desmond Meade. (UU GA Registration required)
Join us for the largest annual gathering of UUs convening virtually for worship. This powerful, communal worship experience will stream on Sunday, June 27, 2021 at noon ET. Members of the public are welcome to view the service.
Based on our size, our congregation is entitled to two delegates. We have one volunteer and are looking for a second. If you are interested in representing us at this year’s General Assembly, please contact one of members of the Board. The Credential Manager is now open, and we can begin distributing member delegate credentials. Credentials allow member delegates registered for GA, to vote on business matters.
May 23, 2021 4 PM on Zoom
Please join us for the Annual Meeting to be held on Zoom at 4 PM on Sunday, May 23. We will vote on the Budget for the next Fiscal Year and on the following candidates for various leadership positions. You are eligible to vote if you have been a member of MUUS for 90 days or more. Friends are welcome to join us.
Zoom here
Meeting ID: 960 2842 8691
Password: 672120
Nominating and Leadership Development Committee
2021 Slate of Nominees
Board of Trustees
Treasurer Vivian Templeton, for a two-year term
Secretary Misty Lewis, for a two-year term
Trustee at Large John Cummings, for a three-year term
Trustee at Large Judith Frances, to complete two years of term vacated by Vivian Templeton
Legacy Gifts Committee
Member Jim Templeton, for a three-year term
Nominating and Leadership Development Committee
Member Mary Lander
Member TBD
Poetry Reading Group
Thursday, May 27, 2:30 pm zoom
Award winning poet, Stanley Kunitz will be the featured poet. He served 2 terms as US Poet Laureate and his books won a National Book Away and a Pulitzer Prize. Everyone is welcome to participate in this group or simply come to listen! His poetry books have been translated into several languages.
If anyone would like further information, call or text Barb Eler, 860-485-8118.
Zooming with Circle of Gaia
May 19, 7:15 p.m.
Join us at our May 19 Zoom meeting at 7:15 p.m. to discuss The Alice Network by Kate Quinn. The Woodbury Library is now open for patrons or call to pick up your copy outside on the shelf. Just ask them for a copy that is reserved for MUUS.
Zoom here
Meeting ID: 836 3212 9257 Passcode: Gaia
Soul Circle Small Group Ministry with Rev. Tony
First Fridays of the Month at 10 -11:30 a.m.
Facilitator: Rev. Tony Lorenzen, revtonyuu@gmail.com
Here is the link to join Zoom
Description: Using the Circle of Trust format popularized by Parker Palmer, Rev. Tony facilitates reflection on the month’s spiritual theme. IMPORTANT-each month we reflect on resources that are emailed well ahead of the meeting, so the earlier you let Rev. Tony know you are interested, the more time you have the material.
NOTE – Please contact facilitator at least 24 hours ahead of scheduled date and time if you plan to attend. If there is no interest before a scheduled event time, the event will be cancelled.
SAVE THE DATE - 8/7/21
Join Barbara Roberts and her Family for a Memorial Service for her late husband George Roberts, long-time pillar of the MUUS community. More information will be available.
Wednesday, May 12
In-Person at Woodbury at Hollow Park
Friday, May 7
10:00 a.m. Soul Circle Small Group
Zoom here
Saturday, May 8
9:00 a.m. Joint Worship Committee Meeting
Zoom here
Monday, May 10
7:00 p.m. Green Sanctuary Virtual Meeting
Zoom here Meeting ID: 969 5198 3905 Password: 254560
Tuesday, May 11
7:00 p.m. Financial Management Committee
Zoom here Meeting ID: 971 2500 1555 Passcode: 053960
Wednesday, May 12
12:00 p.m. Lunch with the Minister In Person at Woodbury at Hollow Park
7:00 p.m. Communications Committee Meeting
Zoom here Meeting ID: 927 9530 0732 Passcode: 101464
Thursday, May 13
7:00 p.m. Social Justice Meeting
Zoom here Meeting ID: 987 2085 3391 Password: 513657