Michael Lewis Groden

May 30, 1947-March 25, 2021

Upcoming Commemorations

James Joyce Society
a virtual presentation

Groden in Focus: The Genesis of a Textual Scholar
Alison Armstrong

Contributing Editor: Irish 
Author:  The Joyce of Cooking
Faculty: School of Visual Arts

Friday, April 30, 2021
6:30 EDT

A small $7 contribution is required of visitors.


The James Joyce Foundation 

The 27th International James Joyce Symposium
June 14-18, 2021
Omniscientific Joyce 

a virtual presentation

sponsored by the Trieste Joyce School – Università degli studi di Trieste with the support of the English department at University of Massachusetts, Amherst 

The Necessary Fiction: A Panel on the Memoir of Michael Groden


Morris Beja | Ohio State University (co-moderator)
Austin Briggs | Hamilton College (co-moderator)
Valérie Bénéjam | University of Nantes
Maud Ellmann | University of Chicago
Anne Fogarty | University College Dublin
Margot Norris | University of California Irvine
Paul Saint-Amour | University of Pennsylvania

Date and time during this Bloomsweek to be announced

Minimal  fee for membership in the James Joyce Foundation required. 

Join the foundation to tune in for this special session

Memorial contributions may be made in his memory at 
The Michael Groden Fund for the UB James Joyce Collection


Read The Power of Paying it  Backward
at MacLean's Magagine

Physician Jillian Horton remembers one of her most influential teachers and friend, Michael Groden, and the small creative gambles he made possible

Some Words from Molly 

With love and sadness, I share the news of the death of my husband of twenty-nine years, and friend of sixty years, Distinguished Professor Emeritus Michael Lewis Groden

As you may know, Mike and I first became aware of each other when we were thirteen years old in English classes across the hall in grade eight.  By the time we were sixteen, we were boyfriend and girlfriend.  We lasted through our freshman years, Mike at Dartmouth College. Then we broke up for nineteen years.  The fall after our breakup, Mike found the other Molly:  Molly Bloom, as well as a life-long model in Leopold Bloom in James Joyce’s novel Ulysses.  Since that age, he never stopped reading what has been called the novel of the twentieth century and has shared his lucid discoveries about the novel’s structure and the humanity of its characters with scholars and the general audience ever since.  This includes his PhD dissertation at Princeton University (which became his first book Ulysses in Progress); his editorship of the 63-volume James Joyce Archive; his position as a Professor of English at Western University in London, Ontario, for forty years; and his quarter century of James Joyce seminars at the Unterberg Poetry Center of the 92Y in New York City, where he lectured until three weeks before his death. 

He was a member of The Royal Society of Canada, recipient of an honorary D.Litt degree from University College Dublin, and the Hellmuth Prize for Research. Mike was closely associated with the international James Joyce Conferences, and he acted as a consultant to the National Library of Ireland in the acquisition of important Joyce manuscripts.  He also ventured into literary theory and used his ingenious organizational talents to co-edit The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory.  More recently he was the author of Ulysses in Focus and a memoir, The Necessary Fiction: Life with James Joyce’s Ulysses.  Just before his death he was at work as one of the co-editors of The Unpublished Letters of James Joyce.


Along with his stellar career came a shadow, melanoma.  The development of melanoma research paralleled his forty years with the disease.  With scholarly rigor, he pursued remedies with the melanoma team at Princess Margaret Cancer Center in Toronto, participating in a targeted-therapy drug trial.  He did not have a struggle with cancer.  Instead, he had a managed companionship, the kind of relationship that a small, smart wiry boy might have with a grudgingly mystified class bully. 
A short time before his first cancer occurrence, at age thirty-three, he became a long-distance runner, running the Boston, New York, Los Angeles, and Toronto marathon—with a best time of 2 hours and 47 minutes.  His last run was about two months before he died.  He also was a fierce badminton player (and a superb badminton partner.)
His relationship with death displayed his unique clarity and kindness toward his own suffering, a kindness he showed toward others’ suffering as well.  Mike chose to die through the Medical Assistance in Dying process, legal in Canada since 2016.  As a result, he was interviewed twice by volunteer physicians and he signed documents in the presence of volunteer independent witnesses.  At the very end, he chose the date for his death. 

A brilliant man was lucid till his last hour. 

2022 is the 100th Anniversary of the publication of James Joyce’s Ulysses.  What would have been a very big year in my husband’s life, will also coincide with the first anniversary of his death. 

The University at Buffalo Poetry Collection, home of the Michael Groden Papers and the UB James Joyce Collection, with a group of co-sponsors, plans an international Zoom celebration of his life with messages from his colleagues and friends on or about March 25, 2022. 

Photo and design credits:

Mailchimp Design by Nethmie Hetti.
Photos of Michael Groden with his copy of Ulysses and at sunset, stills from the documentary by Godfrey Jordan.
Purple Shirt photos of Michael Groden by Alice Briesmaster.  Watercolor of Michael Groden by Molly Peacock.
Copyright © 2021 Molly Peacock, Author, All rights reserved.

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