
Member Care Updates

Special News--May 2021

Issue 145

Member Care Updates
Expanding the global impact of member care
Working together for wellbeing and effectiveness

Special News--May 2021
Supporting Chinese Workers

Member Care for and from all Peoples

"As Christians we believe there is a purpose to human history, and that there will be a conclusion to this age. We see how God is actively involved in history to redeem humans from every nation, people group, and language (Revelation 5: 9,10). It is an “ethnê to ethnê” strategy, in which believers from different people groups reach out to other people groups, until “all of the earth is filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.” The vision is thus for all ethnic groups to be involved in cross-ethnê mission/aid." Embracing Future Directions--Ethnê to Ethnê Member Care. Global Member Care (Volume One): The Pearls an Perils of Good Practice (2011)

In this Update we are delighted to welcome Dr. Weihong Cai as the Guest Contributor. Dr. Cai shares several core perspectives to guide us into this month's focus, member care for Chinese workers, based on her extensive experience and recent doctoral dissertation (summary/link below). Thank you for your excellent work, Dr. Cai, and for joining and sharing with us all!

As you review the resources below, you will find links to several websites for supporting Chinese mission workers (sources for resources). We encourage you to share this material/Update with your colleagues, networks, and websites. We also share a concept note about the next volume in the Global Member Care book series, Stories and Strategies--All Peoples.

In the final section of this Update, we continue to include 
Perspectives and Resources for Covid Care. These materials have been compiled over the past year to support you, others in your life, and your work in mission and member care. We also acknowledge that there are of course many views about this pandemic including how best to manage it and future pandemics via science, policy, and public cooperation.

See these Member Care Updates:
--Into the Communities of Unreached Peoples 
(June 2019)
--Resources–Asia Member Care Network Conference (May 2019)
--Member Care and Unreached Peoples (April 2019)

See also:
--World Prayer Together/GO PRAY (Saturday 1 May 2021). A two hour prayer and worship event, focusing on China, India, Middle East. Promo video HERE.
--Statistics and information for people groups in China from the Joshua Project
--Asia Member Care Net Conference (25-29 April 2022)

Warm greetings,
Kelly and Michèle

 --Share your comments and resources on our MCA Facebook page 
--Send us your ideas and resources for future MC Updates
--Forward to your colleagues and networks


Featured Resources
Supporting Chinese Workers
Member Care for and from all Peoples

"Overseas Chinese are people of ethnic Chinese birth who reside outside the territories of the People's Republic of China (PRC), its special administrative regions (SARs) of Hong Kong and Macau, as well as the Republic of China (ROC or Taiwan)….There are over 50 million overseas Chinese. Most of them are living in Southeast Asia where they make up a majority of the population of Singapore (75%) and significant minority populations in Malaysia (23%), Thailand (14%) and Brunei (10%).” Overseas Chinese. WikipediaThe population of PRC is 1.4 billion and the population of ROC is 23.5 million.

See also the statistics for people groups in China from the Joshua Project


Greetings from Dr. Weihong Cai
Member Care for Chinese Mission Workers

Dear colleagues in member care and mission,
Greetings to you in Jesus’ name! I am delighted to see the focus in this Update on supporting Chinese mission workers!

My name is Weihong Cai and I am from China. I am trained and work as a family therapist. About 30 years ago, I received Jesus as my Lord through the ministry of Western mission workers. Many years later I saw some of them encountering serious issues, such as broken marital relationships, burn-out, and parenting struggles. I felt sad and confused. I did not understand why these pains were happening to those who were so godly and willing to sacrifice so much to bring the Gospel to the Chinese. This experience influenced my desire to study more and consider how best to support mission personnel.

When I started my doctoral study at Biola, my initial research topic was to explore what factors impacted Western mission workers experiencing member care. However, my Chair, Dr. Leanne Dzubinski, an experienced professor and a former cross-cultural mission worker, suggested something different. She encouraged me to study Chinese cross-culture mission workers’’ perceptions of member care because after reading my literature review it was apparent that rarely have Chinese scholars studied this topic and from a missionary’s perspective.  I am honored to share some of my findings with you and other readers who are interested in helping Chinese churches, agencies, and mission workers.  You can preview my dissertation
Chinese cross-culture mission is at a crucial stage of development. In the process of Sino-international cooperation, sending groups--both church-to-agency and agency to agency--need to have good discernment and maturity to choose mission partners thoughtfully. It continues to be very important to evaluate carefully before making important decisions and getting involved. There are more detailed recommendations in the summary of my dissertation addressed to church leaders, mission workers, and agency leaders (available in Chinese and English
HERE). I have also shared a model (meta-framework) to help guide the further development of Chinese mission and member care efforts. May we send wisely and provide member care effectively!
You can read the rest of Dr. Cai’s introduction towards the end of this Update.




我在拜欧拉读博士的时候,最初的研究课题是探讨哪些因素影响了西方宣教士对关怀的感知。然而我的导师,作为经验丰富的教授和前跨文化宣教士Leanne Dzubinski博士提出了不同的建议。她鼓励我去研究中国跨文化宣教士对宣教士关怀的认识,因为看了我的文献综述后,发现很少有中国学者从宣教士的角度来研究这个主题。我很荣幸可以与对中国教会、宣教机构和宣教士感兴趣的读者们分享我的一些研究发现,这是我论文的预览 
中国的跨文化宣教正处在至关重要的发展阶段。在中外合作的过程中,无论这种合作是教会与机构之间,还是机构与机构之间,都需要有良好的洞察力和成熟的眼光来慎重选择合作伙伴。在做出重要决定和介入之前全面评估是必要的一步。在论文的总结部分我提出一些比较详细的建议,供教会领袖、宣教工作者和机构领导们参考 (附中英文内容


Image courtesy and © 2016 ENOD


All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD.
And all the families of the nations will worship before You.

Psalm 22:27

Member Care Websites
China-Asia Member Care Projects (CHAMP)
Running to Win:
Resources for Chinese Workers


Note: many of the resources on this website are translations from articles in Doing Member Care Well (2002). There are also five case studies-personal stories by Chinese workers (written in in Chinese and English as well as audio versions in Chinese). The Pastoral Introduction, like all the materials, is in Chinese and English. The audio version is in Chinese HERE.

2. Chinese Cross-Cultural Workers
An online resource toolbox to support the well-being of Chinese Cross-Cultural Workers worldwide.

English -- 简体 -- 繁體

A window into Christianity in China and the key issues that impact the church.
Nine Best Practices for Chinese Sending Organizations
--Church-Based Models for Chinese Sending Organizations
--See also the blog series: Missions from China: A Maturing Movement

Center for Counseling and Growth--Asia
Serving mission workers and pastors.
Cross Cultural Workers 所提供。我們非常感謝, 的寶貴資源能夠讓我們使用和翻譯成中文的翻譯者。

焦慮-Anxiety, 賄賂-Bribes, 倦怠-Burnout, 同情疲勞-Compassion-Fatigue,
衝突-Conflict, 諮商-Counseling, 憂鬱-Depression

"The above articles in Traditional Chinese are translated from the English version provided generously by
Cross Cultural Workers. The original English versions are on the website."

China Member Care
A listing of core member care sites and other resources focusing on member care for Chinese-speaking workers. In progress.

6. Multicultural Mental Health Resource Center, Canada
--Chinese (Simplified)
--Chinese (Traditional)

Chinese Mission Experiences: A Step Towards A Contextualized Member Care  Model
Weihong Cai (March 2020). Based on interviews with 25 Chinese mission workers

"随着中国教会和宣教士跨文化宣教活动的日益活跃和深入,中国宣教士的精神健康、心理 健康、身体健康和人际关系健康越来越受到重视。本研究的目的在于瞭解中国宣教人员 对会员关怀的需求。本研究从系统的角度探讨中国宣教士对会员关怀的需求。25名参与者 接受了采访。采用扎根理论方法,分初始编码、聚焦编码和理论编码三个步骤对数据进行 分析。从这项研究中得出的核心发现是:中国宣教士在四个相互作用的生态系统中的经历 揭示了发展中国宣教士关怀模式的必要性。这四个系统分别是:(1)生态系统,它由时 间系统构成,是指中国宣教所处的发展阶段; (2)宏观体系,即中国文化; (3)外系统 ,即宣教士工作的跨文化环境; 最后是中系统,也就是宣教士,派遣教会,和宣教机构之间的相互作用。这四个系统在一个相互影响的过程中相互作用,从他们的相互作用能看到发展处中国宣教士关怀模式的必要性,从而使中国宣教和宣教士能够健康和发展。本研究 通过后设架构图来检查不同系统之间的相互作用是如何影响参与者对会员关怀的需求的理 解。这一模式有助于教会、宣教机构和宣教士了解他们之间的互动以及他们与环境的互动如何影响中国跨文化宣教士对成员关怀的 知。本研究也为有兴趣发展适合中国宣教士关怀模式的学者提出了新的角度."

"With the growing enthusiasm and involvement of Chinese churches and missionaries for cross-cultural missions, more and more attention has been paid to the Chinese cross-cultural missionaries’ spiritual, psychological, physical, and relational wellness. The purpose of this grounded theory study was to understand and explain Chinese missionaries’ member care needs. This study explored Chinese missionaries’ member care needs from a systems perspective. Twenty-five participants were interviewed. Grounded theory methods were used to analyze the data using three steps of coding: initial coding, focused coding, and theoretical coding. The central understanding to emerge from this study is that Chinese missionaries’ experiences in four interacting ecological systems revealed the need for a Chinese model of member care. The ecological system is composed of the chronosystem, meaning the current developmental stage of Chinese mission; the macrosystem, meaning Chinese culture from which missionaries originate; the exosystem, meaning the cross-cultural setting in which missionaries work; and finally, the mesosystem, meaning the interactions between missionaries, sending churches, and mission agencies. All four layers of the environment interact in a mutually influential process and result in a need for a Chinese model of member care to enable Chinese missionaries to flourish. A meta-framework was introduced to examine how the interactions between various systems impact the participants’ understanding of member care needs. This model is useful in helping churches, mission agencies, and missionaries to understand how the interactions between them and their interaction with the environment impact the Chinese cross-cultural missionary’s perception of member care. This study also makes unique contributions to the scholars who are interested in developing the appropriate member care models for Chinese missionaries."

Note: You can read a six-page summary of the dissertation with recommendations and a diagram of the member care model HERE (in Chinese and English, China Member Care website) and access a preview of the entire dissertation HERE.

More Perspectives from Dr. Weihong Cai

In the past year, I have been looking for online resources to find out what kind of member care resources are available to churches and mission in China (because many Chinese mission workers can't access Google). In the process, I found that most resources in the Chinese language are relatively simple. As for the self-help methods provided, the mission workers would need additional knowledge and abilities to effectively use these resources. Most of the Chinese mission workers do not have enough basic knowledge to meet the needs based on what I've found through the interviews. Therefore, I spend most of my time designing courses related to mission care, some for pastors, some for agency leaders, and most of the courses for are mission workers.  The reason for doing so is based on the understanding of the special Chinese mission developmental stage and characteristics of mission workers, as well as the structure and theology of the Chinese churches.
This is the third wave of Chinese Cross Culture Evangelical Mission. I truly hope what we do today will bridge the Western resources and the needs of Chinese mission workers to improve their life and ministry in their mission fields. I hope all these contributions may direct Chinese mission workers to the river of relevant resources, where they can take what they need and integrate it with their own culture for the development of their work.
For the peoples of our world and for our Lord’s glory,
Weihong Cai




Going Further--Into the Future
Global Member Care (Volume 3)
Stories and  Strategies--All Peoples

To be developed with several co-editors
Ideas welcome:

Concept Note--Proposal (excerpts)
Book three in the Global Member Care series, Stories and Strategies--All Peoplesis part of an ongoing effort to shape and support the field of member care. It is designed to further equip the diversity of people around the world who have member care responsibility, including leaders, colleagues, friends, professional caregivers, trainers, and sending groups.

Why is this book necessary? The unique contribution of All Peoples is ethnê to ethnê member care— member care for/from all peoples (E2MC). Most of the material fits into two broad areas: a) case studies, personal stories, and ministry descriptions about member care for workers among/from the less reached people groups (LPGs); b) examples of mission/aid and other efforts to help vulnerable humans in LPG regions. What are some of the resources/practices and challenges/problems that affect “ethne to ethne” member care? The book will include previously written materials as well as new material that can help us listen to and learn from “our global voices.”

Kelly and Mich
èle O'Donnell

Covid Care
Reflections and Resources
Don't fear. Trust God. Do good.

Image courtesy and ©2021 JMLOD

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38,39 NIV

Covid care: 
Promoting and maintaining resilience and wellbeing for all persons and peoples
(ranging from informal services to formal policies, local through global)
during the multi-faceted challenges of COVID-19 and beyond.


1. Reflections
Pandemics, like many crises, bring out the best and the worst in us--our selfless and our selfish qualities. The reality of the uncertainties and anxieties of life, and indeed survival--existential risk, "mortality reality"--is heavy upon the world. Positively, the current COVID-19 pandemic certainly provides plenty of opportunities for us all--individually and collectively--to reflect on the types of people we want to be, the types of societies we need to build, and the types of changes we have to make.

We join together in solidarity with the world community's efforts, locally through globally, on behalf of covid-care and in hopes to stir up the heroic in all of us. We also note that the many overlapping problems in our world continue unabated--pandemics themselves--even as this covid pandemic dominates the center stage globally: multi-dimensional poverty, protracted violence, human rights violations, gross inequalities, racism, mental ill health, environmental degradation, etc. This is the ongoing, cascading context--full of challenges and opportunities--in which member care resources need to be provided and developed for workers and their sending groups around the world. And from our faith-based perspective, as co-workers with God engaged in the many areas of “
humanity care,” we live and work for God’s glory. 

Our recent Updates below are compiled for helping ourselves and others with covid care. Examples of issues/resources: anxiety, trauma, depression, confinement, loneliness, loss, grief, relationship strains, coping for children, work insecurities, spiritual struggles, uncertainty/concerns about what is going on, etc. Have a look!

2. Resources for Covid Care

--Sojourning with Prayer and Praise...during the pandemic and beyond
Member Care Update (February 2021)
--Grieving Well--Healing Well: Resources for Growing through Loss
Global Integration Update (November 2020)
--Tough Times: Tougher People:  Best selves--Better world
Global Integration Update (October 2020)
Uniting for Covid-Care: Real-Life Ordinary Heroes
Member Care Update (September 2020)
Doing Good: Positive Stories in the Pandemic
Member Care Update (August 2020)
Staying the Course in Global Member Care: Pandemics, Problems, and Beyond
Member Care Update (July 2020)
Managing Stress and COVID-Distress: Faith-Based Resources
Member Care Update (June 2020)
Staying Sane during COVID-19: Mental Health Resources 
Member Care Update (May 2020)
Confronting COVID-19: “Don’t Be Afraid” 
Member Care Update (April 2020)

See also these resources:

--Lausanne Global Analysis (January 2021):
>Building Hope and Resilience in the COVID-19 Storm
>Faith, Health, and Collaborative Love
--Morning Prayer during COVID-19, World Council of Churches
--2020 Year in Review: The Impact of COVID-19 in 12 Charts, World Bank (6 languages)
--Curated COVID-19 Resources, SentWell
Covid-19 Impact Survey (on missions, 141 organizations, USA based)
 Missio Nexus (Nov. 2020)
Covid Resources, Humanitarian Disaster Institute, Wheaton College
--Global Health COVID-19 Response Framework, World Council of Churches (Nov 2020)
WHO COVID-19 Resources and Guidance, World Health Organization

Member Care Associates

Member Care Associates Inc. (MCA) is a Christian non-profit organization working internationally and across sectors. We focus on personnel development for mission, humanitarian, development, and health workers and their organizations; global mental health; ethics and good practice; and integrity/anti-corruption. Our services include consultation, training, research, developing resources, and publications.
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Our Special News-Updates 1) promote the wellbeing and effectiveness (WE) of staff and sending groups and 2) support the diversity of colleagues with member care responsibilities. The focus is on the mission sector with applications for/from the overlapping health, development, and humanitarian sectors.
Global Integration (GI) is a framework for responsibly and actively engaging in our world--collaborating locally through globally for God's glory. It encourages connecting relationally and contributing relevantly on behalf of human wellbeing and the issues facing humanity, in light of our integrity and core values (e.g., ethical, humanitarian, human rights, faith-based). See more perspectives about GI HERE.
You can share your comments and resources
on our
MCA Facebook Page


Copyright ©2021 Member Care Associates, Inc.

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The material and information in these Updates are shared as a service to the community and should not be seen as an endorsement by MCA or as a substitute for professional medical and/or mental health advice. 

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