
There's always a lot to do to prepare for a headshot or any photoshoot, for that matter.

Here's my list of what to AVOID…

headshot with cartoon red hair and necklace showing what not to do in a headshot
  1. A new haircut just before the session. Give it a week.

  2. Wear clothes that might "clash" with the background.

  3. White unless you are wearing layers and it is underneath.

  4. Jewelry that will distract from your face is very trendy and might look dated down the road.

  5. Overdressing. Unless it's your brand or trademark "big" jewelry, oversized scarves, big hair distracts and can be offputting.

  6. Loud stripes or checks or herringbone which will create 'dizzy' patterns in the final photo.

  7. A turtleneck, unless it is a perfect look for you. In general, a v-neck style will be more attractive. It will elongate your neck.

  8. Wearing a jacket, you cannot button or that you have to stretch to be able to button. It will not look good and you will not feel good about it. Bring something that fits appropriately.

  9. Overdoing makeup ages a woman's face. I don't mean the "style" of your makeup. I mean in the thickness and amount of application on your skin.

Ask for help from me, a stylist, an unbiased friend ~ from whoever you value an opinion. CALL me about any of these BEFORE the shoot, so you're prepared for a killer headshot.

That's it! Getting a professional and polished headshot representing you and your business is pretty simple if you follow these tips and hire an expert. If you'd like more information about scheduling a headshot session with me anywhere in the world, I'd love to hear from you.

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