
Do you Have Monday-itis Or are you over your situation?


In 2012, Venna was a Westpac bank teller at Melbourne's busiest branch. In our dad's eyes, this was the epitome of success. If your Samoan then IYKYK, Lol!

Now for Venna, it was a big deal that she was able to secure this role but as the days went by she knew that she needed the following:
  • Flexible working schedule 
  • Something she could be passionate about
  • Create her own work schedule so she could be with her kids
  • Make her own money & not rely on anyone
  • Make enough money to go on holiday when she wanted
  • Be her own boss
And that is exactly what she did.
She enrolled into a two day eyelash extension course
Dreamt with her eyes wide opened and created LashFix 

If you are looking for the freedom to create something of your own, work around your children and choose how and what you want to pay then Sign Up today. 
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Ida, Zodiac Beauty

Ida is a mum of three and took our lash training in October 2018. She is now working as her own business in a hip, up and coming Polynesian owned collaborative Salon space called Brown Sas Beauty. 

Check out her work and success here 

Melissa, LashItUpp_

Melissa completed our lash training as an early 20-something year old and is now dominating the deer park area, specialising in eyelash extensions. Fast becoming West Melbourne's fave lash hotspot. As a young business owner, we have no doubt she has a bright future ahead!

Follow her journey here

Fosa, Leilash Beauty and Zandalee, Sisters Lashes 

We are so proud of these ladies! Taking Auckland by storm, trained just weeks before Covid hit the world and managed to launch and grow their businesses!! If you can survive Covid you can survive anything!

Follow Leilash here

Keep up with Sisters Lash

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