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F A M I L Y   W E L L N E S S   C H I R O P R A C T I C
I N T E G R A T I V E  +  F U N C T I O N A L   N U T R I T I O N
We often hear it's the "season" for certain immune issues.

The truth is, most families battle ear infections, non-stop sinus congestion, chronic coughs, etc almost year around... and they just can't seem to 'KICK IT' for good as their bucket overflows "this season".

It all results in too many trips to the pediatrician and immediate care visits... and let's be honest, those trips are not easy.

Their prescription is: missed days of school, missed days of work, missed days of fun, and added days on drugs, antibiotics, nebulizers, etc... this is reality for many of your friends and family (but not you because you understand the BIG IDEA of the 3 T's - thoughts, traumas, toxins + the subluxation complex it causes).

So many need our help --- naturally --- so lets make this solution go "viral".

Let's dig in and look at the immune system and see how the body is designed to deal with bacteria, viruses, and germs on a daily basis. Here's a regular day with kids - they are constantly touching, hugging, smootchin, and eating everything they can get their hands on! You're pushing the cart down the aisle of the grocery store and they are licking the handle. While this happens, all the germophobes freak out BUT on the inside the child's brain, nervous system, and immune system simply do the work - to recognize and remove.

Fun fact:
Did you know germs, viruses and pathogens outnumber us by the trillions? I know that is not a fun thought, but we should have been dead long before hurricane corina (covid 19) hit last year...

Here's the good news: We are still here! and the body is built with intelligence no matter what it is up against. It knows to respond in two different ways, according to it's programming. The first option is called fight or flight sympathetic response - this is when the system is busy and overwhelmed. Busy in life, busy with stress, problems, pandemics, and a soon to be fall lockdown... when this happens the body doesn't have time to FOCUS on what's coming in, especially germs, viruses, pathogens, allergens, etc...

So it makes the innate decision to suppress it or ignore it. A child (or adult) whose nervous system is under a contant state of sympathetic stress literally does not have the "time or energy" to deal with the immune response required... so it stuffs it down and suppresses it. (Think of it like when your kid 'cleans' their room and stuffs all their toys under their bed... it looks clean now but will be a problem later...)

The second option in the body is a parasympathetic growth and healing response - often called the "rest and digest" side of the autonomic (automatic) nervous system. What we know about this side of the nervous system is that it controls and regulates the body's immune defense and the gut-brain axis in an intelligent, coordinated, and unstressed way.

Here's the counter-intuitive nature of the two sides: the side that coordinates the better long term response (parasympathetic) and adapts us to future pollen exposures and the next virus attack is more expressive and strengthened WHEN SYMPTOMS FOLLOW. That means, stuffy nose, cough, sneezes, fever, etc... in the short term (without drug suppression) is how we develop this side of the defense system (vaxxines do not develop this response - which is why those vaxxinated get sick more often than the unvaxxed and those who take tylenol to suppress a fever get sick more often than those who allow the fever to ride it's course) --> in fact, convincing healthy people to take drugs to make unhealthy people healthier should really be considered malpractice <--

Unfortunately, we have been trained and conditioned by TV, pediatrician doctor visits, and commercials that symptoms are bad and we need to suppress... ultimately leading to a parasympathetic nervous system that has been drugged + dummied down rather than expressed + in tone + intelligent.

This eventually leads to what we call a "short circuit" - a subluxation complex - in the body's natural defense system that leave kids and adults CHRONICALLY (long-term) congested, sick, stuffed up, and always getting sick with ear, sinus, throat, and respiratory issues... this leads to the viscious cycle of visiting the pediatrician again... and futher reliance on medication, antibiotics, vaxxines, etc... 

if you missed it... read from the beginning again....

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  We got the goods!
Check out the recommendations below and watch the video.  

Listen. Share. Enjoy!

See you for your weekly visit and thanks again for the continued RYFing! (Referring your friends and family to chiropractic wellness) 
"You cannot add gold to a pile of C-R-A-P and expect to get better. The fastest way to change is REMOVE something first."
If you or someone you know struggles with allergies, migraines, headaches, etc... check this out and watch the video below:
Things to remove:
1.) Remove your Subluxation
2.) Remove Histimine producing foods from diet 
  • alcohol and other fermented drinks + foods
  • citrus fruits
  • artificial coloring and flavors (read your labels) 
  • dried fruit
  • cheese, yogurt, dairy, milk
  • processed meats, cured meats, smoked meats
  • mushrooms
  • seafood
  • spinach
  • spices (curry powder, cayenne, chili, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg)
  • tea
  • tomatoes
  • vinegar and related products (mustard, ketchup)
  • yeast
3.) Remove blindspots with Specialized testing by our Dietitian - Simply Nourished
4.) Remove your sedentary lifestyle
5.) Remove your excuses
6.) Remove your limiting belief that "I've tried everything and nothing works". 
Allergies, Migraines, Headaches... 
How to get off drugs and stay off drugs.
Just because you are asymptomatic
does not mean you are healthy.

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