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Expressway News

May 3, 2021


The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (Mobility Authority) celebrated the groundbreaking of the 183A Phase III Project during the April 28 Board of Directors meeting. Chairman Jenkins led a virtual ceremony that was live streamed for the public to watch. The event highlighted the evolution of the 183A Toll Road, the project’s history, and included contributions by some of the key stakeholders and elected officials who supported this project throughout the development process.
Watch the video below to relive the celebration. 
The 183 Phase III Project
With unprecedented growth in Williamson County, most notably in Cedar Park, Leander, and Liberty Hill, the 183A Phase III Project is designed to deliver proactive congestion relief.  The project includes a 6.6-mile extension of the 183A Toll Road from Hero Way to just north of SH 29, with two tolled lanes in each direction. The new lanes will be constructed between the existing non-tolled frontage roads, primarily within the existing right-of-way, mitigating disruption to the public during construction. In addition, significant non-tolled improvements will be made, including landscaping, aesthetic elements, and an adjacent shared use path from Hero Way to the Seward Junction Loop.

To stay updated on project progress and construction impacts, sign up for our project newsletter at and follow @183AToll on Twitter.
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!


Despite the impacts of COVID-19, the Central Texas region continues to grow. In 2020, more than 35 companies announced plans to relocate to, or expand in, the metro-area, creating nearly 10,000 new jobs. (Austin Business Journal, 11/9/20; Austin Chamber of Commerce)

With announcements like these, it’s unsurprising that the City of Austin is expected to become the 10th most populous city in the United States this year, while both Cedar Park (7th) and Round Rock (13th) rank among the fastest growing cities in the country once again. (United State Census Bureau)

It’s this type of continued, explosive growth that drives our mission to implement innovative, multimodal transportation solutions for our region. With each Mobility Authority project, we're building towards a more comprehensive transportation network for Central Texas.
Projections show that residential and commercial growth along US 183 in Williamson County is expected to more than triple by 2030, while traffic volumes are anticipated to increase 183 percent by 2042.

Traffic congestion along US 183 between MoPac and SH 35 North has been a major issue for years, particularly during rush hour periods.

Designed to address both immediate congestion relief and long-term growth needs, the 183A Phase III and 183 North projects begin construction this year.

It’s a new era for the small towns of Central Texas. In 2020, the City of Manor and its surrounding extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) experienced its greatest spike in population with a 16.3 percent increase. (City of Manor, Nov 2020 population estimates) 

Similarly, the City of Elgin is anticipating the development of 13 new subdivisions, primarily along the 290 corridor, over the next decade which would bring 8,636 new homes to this community. (Austin American-Statesman, 02/13/20)

Earlier this year, the Mobility Authority, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation, opened the third and final flyover connecting 290 Toll and SH 130. In addition to providing drivers safe, efficient, free-flowing direct connections between the two facilities, these new flyovers will help accommodate growth anticipated in the area.
Last improved in the 1970s, US 183 between US 290 and SH 71 went decades without major improvements until the 183 South Project began. To put this in perspective, the population of the greater Austin area was an estimated 398,938 compared to today’s roughly 2.3 million residents. (City of Austin; U.S. Census Bureau)  Housing units totaled 85,456 in the City of Austin in 1970 compared to 393,616 units in 2017. (City of Austin; U.S. Census Bureau) And in 1970 an estimated 19 percent of U.S. households didn’t own a car. That number has declined by about half to roughly 8.6 percent, while the number of households with two or more cars has increased from 35 percent in 1970 to 58 percent in 2017.

The 183 South Project has transformed this 8-mile stretch of US 183 to a modern expressway for tolled and non-tolled travel with facilities for bicycle and pedestrian use. By tripling the roadway’s previous capacity and creating a non-stop, signal-free route, drivers are now able to reach destinations throughout East Austin without delay.

With toll transactions on 183 Toll surpassing pre-pandemic levels, we’re confident 183 Toll will continue to  serve as a critical north-south alternative to I-35 for the Central Texas community for years to come.
The population of Hays County is projected to increase 47.7% by 2030, making increased connectivity throughout Central Texas essential. (U.S. Census Bureau) In June 2019, the Mobility Authority opened the 45SW Toll which has already proven to be an important connection for this growing area.

Drivers who choose to use the 45SW Toll to travel to and from Central Austin save as much as 9 – 17 minutes on their commute. Non-tolled, city street drivers are also feeling the benefit from this connection by enjoying reduced traffic and a time savings of as much as seven minutes.

Comprehensive transportation planning requires looking at the big picture. With continued Central Texas growth, we’re committed to evolving with our changing regional landscape and keeping you connected to all the places you live, work, and play.

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