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Opening Prayer

Almighty God, whose blessed Son our Savior Jesus Christ ascended far above all heavens that he might fill all things: Mercifully give us faith to perceive that, according to his promise, he abides with his Church on earth, even to the end of the ages; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, in glory everlasting.   Amen.



Outdoor Service
Pentecost Celebration

Dear St. Patrick’s family,
Great news!  We will be celebrating our first in-person Worship Service on Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021 at 9:30 a.m.  How appropriate since Pentecost is the Birthday of the Church and this is our first opportunity to be together in person with our Church family members!  Our service will take place outside in the front courtyard next to the Memorial Garden.  Chairs will be facing Stevenson Hall and our beautiful and newly installed St. Francis fountain.
We are thrilled to finally be able to come together in body and spirit to worship Our Lord in our joyful celebration of the Eucharist!  We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us as we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the birthday of the Church.  You can make your reservations by calling Bobbiejo at 707-833-4228.
Our Pentecost Service is also available on Zoom. Please see service invitation below.

Yours in Christ,
Priest Doyle
Protocols for Out-Door In-Person Pentecost Service 052321
For Now:
-Vaccines Recommended (Not Required)
-Masks required
-Please be considerate of the feelings of those around you.
Minimal Social Distance will be observed.

Don't forget to wear RED on Pentecost Sunday!

Our outdoor Sunday Pentecost service will also be available by Zoom and NO reservation is needed.

Click below for your invite!


Sunday, May 23, 2021at 9:30AM: The Feast of Pentecost

Click here for the Zoom Invitation for the Feast of Pentecost.
Click here for the service leaflet.

Click here for the Worship service leaflet for the Feast of Pentecost.



St Patrick's
Worship & Education


Sunday, May 23, Feast of Pentecost, 9:30 a.m. Outdoor Service & available on Zoom!!

Sunday, May 30, Trinity Sunday, 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, June 6, Second Sunday after Pentecost, 9:30 a.m.

Sunday, June 13, Third Sunday after Pentecost, 9:30 a.m.



Regular Weekday Worship & Education


Compline Service, Every Tuesday at 4PM
      See New Zoom Invitation and Service Leaflet Links for May 25, 2021.

Click here for the Zoom Invitation for May 25.
Click here for the service leaflet for May 18 through June 8.

Bible Study

Our Parish Bible Study will be taking a break for three weeks beginning May 19. 
We will resume on Wednesday, June 9 at 9:00 a.m.

The readings for June 9, 2021 will be the First Letter of Peter  3:1-5:14.



 Holy Spirit
Meabh Carlin


Priest Doyle's Upcoming Vacation

Priest Doyle will be on vacation Monday, May 24 - Monday, June 7.  Father Ed Howell will be filling in for Priest Doyle while she is on vacation, including worship services and pastoral care.  Please let the church office know if you need to speak with him.


Pop-Up Food Ministry!

Below is Elanor Albon's thankful note and a recap of Tuesday's Pop-Up Food at St Patrick's Church.
Thank you to our Pop-Food Ministry team for all your hard work in serving those who are in need!

Thank you to Pam/Larry, Denise, Ned, Kerin, driver Ron, and REFB rep Arturo.  49 households and 148 individuals received food tonight!  Included are firemen at Kenwood and Oakmont fire stations!

Food included pork loin, organic milk (in glass bottles [not usually seen in grocery stores!] which can be returned to Whole Foods for $2 each!) cheese, misc. breads, eggs, celery, egg plant, potatoes, fresh corn, onions, carrots, etc.  Diapers were also available.

In keeping with California guidelines, all clients and volunteers continue to wear masks - no complaints nor questions asked.  It's my understanding that REFB will require masks at all of their sites for the unforeseeable future.  No problem - Covid is still with us and being healthy is a VERY good thing!

Memorial Day is Monday, May 31.  Please remember and honor those who have given their lives for us.

Heart Eleanor



BBC Schools
"Opening Doors Through Music & Mentoring"
Dunbar School

Having received the initial seed money for launching BBC-Schools ministry from the national Episcopal Church, St. Patrick’s Church and individual donors, we are now able to go into greater depth of our ministry, affecting the educational and well-being of the Dunbar children. With more specific knowledge, increased community support, and the coordination of Vivo Sonoma and the Sonoma County Mentoring Alliance, we believe that BBC-Schools can make a significant difference in the lives of so many children at Dunbar School now and in the future.
During the past 6 months of working with the administration of Dunbar School, BBC-Schools has come to understand more truths affecting the educational outcomes and well-being of the students.  Because of the location of the school, the poverty of many of the families and the need for community support, the school does not have some of the necessary resources to implement the administration’s goals or provide its students with some of the advantages other
Sonoma Valley schools enjoy.  This inequity became apparent as we updated and upgraded the library to include books on diversity, equity and inclusion as well as science and the arts.  The more we talked with the principal and valued her dream for the school in the arts, we jointly identified two key areas that would address the inequities and greatly impact and enhance the over-all educational outcomes and well-being of the children.
The first is to introduce and implement an outstanding music and orchestral program, Vivo Sonoma, and the second is to enhance the existing wonderful mentoring program by getting volunteer mentors from the community.  Both programs change lives, both programs already exist in the Sonoma Valley School District and both programs are part of Becoming a Beloved Community, in keeping with our mission.
BBC-Schools is requesting an Impact Grant of $20,000 from the national Episcopal Church to help fund the Vivo Sonoma music and orchestral program for all students during the school day at Dunbar School. Substantial additional funds will have to be raised.  Currently, this free outstanding program is available to students in the Sonoma Valley School District after school, but the Dunbar children have no access to it because of the distance, lack of transportation, and timing. By implementing Vivo Sonoma and enhancing the mentoring program, BBC-Schools will help close the opportunity gap and celebrate the cultural, ethnic and creative identities of the children who attend Dunbar School.  The mentoring program is already funded and our role is to be advocates and participants in this program.
BBC-Schools believes that through our project-based and practical approach of establishing a long-term commitment of advocacy for social justice rooted in “Love Your Neighbor”, we can make a difference in this school through the music and mentoring programs. Having upgraded the library, teachers and children have the resources to seek justice and innovation.  By giving the Dunbar children the same opportunity to participate in Vivo Sonoma as others in the Sonoma County School District not only brings equity but inspires children to join a diverse community of making music together, celebrating all ethnicities and cultures.  By participating in the established mentoring program, mentees and mentors can transform each other’s lives.


Richard Rohr
Daily Meditation

Forgiving Reality and Forgiving Ourselves 
Theme: Choosing Love in a Time of Evil 
Thursday, May 20, 2021Fr. Richard Rohr, OFM

Choosing Love in a Time of Evil

Forgiving Reality and Forgiving Ourselves
Thursday, May 20, 2021

Dr. Edith Eger was just 16 years old when she was taken to Auschwitz with her family. She lost her mother and father to the gas chambers the very day they arrived, and she survived with the help and companionship of her sister. Decades later, when she began a university education in the United States, a young man handed her a copy of Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. She reflects that:  

[Frankl] is speaking to me. He is speaking for me. . . . I read this, which is at the very heart of Frankl’s teaching: Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.[1] Each moment is a choice. No matter how frustrating or boring or constraining or painful or oppressive our experience, we can always choose how we respond. And I finally begin to understand that I, too, have a choice. This realization will change my life.

In time Viktor Frankl and Edith Eger developed a friendship and he mentored her as she became a therapist, specializing in treating those suffering from PTSD. At one point, Dr. Eger was invited to return to teach in Germany, where she spent time at both a former mountain retreat of the Nazis, and the labor camp where she was held. Here she reflects on her choice to forgive Reality by forgiving herself: 

The choice to accept myself as I am: human, imperfect. And the choice to be responsible for my own happiness. To forgive my flaws and reclaim my innocence. To stop asking why I deserved to survive. To function as well as I can, to commit myself to serve others, to do everything in my power to honor my parents, to see to it that they did not die in vain. To do my best, in my limited capacity, so future generations don’t experience what I did. To be useful, to be used up, to survive and to thrive so I can use every moment to make the world a better place. And to finally, finally stop running from the past. To do everything possible to redeem it, and then let it go. I can make the choice that all of us can make. I can’t ever change the past. But there is a life I can save: It is mine. The one I am living right now, this precious moment. . . .

And to the vast campus of death that consumed my parents and so very many others, to the classroom of horror that still had something sacred to teach me about how to live—that I was victimized but I’m not a victim, that I was hurt but not broken, that the soul never dies, that meaning and purpose can come from deep in the heart of what hurts us the most—I utter my final words. Goodbye, I say. And, Thank you. Thank you for life, and for the ability to finally accept the life that is.

[1] Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning (Beacon Press: 1959, 2006), 66.

Edith Eva Eger, The Choice: Embrace the Possible (Scribner: 2017), 155, 156, 232, 233.

Story from Our Community:
I invited Christ into my wounded places, tore down the walls, and opened my heart. He also showed me my parts in them. The anger, the control, the diminishment of others—a lot of my wounds were earned. Many of those events are in the past, and the wisdom is to not repeat those errors, to live the remainder of my life differently. I am learning that my actions need not be based on the actions of others, but on being a light to the world. I am a lamp; God’s love is the oil. —Bob L.

Image credit: Chaokun Wang, The creatures dream 生灵之梦 (detail), 2017, photograph, Wikiart.
Image inspiration: A single deer under gray skies stands in a seemingly hopeless position. And yet . . . it is grounded, positioned to face what is before it, leaning forward into the wind. How have contemplatives who have come before us remained grounded and active in the face of oppressive systemic evils? How do we?
Click Here for more Richard Rohr Daily Meditations

Oakmont Arts & Crafts Faire
June 19, 2021

Arts and Crafts Faire, Saturday, June 19, 10 a.m. to 3p.m.

Berger Parking Lot

On a spring day in June, check out the displays of local artisans, listen to the music and snack on food from the vendor as you stroll through the spaces in the Berger parking lot.

Any Oakmont artist or craftsperson is eligible to enter the Faire to display and sell his/her wares.

Anything loosely considered art or craft, such as paintings, photos, jewelry, quilting, knitting and anything else you might like to display, is considered eligible.

If you would like to enter the show, pick up an entry form at the OVA Office, or contact Carolita Carr at 595-3401 or

You can also print the form below and mail it Carolita Carr, 180 Mountain Vista Place, Santa Rosa CA 95409.

Click Here to Download/Print the sign-up form.

Sonoma County
Department of Health Services
  • Racial Equity and Health Justice- Racism is a Serious Threat to Public Health

    Maternal Child and Adolescent Health
    Published on May 12, 2021
    Maternal Child and Adolescent Health

    Racism negatively affects the mental and physical health of millions of people, preventing them from attaining their highest level of health. The CDC and AMA  release strategic plans to address health inequity. Sonoma County Office of Equity announces Core Equity Team.

COVID-19 Updates from City Connections
City of Santa Rosa

FDA Authorizes Use of Pfizer Vaccine for Children Ages
12 to 15 

kids shots

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday recommended use of Pfizer-BioNTech’s COVID-19 vaccine in 12- to 15-year-olds, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky announced. 12- to 15-year-olds were cleared to start receiving vaccine doses in California yesterday, May 13. Appointments are now available on Vaccine supply is no longer an issue in Sonoma County and appointments are readily available. FIND A VACCINE CLINIC

Younger Residents are Encouraged to Get Vaccinated 

younger get shots

While 54 percent of all Sonoma County residents 16 years and older are fully vaccinated, just 28 percent of County residents ages 16 to 24 are fully vaccinated. Sonoma County’s new case rate has crept back up, which is keeping the County from moving into the yellow tier and further reopening. Health officials say that a key problem is lagging vaccinations among younger people. Learn more about the vaccine, talk to your younger friends and family members about getting vaccinate and FIND A VACCINE CLINIC

Curative Mobile Vaccine Clinic in Santa Rosa Locations this Weekend and Monday

The Curative mobile vaccine clinic will be stationed in the following Santa Rosa locations to offer appointments in the next few days. Appointments can be made by selecting the “Book Now” button at or by calling (888) 702-9042. Walk-up appointments are also available. 

  • Coddingtown Shopping Center: Saturday, May 15 & Sunday, May 16,12:00 to 6:30 p.m. 
  • Andy’s Unity Park, 3399 Moorland Ave: Monday, May 17, 12:00 to 6:30 p.m.

Click the logo below to learn more about updates within our Community.



Come O Holy Spirit | Hymn | Pentecost Sequence Trilogy Part 2 | Beethoven/Alstott


Closing Prayer

Let us pray.

Grant, we pray, Almighty God, that as we believe your only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into heaven, so we may also in heart and mind there ascend, and with him continually dwell; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen.


Please Support Saint Patrick’s Episcopal Church Ministry

Please remember that if you choose to mail your gift, our mailing address is P.O. Box 247, Kenwood CA 95452.

Thank you!!!


If you choose to mail in your gift, please consider to send checks only. This is for your security.




Priest Doyle Dietz Allen Contact Information   
Parish Office Phone: 707-833-4228
9000 Sonoma Highway
PO Box 247
Kenwood, CA 95452
2021  St. Patrick's Episcopal Church, All rights reserved.

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