

Hi all,

I hope you've had a great week so far and are glad that it's Friday. :)
Here's your Fun Fact Friday to end the week with some extra pizazz. Enjoy!

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Fun fact 1
Energy status determines muscle protein synthesis, not only amino acid availability and mTOR activation (R). That's why it's important to be in a high-energy state (with optimal thyroid function and micronutrient stores), which is different from being in a caloric surplus.

Fun fact 2
The brain uses about 20% of the total calories that you consume. Let's say you consume 2500 calories per day, then your brain will use about 500 calories. That's around 21 calories per hour at rest. During work, there can be a 3.5-4 fold increase in calorie expenditure. And let's say that someone can only "use their brain" maximally, for work, for 3-4 hours. Trust me, if you really work for 3 hours, you're pretty much done, and keep in mind that 3 hours of quality work on a daily basis is actually much more than what people do in 8 hour working days. Try recording your work productivity in an excel sheet and you'll see what I mean.

Let's multiply 21 with 4, and you get 84 calories per hour. Multiply that by 3 hours and you get 256 extra calories per day, with a total of 756 calories per day. Total energy expenditure of the brain is most likely more since other tasks such as buying groceries, driving home, working out, building a puzzle, and so on, all take extra brainpower.

That's why it's so important to remain properly fueled if you want to be able to perform optimally mentally and remain in a good and energized mood.

Fun fact 3
The brain "protective"/neuroprotective effect of estrogen is shown to be progesterone dependant (R, R).

Fun fact 4
Testosterone can sometimes worsen epileptic episodes and aromatase inhibitors are known to prevent this. Estrogen has been found to promote epileptic episodes since it inhibits the synthesis of GABA and promotes the actions of glutamate.

The perfect health trilogy

Earthing combined with sunlight and proper breathing.
In a compromised state where we're stressed, hypothyroid, nutrient deficient, etc., we have elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS). When ROS stays elevated chronically, inflammation takes place followed by degeneration and disease.

ROS is highly water-loving (hydrophilic) and increases the water viscosity in a cell. This increased viscosity inhibits the proper function of the ATPase complex, which creates ATP in the electron transport chain. More ROS = more viscosity = reduced ATP and more ROS.
Since we as humans consist of more than 70% water, this is a big deal.

When you ground yourself, free electrons flow into the body from the earth and neutralizes ROS, as ROS are molecules with an "electron deficiency" so to speak. Antioxidants donate an electron to a free radical, thus neutralizing it. Same thing with grounding.
This reduction in ROS through grounding will then make water less viscous and allow for better ATP production in a cell, thus preventing degeneration. 

Sunlight is a great source of red and infrared light (R & IRL), both of which reduce the viscosity of the water in the cell, thus reducing ROS and increasing ATP production. R & IRL are also great for increasing the production of intracellular melatonin, which will further help to protect against the ROS excess.

Finally, breathing. Hyperventilating is a sure way of getting rid of protective carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body. CO2 has many benefits some of which include being the rate-limited factor for tissue oxygenation, keeping serotonin low and protecting proteins and lipids against oxidation, and reducing ROS. When we're stressed, or when serotonin is chronically elevated, breathing is stimulated and too much CO2 is exhaled. This leads to an increase in free serotonin (which promotes vascular permeability, vasoconstriction (think high blood pressure and asthma) and inflammation), and tissue hypoxia. When there isn't enough oxygen getting to cells for prolonged periods of time (aka hypoxia), then that creates the perfect environment for the formation of tumors.

Proper breathing, such as 4-1-8-1 (4 sec in, 1 sec hold, 8 sec exhale, 1 sec hold), is great for retaining CO2 and activating the parasympathetic nervous system (thanks Alex for introducing me to this breathing technique).

Combining it all
Each of these modalities are potent on their own, but even more so when combined. I recommend having 1-2 cups of fruit juice and then going outside, sitting on the grass in the sunlight if possible, and then doing 4-1-8-1 breathing for 10-20 min. This is a phenomenal way of reducing stress, lowering serotonin, ROS and inflammation and clearing your mind. You'll notice that you'll be able to think of new possibilities and outcomes after doing such a session.

You can also walk barefoot in the sun out in nature while focusing on your breathing. Alternatively, if you're pressed for time or don't have access to nature, then a grounding mat/sheet combined with R & IRL and breathing should do the trick.

Feel free to share this knowledge with others anywhere you find necessary (with credit given where due :)
I'll make a youtube vid and possibly an article on this as well next week.


Alpha Energy Course is almost finished!

I finally sat my ass down and finished recording the whole Alpha Energy Course. I'm now in the process of editing and then it's done! So hopefully in the next 2 weeks, depending on how long it takes me to finish the sale's page lol.
If all goes well, it should be released in the next 3 weeks. Super pumped about this as I'm really proud of how it came out.

The design of the course looks fantastic (thanks to my wife). And every bit of info in the course is a step-by-step guide to help you move in the right direction with easy and applicable strategies. No unnecessary info, just the most important parts. I tried trimming off as much as possible to make it as effective as I possibly can. No thinking..."Ok, that was interesting...but what should I do with all this info?" More like..."This is exactly what I need help with and these are the steps that will help me solve my issue. Hoorah!"  :D

The whole Alpha Energy course is about optimizing your energy...your Alpha Energy. How you feel on a daily basis. The goal is to improve how you feel in order to and enjoy life to its fullest. If we focus on the right things, we get the best bang for our buck and the best years out of our life!

A saying I really like is: "The most precious resource we have is not time, but energy." If we don't have the energy, or the right energy, we can't do the things we want in the time we have. Time becomes irrelevant if we don't have energy.
And it's not just energy as in feeling energetic, but also motivated, happy, confident, etc., because you need those aspects to achieve anything worthwhile with the time that we have.

This is what I'm super passionate about, being able to enjoy my life to the fullest and have no regrets, and for that, you have to have Alpha Energy!

If you're one of the many who have been waiting in anticipation for this course to be released and would like to be one of the first to know when it's available, shoot me an email by replying to this newsletter by letting me know that you're interested and I'll be sure to add your name to the list of the people who will be the first to know when this course is officially available!

New hatchlings this week

Podcast YT vids If you enjoy reading my articles and find them informative, please don't forget to share this content with others so that they can benefit from the information as well.

Quote of the week

"If you are unwilling to question your beliefs, you will never know if you are following the truth or lies."
– Unknown


That's it for today guys. Hope you all have a great weekend and stay frosty! ;)

- Hansius

P.S. If you would like to give me some feedback e.g. what you found interesting, or give any suggestions, maybe of things that you think I might find interesting; let me know by replying to this email.

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