
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Central Asia, China, Climate, Defense, Digital, Economy, Europe, EU, Germany, Global, History, India, Indo-Pacific, Infrastructure, Middle East, Montenegro, Russia, Trade, UK, US

History Rethinking the Past, Francis J. Gavin, War on the Rocks

Global - The great divide: science booms while politics bomb, Moisés Naím, El País
US -  Liz Cheney: The GOP is at a turning point. History is watching us. Elizabeth Cheney, Washington Post
US Losing No Time, Jessica T. Mathews, New York Review of Books
US/Central Asia - U.S. Bases in Central Asia: Where Will They Go? James Durson,
US/China/Infrastructure - Biden Wants to Replicate China’s Infrastructure Miracle, Yukon Huang, Foreign Policy
US/EUTransatlantic Relations After Biden’s First 100 Days, Erik Brattberg, Carnegie Endowment
US/EU/Defense - US to join EU project on military mobility, Jacopo Barigazzi, Politico
EU/Montenegro - The EU’s Montenegro Dilemma, Majda Ruge and Vladimir Shopov, ECFR
EU/India - The EU-India Summit: Why Relations Will Remain at Sea, John-Joseph Wilkins and Roderick Parkes, DGAP
EU/Digital - Taming ‘Big Tech’: How the Digital Markets Act should identify gatekeepers, Zach Meyers, Centre for European Reform
Germany/Climate - Germany pledges to become climate neutral by 2045, Nikolaus Kurmeyer, Euractiv
Germany/Indo-Pacific - Germany’s Indo-Pacific frigate may send unclear message, Hans Kundnani and Michito Tsuruoka, Chatham House
Germany/Europe/Economy - Germany’s Debt Brake and Europe’s Fiscal Stance After COVID-19, Shahin Vallée, Jérémie Cohen-Setton and Dominik Buhl, DGAP
UK - Why Brexit is a double-edged sword for the Scottish National Party, Esther Webber, Politico
Trade/ChinaAll the Tea in China: Solving the ‘China Problem’ at the WTO, Petros C. Mavroidis and Andre Sapir, Global Policy
Russia/Middle East Russia in the Middle East: National Security Challenges for the United States and Israel in the Biden Era, Wilson Center/Institute for Policy and Strategy/IDC Herzliya

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