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Sean & Lisa Michaud

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Dear <<First Name>>,
The trip to the Middle East was wonderful! We traveled to Turkey and had a great time ministering the Word to hungry bible school students who desire to plant churches in Turkey and wherever else God leads them.
Amazingly, the students were between the ages of 18-24 and were from Kazakhstan, a Muslim republic that used to be a part of the former Soviet Union. As a result, the teaching was interpreted into Russian, which felt like old times. Also, when they found out we had lived in Ufa, Russia for 4.5 years, we were able to develop a connection with them easily.
Many students shared with us that when they first heard about the bible school in Turkey, they did not have the money to travel to Turkey from Kazakhstan. However, after they made the decision to go, God took care of the plane tickets, etc. Despite the cost, many spent all the money they had to get to Turkey. It is awesome to see people willing to trust in God to take care of them, and He does! What is awesome is that the church that opened the school doesn’t charge them for room and board or tuition. Thanks to you, our generous supporters, we were able to not only sow the Word into their lives but also to sow financially into the Bible school to help pay for their expenses!

Kazakhstani Students

In hindsight, the Lord also worked to have us there in just the right time frame. Turkey was open at the time of our trip, with the requirement of COVID tests for both entry and departure from the country. We were among the first teachers to teach in the bible school, and we left Turkey on Saturday, April 10. Amazingly, Turkey closed down to all outsiders on Monday, April 12. Talk about timing! It is obvious the Lord worked this trip out down to the finer details!
Just a few days ago, the students called and asked me when I was going to return to see them again. It is a blessing to be able to leave a good impression on people and to know you made an impact on them.
While we were in Turkey, we also had the opportunity to see Ephesus, Colossae, and Laodicea for a couple days. You may recall these places from the New Testament. Paul wrote books to the Ephesians and to the Colossians, and Jesus mentioned Ephesus and Laodicea in Revelation 2 and 3.
It was wonderful to visit places that are mentioned in the Bible and to see the ruins of what were once thriving, prosperous cities of the Roman Empire. Colossae is nothing but a signpost now.

Colossae Signpost

Ephesus and Laodicea are in ruins. I kept thinking that the citizens of those cities must have thought they would always be in existence. It is so easy to get caught up in our lives with what we have to do now, that we fail to keep our eyes on what is eternal.

Street in Laodicea

The Library in Ephesus. 
The Probable Location of the
School of Tyrannus 
is to the Left. (Acts 19:9-10)

In 1 Peter 1:24, Peter wrote, “All flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of the grass. The grass withers, and its flower falls away, but the word of the Lord endures forever.” While I was there, I kept thinking about how those places are no more, but His Word is still alive and producing today. When we see what is transpiring in the world today, we have to remember that it won’t last. This world will pass away, but His truth and kingdom are eternal!

Congratulations to our Daughters!

Those who have followed this ministry for a while know we first went on the mission field to Russia in 1999. At the time, Rachel our eldest daughter was only 21 months old, and Abigail our middle child was only 7 months old. They mainly grew up overseas, and both love God and desire His will for their lives. Through the years, we have shared different stories from time to time concerning our children when we were overseas, from attending Russian schools to laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover, etc.
As of late, we would like to share that both our daughters graduated from university with honors in their music performance degrees on May 1, 2021. There are so many testimonies to share about how faithful God is. Back in 2014, we weren’t sure why, but we felt led to settle in and base out of Kentucky shortly after returning from living as missionaries overseas.

The Graduates―Rachel and Abigail
For a long time, they both felt led to play instruments and to sing, and from young we had them taking lessons to prepare for that calling. They both excelled in their schooling and in their music.
When our daughters finished high school, they both felt that the Lord wanted them to attend university. I wasn’t sure how that was going to be possible and I remember having to settle it in my heart that I couldn’t pay for what it was going to cost, so it had to be the Lord who would provide. Both of our daughters said that they would not take $1 in any student loans but that their tuitions would be paid in full.

Through hard work and the favor of God, they received academic and music performance scholarships at a private university just 15 minutes from where we live in Kentucky. Each year, their tuition was around $35,000 each, and each year, everything was paid in full. In total, the Lord fully provided over $280,000 for them to complete university. Praise God! He is a good Father!
We just want to encourage you that NOTHING is impossible with God if you will simply believe. We are going forward, and we trust that you are too. We are believing for God to make the way possible to keep spreading His Word and Gospel throughout the world. The world needs Jesus now more than ever!
Thank you partners for being such a blessing to so many people! TOGETHER, we are continuing to make a huge difference in people’s lives!

                                  Co-Laborers in Christ,


                                    Sean and Lisa Michaud
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