Welcome to our monthly newsletter.
This newsletter is intended for our Pillar partners, and provides updates on the Pillars current projects and health & wellbeing news from across the region. 
Your feedback on the content and format are always welcomed and appreciated.

Welcome to our May edition of the G21 Health and Wellbeing Pillar Newsletter.  

Last week the HEAL Regional Forum was held with 40 active participants from across the G21 region coming together at the “mid point” of the planning process in developing our 12 month plan, with a vision for the 4 year Regional HEAL Plan. It was a delightful opportunity to meet face to face, for many the first time since the Pandemic began.  The Forum provided participants an opportunity to shape regional activity for the next 12 months, as part of the new 2021-2025 Regional HEAL plan. Further opportunity will be extended to those unable to attend on the day, with the implementation of the next steps. Further details from the HEAL Leadership Group will be available when the draft plan is circulated later this month. All the latest information is available on the G21 website. 

The G21 Region Social Housing Project continues to progress with Homes Victoria and our LGAs. The G21 Region Social Housing Project is vital to ensure that we work with the Victorian State Government on the life changing “Big Housing Build” which will inject $5.3b into the Victorian economy to build and upgrade social housing right across our state. Some $215m has already been committed to our region.  This also includes building a vision and longer-term plan for social housing within the G21 Region. The planning phase for a regional Social Housing Forum. Further details to be released later into the month.
The transition for PCPs across Victoria has begun, with engagement with both the Department of Health and the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

Our website is updated daily with links around the latest COVID-19 advice and updates from DH, as well as comprehensive links around mental health and wellbeing, how to prevent infection and spread, and emergency relief and links to support for those experiencing financial distress. 

The G21 HWB Team look forward to prioritising the health and wellbeing of the G21 Community and working collaboratively as we emerge from the COVID 19 pandemic. 

Warm regards, 

Zoe Barnett
Director, G21 Health & Wellbeing

31 years ago - on May 17, 1990 - the World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) celebrates LGBTQIA+ people globally, and raises awareness for the work still needed to combat discrimination.

Australian statistics reveal:
75% of LGBTQIA+ youth experience some form of discrimination
77% of Trans & Gender Diverse people report being discriminated against in the past 12 months
39% of LGBTQIA+ people have experienced depression in the past 12 months
35% of LGBTQIA+ Australians have experienced verbal abuse in the past 12 months

Neighbourhood House Week is an annual national celebration, recognising the important contribution over 1,000 neighbourhood houses make in local communities across Australia.

Given the extraordinary efforts of neighbourhood houses during Victoria's 2020 coronavirus lockdowns, in Victoria this year's theme will be 'Honouring our community heroes during COVID'The aim is to shine the light on those who went above and beyond to support others during this unprecedented time in our state's history.

During Neighbourhood House Week, neighbourhood houses are encouraged to run COVID-safe activities and events, and share their own local heroes through social media. It's also a chance for people who participant in neighbourhood houses to say thanks!

Reconciliation Australia’s theme for 2021,More than a word. Reconciliation takes action, urges the reconciliation movement towards braver and more impactful action.

Reconciliation is a journey for all Australians – as individuals, families, communities, organisations and importantly as a nation. At the heart of this journey are relationships between the broader Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

National Volunteer Week (NVW) is Australia’s largest annual celebration of volunteers. From Monday 17th to Sunday 23rd May 2021, NVW will celebrate the significant contribution of Australia’s almost six million volunteers. Each year these volunteers dedicate over 600 million hours to help others.

The theme for NVW 2021 is Recognise. Reconnect. Reimagine. which acknowledges that it is time to: 

  • RECOGNISEcelebrate and thank volunteers for the vital role they play in our lives
  • RECONNECT to what is important by giving our time to help others and ourselves
  • REIMAGINE how we better support volunteers and communities they help

'Marjorie', the hot pink BreastScreen Victoria van will be in Corio from 19 April to 14 May and Ocean Grove from 17 May to 28 May to provide free breast screens for women over 50.

 20-26 June 2021

Refugee Week is Australia’s peak annual activity to inform the public about refugees and celebrate positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. 
Refugee Week provides a platform where positive images of refugees can be promoted in order to create a culture of welcome throughout the country. The ultimate aim of the celebration is to create better understanding between different communities and to encourage successful integration enabling refugees to live in safety and to continue making a valuable contribution to Australia.


Share Your Events

The G21 HWB Website gives you the opportunity to add and promote your own events and training on the website at a time that suits you!
To contact the G21 Health & Wellbeing Pillar team directly, phone 52274000 or email:
Director of Health & Wellbeing:
Zoe Barnett

Project Support Workers:
Liz Dando


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G21 Geelong Region Alliance · Ground Floor · 131 Myers St · Geelong, Vic 3220 · Australia

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