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Greetings Holy Spirit Parish!
Welcome to the Sixth Week of Easter!

We continue to pray for our parishioners and an end to the COVID pandemic.

CONGRATULATIONS to our First Communicants, Confirmandi and RCIA Candidates!

Let us come together in prayer and celebration for our young people who have or will receive their First Holy Communion and the gift of the Holy Spirit through the sacrament of Confirmation here at Holy Spirit Parish!

Please continue to keep these students in your prayers!

Before Communion « St. Michael's Byzantine Catholic ChurchO Jesus, You have loved us with such exceedingly great love as to give us the ineffable gifts of the Holy Eucharist and the Holy Spirit, inflame us with a burning zeal to promote Your glory by praying for our students who have prepared worthily to approach Your holy table for the first time and to invoke your Holy Spirit. Protect, O Sacred Heart of Jesus, these beautiful souls from the assaults of evil, strengthen their faith, increase their love and endow them with all the virtues that will make them worthy to receive Your marvelous gifts. Amen.

For your convenience, both weekend Masses (4pm, Sat & 11am, Sun) at Sacred Heart will be livestreamed this weekend so the families of our First Communicants and our parish community can witness our young parish members receive this beautiful sacrament.

----> Link to all livestreamed events <----

Use the button below to access your nomination form or pick one up this weekend in the back of any of our churches. Please submit your form online or return your printed form to the parish office by Monday, May 17th. 

THANK YOU to all who have submitted your updates and changes! If you've not yet done so, please click the link below to send us your information!

The Parish office will be conducting a census update in a stepped out process.


If you have moved and changed your HOME address, please let us know!

Simply click this link to give us your most up-to-date information!

Thank you for taking a moment to ensure we can connect with our most important asset -- YOU!
FORMation Inspiration with

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  1. Visit
  2. Enter our parish’s zip code or name.
  3. Enter your name and email.
Religious Education & Sacramental Prep Updates

First Eucharist
Please pray for all of our young parishioners receiving their First Holy Communion this weekend!

Religious Education Summer Activities
Encountering Christ Through the Corporal Works of Mercy
Cathedral of Saint Raphael, Holy Spirit and Saint Patrick’s Parishes
June 14 -25, 2021
Location: Cathedral of Saint Raphael 

This program is being offered June 14-25.  It is scheduled from 9 - noon every day with a possible afternoon/evening session Wed June 23 to help serve a sack dinner at Saint Patrick’s Church. 

This program will be geared toward grades 1 - 8, with high schoolers, college students, and adults working as small groups leaders. The theme for the two weeks is Encountering Christ through the Corporal Works of Mercy.  

The Corporal Works of Mercy that we will emphasize in two day cycles include:
  • Feed the Hungry
  • Give Drink to the Thirsty
  • Clothe the Naked
  • Shelter the Homeless, and
  • Visit the Sick.

Each day will consist of Scripture and prayer, speakers, activities on and off campus, group/individual reflection, and journaling. Sign up through:

$150 for one child
$250 for two children
$300 for three or more children
Scholarships will be available based on need

For more information, please contact Jan Thyne at or by phone at the Cathedral of Saint Raphael: 563.582.7646 or Holy Spirit: 563.583.1709

A Note from Patrick, Director of Worship
Dear All:
I hope you and your families continue to be in good health! What a blessing to be able to come together to celebrate Mass for the continuation of the Easter Season! Happy Easter, Alleluia! Due to many ministers staying home for various legitimate health and safety reasons this means many of you are serving each week to help; please know how grateful I am for all of you who are serving every week! Moving through the Easter season there will be an ongoing number of changes to the ministries, exciting to have Cantor lead singing again!
It is that time again to start thinking of the Summer schedule, June-August 2021. Please send me your updates to availability via this email, the parish phone, (563) 583-1709 ext.313, or at Moving through the Summer, Ordinary Time, there will be an ongoing number of changes to the ministries and the Mass as a whole; we will always let you know if/when we make any updates. As I begin in our intro to Mass, “We will do our best to adhere to the guidelines from our Archdiocese as we celebrate our liturgy today maintaining with a heart of charity the changes caused by the corona virus pandemic.”
**Reminder for Musicians ---> Father Steve, Nicole, and I are hosting an in-service training tonight! The session will begin at 6PM at Sacred Heart Church.
The Easter Seasons schedules are posted and live! Please continue sending me any updates to your availability for the Easter Season, all the way to Corpus Christi (April 1-June 6th)! For those without computer access I will send snail mail copies, 1 per household. We will continue our modifications, additions, through the Easter season: one cantor/ singer, and depending on the Mass Extraordinary Ministers (*most Masses will still not have Ems, but on the busier Masses where no Deacon is present, we will reach out on a week-by-week basis!). So exciting!! Over the next few weeks all things are subject to change, additions or subtractions. This does not mean that Covid-19 is over; we will have a modified approach of minimal singing, Cantor ONLY (cantor will sing the hymns, Gloria, Psalm, and Alleluia). Also, important, we have added more pews in each of the churches to accommodate more people, and other factors; you will now see only 1 pew taped off in between sitting areas. Please know you are in my prayers. Thank you all for your continued service to each of your churches and to Holy Spirit Parish!
If you are unable to make your Mass time, please click on sub request and/or let me know at least 2 days in advance. For all ministers across the board please be at least 20-30 minutes early to Mass. Especially in these trying times, thank you for all your continued service to Holy Spirit Parish. As Father Steve and I do all that we can to maintain the guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese and Archbishop Michael, we thank you for your patience and understanding!
 Notes on MSP emails and App: I know there are issues with the new MSP emails; please double check all inboxes as these emails sometimes go to other inboxes. If an email is delivered to the Promotions tab, you can click and drag it to the primary inbox. Once you move one message, the others will no longer be marked as promotions so they will go to the primary inbox! The phone app has been updated! To access the updated app, volunteers should click Update for the MSP app in the App Store or Google Play and then click Open. Doing so will allow you to regain access to your account. If for any reason they do not get access, please simply close and reopen the app, or click the “reload” link if they experience an error code. 
Many prayers and blessings to you and yours,  

Patrick J. 

Sunday Reflection from Father Steve Garner

Reflection | Sixth Sunday of Easter | May 9, 2021

In this weekend’s Gospel, we hear Jesus saying, “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit that will remain.”

We sometimes tend to believe the opposite. It’s not unusual for us to think, “I have chosen to be a Christian,” and then to imagine that the process really started with us, that it was our initiative, our decision to believe, our act of faith that got the ball rolling in our spiritual life. Of course our decision is important, but Jesus reminds us that He is actually the one who took the first step. He chose us. He called and invited us to be among His followers and friends. As the second reading tells us, “God sent His only Son into the world so that we might have life through Him.” That happened first. The next step is ours, to accept this life that is offered to us through our own act of faith.

The other part of this equation is that, as Jesus tells us, we have been chosen for a mission. This isn’t all just about our personal faith and our relationship with Him. He calls us to know and love Him, and when we respond, we are “appointed” to be fruitful in the world. We are supposed to live our faith in such a way that something valuable, beautiful, and useful come from it. Jesus sends us to make the world a better place, not in a vague, feel-good, fluffy way but in a real, concrete way. He equips us to bear fruit that will remain. This isn’t superficial or flighty. The work we do in the world--whether it be alleviating the suffering of the sick and poor, evangelizing those who do not know about the gift of salvation, raising our children to be faithful Christians, or carrying out our career with integrity and generosity—all of this is meant to be the effect of our response to the call that Jesus gave us.
I wish everyone a blessed week and a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers out there!

Together is a monthly bulletin from the Archdiocese of Dubuque.
Each month, Together  will feature messages from Archbishop Jackels as well as initiatives and happenings from around the archdiocese.
Click on the link above to read the January edition.

Prayer Resources

ONLINE MASS (Pre-recorded)
Opportunities for online Mass with the Archbishop will continue to be available. Click the button below for the broadcast schedule. 


Please visit these websites for resources for your daily prayer life or other prayer opportunities:

Please refer to the Archdiocesan webpage for family resources during COVID-19.

Archdiocese Live Broadcasts

Prayer and Intention for the week

Let us pray with intention this week for ALL Mothers!

Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers! May God bless you abundantly!

Loving God,
as a mother gives life and nourishment

to her children,
so you watch over your Church.
Bless our mother.
Let the example of her faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, her family,
may honor her always
with a spirit of profound respect.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.

Enjoy the latest edition of the Family Matters newsletter here!

Recent Updates & Reminders

REQUIRED for attending Mass at Holy Spirit

Masks are REQUIRED to attend Mass at Holy Spirit Parish. If you do not have a mask, there are some available at the church entrances. Also, as the number of Mass attendees increases there is a chance we may need to turn people away so as to maintain recommended social distancing guidelines. 

Parish Office Closure
Due to COVID-19, the Parish Office will remain closed to walk-ins for your health and the health of our staff. We will still keep reduced office hours (8am-noon, Monday-Friday) for the time being, so if you need to speak with someone, please call 563-583-1709 and we will be happy to help!  If you have something to turn in to the office, please place it inside the front storm door at the parish office in the locked depository box on the left under the shelf. We will retrieve items during business hours.

Guidelines for Attending Mass at Holy Spirit Parish

Please review the following guidelines implemented for the celebration of public Mass until further notice.

  • All (including children) must wear masks before, during, and following Mass (while in church/parking lot areas). The CDC recommends children under the age of two do not wear a mask; please refrain from bringing children under the age of two to Mass until restrictions have been lifted.
  • Seating will be limited; please sit only in open (untaped/unroped) pews minding social distancing guidelines; please do not disturb, change placement of or remove blue tape or rope on pews
  • Once pews are filled we will be at capacity and admittance will cease, pews may not be held or saved for others
  • Families or those living in the same household may sit together in a pew; if room permits, others may enter the same pew IF proper distance is available. Families living in different households must maintain proper social distancing guidelines.
  • Church pews, handrails, kneelers, door handles, high use areas, etc. will be sanitized after each Mass
  • Holy Water fonts and cisterns will be remain empty
  • Sanitizer will be available at all church entrances
  • Rest rooms (in churches) will be available and sanitized following Mass
  • Church halls (Kriebs, Terence, and Paraclete) will be CLOSED during Mass, including the rest rooms located in those halls
  • All printed materials (including the bulletins) will be removed from churches, please refer to the parish website to view the weekly bulletin
  • There will be no missalettes or music issues available for use in pews
  • Social distancing must be observed (at least six feet apart) in church and parking lot areas
  • Please refrain from singing during Mass
  • There will be no (or very limited) liturgical ministers
  • Please refrain from greeting or gathering before and/or after Mass in church and/or parking lot areas
  • There will be no collection during Mass, collection boxes will be placed at church entrances
  • There will be no offertory/gift procession
  • Please avoid physical contact during the Our Father and Sign of Peace
  • Only the Precious Body will be offered at Communion and placed only in the hand (not on the tongue)
  • There will be no distribution of the Precious Blood
  • Logistics are still being considered for each location concerning the distribution of Holy Communion. NOTE: Priests will begin by bringing Communion to the people in the pews and adjust if need be as we proceed.
Please keep in mind these other important points when considering attending Mass:
  1.  The coronavirus is still with us. Following social distancing guidelines in regard to gathering for a liturgy or a devotional in church will result in less space, reducing greatly the number of people who can attend. 
  2. Dispensation from the obligation to participate in Sunday Mass and holy days will remain in effect until further notice, most likely until a vaccine is available.
  3. Please refrain from attending if you are sick, were recently sick (in the past 14 days), or have an underlying medical condition; or, if you are concerned about contracting COVID-19 or live with or care for someone who is at higher risk due to underlying medical conditions or advanced age, or is sick. Additionally, those who are frail due to advanced age, are under the age of two, and those who work in a high risk profession should abstain from attending Mass.
  4. Daily Mass will be offered each day (regular schedule) with the same restrictions.
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