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May 2021

Little Acorn Creations

handmade accessories for heart & home
 Hi <<First Name>>!
At the start of each month I write about a topic that's been on my mind, share new patterns and/or items available for purchase, links I've found interesting, and a summary of recent blog posts. And because I know what everyone really cares about, a cat photo or two.

On my Mind

Allergies can cause the best laid plans to come to a grinding halt. There were grand ambitions for last month that were thwarted after I tangled with some English Ivy while doing yardwork. Yes English (Common) Ivy. The sap contains an allergen, falcarinol, which is also found in carrots (without causing an effect)! Thankfully it's not itchy like poison ivy (that is caused by an oily resin called urushiol), but it was not pleasant until I healed.

While I gardened in long sleeves, of course there was a gap at my wrist between my work gloves and my shirt. Knitting work slowed because it was a challenge to find a comfortable way to use my wrists and create.


As you look around my website, you'll find a growing collection of tools available for purchase. This has been in the works for several years and it's time to get the inventory out of my studio so I can have space for making new things.

I ship most items via USPS Priority mail and if you spend $100 or more you can unlock free shipping!

I also understand it's nice to have choices in where to purchase your digital patterns. For multiple reasons, sales on my site are limited to customers in the United States. If you are based internationally, you can find my patterns on Payhip and Lovecrafts as well as on Ravelry.

I'm also working on making my PDF patterns more accessible. I thank you for your patience and please contact me if you have questions or concerns.

Useful Tools

Dot Grid Notebooks
Rhodiarama Sewn Spine A5 Dot Grid Notebook - $13.50

Keep your project notes close at hand in this slim notebook. The soft & bright flexible covers make these Rhodiarama notebooks irresistible.
Project Planning Grid sample
Project Planning Grid - $3

This PDF can guide your project thoughts and planning. It is also available at payhip.

Favorite Designs

Mendelian is knit in LGF Suri Sock. PDF pattern available at little acorn creations, payhip, and Ravelry.
Blue Gems Capelet is crocheted in Artyarns Merino Cloud. PDF pattern available at little acorn creations,
payhip, and ravelry.

Link Break

Taking breaks allows your brain to rest and avoid mental fatigue. Here are some links to provide a short rest.

From the Notebook Archive

I publish a new blog post every other Friday. Here are a few recent posts:

Happy Cat

They're doing utility work on my street so the cats like to hang out in my studio during the day where it's quieter. Shadow loves to claim the windowsill, especially if it's a dreary day and I turn the heater on.
Thank you for reading. I hope you found this newsletter useful. If you think someone else would find it helpful, please consider forwarding it. If this is your first time reading the newsletter, welcome. You can read previous issues and subscribe here

Finally, if you need to venture outside, please do so safely. Sign up to be vaccinated as soon as you're able -- and get both doses if applicable. Continue be mindful about wearing a mask (cover your nose), maintain social distancing, and wash your hands.

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