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Carpentries Clippings, 5 May 2021

Tweet of The Week

Katrina Trewin @trewkat 
Proud to say I’ve just been certified as an instructor with @thecarpentries- first female instructor for @westernsydneyuand second staff member to complete the process
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Community News & Updates from Our Committees / Task Forces

100 Carpentries Member Organisations - THANK YOU! 
The Carpentries recently reached a momentous milestone-- we have 100 member organisations. Thank you to our entire community for your support. If you have ever attended or taught a workshop, added feedback to a lesson, shared something about The Carpentries on social media, or any of the other amazing things our community has done, you are to thank for this milestone.

African Carpentries Community Monthly Meetups
The African Carpentries Community monthly meetups have been running since 2017. In these calls,  community members discuss topics that are of interest to Carpentries instructors in the African context, including available resources, opportunities, events, and more. You are welcome to join our next community call on 27 May 2021 12:00 - 13:00 SAST/10:00-11:00 UTC. You can register your interest to attend in our Etherpad. To join the conversation about The Carpentries in Africa, sign up at Topicbox and join the Slack channel #african-carpentries.

Highlights from the Carpentries Community Calendar

Community Discussions and Themed Discussions in The Carpentries are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on community calls that may pique your interest and are in a befitting hour depending on your timezone and schedule. You can also watch some of our recorded community calls on our YouTube channel.
  • Carpentries Community Discussion with Angelique van Rensburg: 10 May, 10:00 UTC
  • Carpentries Community Discussion with SherAaron Hurt: 10 May, 15:00 UTC
  • Carpentries Community Discussion with Sarah Stevens: 18 May, 14:00 UTC
If you have suggestions for topics for our next themed discussion sessions, please consider filling out the The Carpentries Community Discussions: Call for Themed Discussion & Carpentries Conversation Facilitators Form with your ideas

What You May Have Missed on The Carpentries Blog

Library Carpentry's Journey: Seeding the Future
In this post, Al Obayuwana and Catherine Nancarrow highlight Library Carpentry's expansion, partly funded and supported by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to the California Digital Library

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Introducing Michael Culshaw-Maurer
In this post, The Carpentries welcomes Dr. Michael Culshaw-Maurer as a joint postdoctoral researcher with CyVerse, including a message from Michael

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Core Team 'Acc-athon' to Add Alt Text Across Carpentries Curricula 
In this post, Core Team members Karen Word and Kelly Barnes highlight  the Core Team 'Acc-athon' at the end of March led by Erin Becker to add and improve alt text across Carpentries Lessons.

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Teaching Tips from The Carpentries Instructor Trainers
“Work on improving your tolerance for "awkward" silences after you ask what questions learners have: you will be amazed how often someone will ask something *just* after you become convinced that it is okay to move on. And allow even more time if you are expecting questions in the Zoom chat.”

The Incubator Lesson Spotlight

The Incubator Lesson Spotlight is a regular feature in The Carpentries blog and Carpentries Clippings newsletter, highlighting the great work our community is doing to develop new lessons in The Carpentries Incubator. Developers of any lesson in the Incubator are encouraged to submit details about their material for inclusion in the series.

This edition’s featured lesson is Python for Business
Learn more about this lesson

If you would like to increase the visibility of your lesson and encourage Carpentries community members to contribute to its ongoing development, fill in this short form.

Community Opportunity Postings

Toolshed (Posts from Our Past)

In May of 2020, Instructors from the first Centrally-Organised online workshop in The Carpentries wrote a blog post summarising their learnings.
The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and donations, and donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!
Donate to The Carpentries
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