
AMA's Funders

US Dept of Justice
St. Paul Cultural Star
St. Paul STAR Program
Minnesota Lynx
National Endowment for the Arts
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Dept of Health
Wells Fargo
Minnesota Dept of Employment & Economic Development
City of Minneapolis
Headwaters Foundation

AMA Announcements 

 Summer Training Opportunities

a. Multimedia Classes - learn video production and graphics design, work on the "Bicultural Active Living Lifestyle (BALL)" Education Campaign and showcase your works on AMA youtube channel.

b. Asian Dance Classes - practice bicultural healthy living, enroll in the cultural exercise classes, and showcase your talents at summer festivals around town.
c. STEP UP summer paid internship with AMA - please sign up through City of Minneapolis STEP UP program.

Please e-mail your interest of participating to

Social Media 101

DATE/TIME:  Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 1:00pm-2:00pm CT
PLACE: Online, Zoom:

Join us to explore social media platforms - Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, and how to increase your site traffic, with our very own social media guru - Celine Chieu. 

Upcoming Community Performances

A. Generation Z Project – Gen K Showcase 
DATE/TIME:  Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 8:00pm CDT
PLACE: Online Event -

B. Hmong Family Celebrate Your Parks Day (In-person)

DATE/TIME: July 31st, 2021 from 1-4pm
PLACE: Central Park, Brooklyn Center 8440 Regent Ave N, Brooklyn Center, MN 55443

C. Asian Wave at the Park (In-person)
DATE/TIME: Sunday, August 1, 2021 6:00pm-8:00pm
PLACE: Roseville Central Park Frank Rog Amphitheater, 2540 Lexington Ave N, Roseville, MN 55113

Program Updates

93.3% AAPI seniors vaccinated in MN!!!!!! 

Asian Media Access likes to thank all our Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) families - not only AAPIs have the highest vaccination rate, our seniors have reached 93.3% vaccination rate. Can't reach this high mark without all our AAPI families' supporting our elderlies!!!!!
Below data charts are from Minnesota Department of Health vaccination report:

Youth Mentorship Program, hosted jointly with Target's Asian Business Council

Research shows the positive impact from having a mentor in a young person’s life, yet 1 in 3 young people are growing up without a mentor today. That translates to 9 million youth at-risk for falling off track growing up without an answer to the question: “In real life, who can I turn to?”

A group of industry experts from Direct Operations, Merchandising, HR, and Information Technology team from Target's Asian Business Council joined Asian Media Access to provide a 16-weeks eMentoring to support Asian Media Youth, with a focus on: 

A. Career Coaching. A coach is a guide, a helper, a supporter, an encourager and a partner. Coaching is about being an ally helping your mentees explore new ideas, realize their dreams, plan goals, and make decisions.

Photo Courtesy: AMA Stock Photo  with Mentor Amy Okaya
Part of Mentor’s role might include some career exploration.  Mentors will encourage and support mentees as they:
a. Explore their interests and find their passions built on positive career-related experiences in their life and mentors'

b. Explore career and educational possibilities

c. Set challenging but achievable goals
(Click to see full size image)
B. Academic Learning. Assisting the mentees for their academic courses

Each week, mentors build natural relationships with mentees through simple interactions. We all want the mentees to move forward with something to hold onto, be it a lesson, moral, goal setting or something more tangible. 

Below are many takeaways from our mentees with much pleasant memories: 

"Over the past four months joining the mentorship program offered by Asian Media Access, it opened my eyes to the Information Technology sector in a way that has shaped my perspectives not only on the IT coding world, but how IT works in the "real" world in general."

"Brennan welcomed me with enthusiasm and tons of useful resources. We created a goal setting at the very beginning, and set monthly goals and actions to achieve the goals. Every time after our meet up, I felt myself improve day by day. I see the impacts this program had on me." 

"Participating in the mentorship program like mine, there is no doubt I had many takeaways.  Here are a few pointers based on my experience for future mentees:
  • Take advantage of the resources. Talk to different mentors, ask questions, and build the network connection with mentors from different organizations
  •  Be accountable. Take notes during the meeting, prepare the questions you want to ask beforehand, and reach out to the mentors if you need clarification
  •  Be responsible. Take the initiative of the meetings with the mentors, and be responsive to communications with the mentors."
For More program information -

May 22nd - a Successful Community Safety Training

Last Saturday May 22nd at the Roseville’s Central Park, Asian Media Access, Coalition of Asian American Leaders, along with Asian Minnesotan Alliance for Justice (AMAJ) board members, hosted the Community Safety Training with more than 30 Asian American and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) to learn more Safety Patrol techniques to better stop Anti-Asian Hate.

This training was facilitated by Kalaya'an Mendoza (Kala from here on), Director of the US Programs for Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP). NP is a global civilian protection agency - to protect civilians in violent conflicts through unarmed strategies, build peace side by side with local communities. Kala has been activating Community Safety Teams in neighborhoods and at demonstrations at flashpoints, most recently during the Derek Chauvin trial and the protests in Brooklyn Park after the Daunte Wright killing.

On May 22nd, Kala’s training was grounded in “Unarmed Civilian Protection” framework with a focus on building skillsets around: Situational Awareness, Upstander Intervention, Unarmed Civilian Protection and Tactical Communications. These skillsets can be used during community/event gatherings, as well as for personal safeties or to help out someone in distress.

BEFORE the event, Kala reminded us to pay attention to our own trigger points, boundaries and anchor points:

⚓️   Make time to center yourself the night before and morning of a protective action and identify an anchor point—a place of emotional safety.
⏹  Before arriving, take a few moments to consider boundaries and potential triggers, and remember your anchor point.
👥  Make time to discuss your boundaries with your team when you meet up before the action.
🗯  Remember to check in with your team throughout the day and make time for appropriate aftercare.

This process is going to look different for everyone, but making it a habit is crucial to stay safe in high-stress situations and avoid burnout.

DURING the event, Kala emphasized the OODA Loop to act on people’s best observations and judgement!

🔎  Observe: draw from your own observations and information you have collected from trusted sources
⏱  Orient: Filter and analyze your information
Decide: With your insights, identify the best available response
🎬  Act: act on your decision, evaluate if action was correct

Kala gave many examples of deescalation through distraction. People don’t need anything fancy, just enough of a distraction to create a moment of pause and ease the conflict, such as:

💁  Compliment or Money Talk– “You look great!” or “Look! $100 bill on the floor.”
🎙🕺 Dancing or Singing
🔎 Pretending you lost something, asking people to find it 
⌚️ Asking for the time
 Asking for directions
❓ Asking “Do I Know You?”

While some deescalate, others can be acting as witnesses to record the situations or finding teams of people to be together. The aim with deescalation is not to win over someone with whom you disagree, but it is to deescalate to a point where everyone can be safe instead of further escalating volatile situations.

Kala also shared the CLARA Method while responding to questions and verbal attacks, with these five steps:
  •  1️ - Center
  •  2️ - Listen 👂
  •  3️ - Affirm 🔗
  •  4️ - Respond 🗣
  •  5️ - Add ➕
He reminded us that most of us tend to start with Step Four, especially if the question or comment is hostile or threatening, but all 5 steps are needed to come up with a better solution.

AFTER the event, Kala reaffirmed us the importance of self-care – “Caring for yourself to care for others,” especially many AAPIs may feel culturally guilty to take care of oneself first and not others. Again, Kala reminded us only a mentally, physically, and spiritually balanced self can support self and others.  

After the whole day of general training, Kala invited few AAPI leaders for “Train-the-Trainers” session, and each team had a chance to practice the OODA Loop with diverse interactive activities - Observe; Orient; Decide; and Act – OODA Loop can become an instinct among all the trainers with practices.  

During these civil unrests and high alerts of Anti-Asian Hate incidences, everyone of us has to learn how to protect each other, and to avoid escalation and violent actions. We all need to practice these deescalation techniques so they become natural reactions, and we are ready to support the “Unarmed Civilian Protection” vision.

If you have questions or need more information, please check out Nonviolent Peaceforce (NP)’s website -, or report hate crime incidences at MN with toll-free helpline 1-833-454-0148.

Youth Session: Bicultural Healthy Living

Since January 2021, Asian Media Access has hosted a weekly Friday session for youth ages 14-24. The focus for session 12  was on Bicultural Healthy Living - the ability to relate to oneself with two or more cultures. Each youth felt this awareness that they related to more than one culture, and the value of this session was actually putting their feelings and emotions into words. In addition, these Friday sessions provided the space for youth to exchange ideas with those who have similar understanding and lived experiences. It is important for youth to acknowledge their biculturalism, especially with a group that they connect with.

There are multiple levels of Biculturalism, and the healthiest level is being able to retain a balance between both heritage and host culture. Those who can reach the healthiest level have more resilience, especially in stressful situations—one of the reasons is that Bicultural individuals benefit from taking resources available from both cultures. Youth shared examples of using home remedies passed down from family members. Their grandparents and parents often have remedies that the doctors do not share in western medicine, but are effective in their household.

Another possible benefit of being bicultural is being bilingual. Most of the youth primarily spoke another language at home with their family while speaking English at school or work. The youth agreed that they wanted to know more about their native language. One youth said, “I get embarrassed when I talk to elders because I don’t know the right etiquette...I wish that my parents taught me more about our native language.” Even if English is a second language in the youth’s household, the youth view this as an advantage to understand more than one language. Some youth shared that their parents wanted them to focus on the American culture and lifestyle, but that mentality left them feeling like they cannot speak, read, and write in their native language with justice. Giving up on one culture and confirming completely into a dominant culture impacts a bicultural individual’s wellbeing. The goal is to be proud and embrace the fact that they have this dual culture advantage. In the future, the youth want to incorporate more bicultural healthy living practices, especially when they have their own family. 

Overall, youth enjoyed being able to learn more about healthy practices, share their bicultural experiences, and express to a group that also feels the advantage of being bicultural. They hope to continue to share their lived experiences and expand other’s understanding. 


Community News

Power-Up Legal Clinic

DATE/TIME: Every Thursday June 3-July 15, 2021, 1:00-3:00pm
PLACE:  Phone,

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Power-Up Legal Clinic is changing the way we provide free legal advice to community members. 
 - For the time being, volunteer attorneys will meet with community members by telephone only.
- If you need legal help, call 651-222-5863 beginning at 12:30pm on the day of the clinic.
- IMPORTANT --- Say you are calling for the Power-Up Legal Clinic.
- Provide your name, phone number, address, and a brief description of your legal issue.
- If you have documents to discuss with the volunteer attorney, you will be instructed how to send photos of the first few pages.
- After the brief introductory call, a volunteer attorney will call you back between 1:00 and 3:30 pm that same day.
Speak to an attorney.  No criminal law issues. First-come, first-served basis. Last appointment at 3:00. Legal issues Including: Landlord/tenant or property, Divorce, parenting time, custody, or other family law issues, Debt collection, Impounded car, Purchase or service contracts, Probate, Employment, Other civil legal issues

Growing Resilient Communities: 4th Annual Gathering of Collaboratives Addressing ACEs

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 2, 2021- Thursday, June 3, 2021, 9:15am-2:30pm
PLACE:  Online Zoom, Register

This statewide event will support communities that are developing and implementing collaborative approaches to Building Self-Healing Communities to create a More Resilient Minnesota.

Participants are encouraged to attend who are involved or want to be involved in addressing the root causes of childhood adversity. This can include Collaborative, Tribal, and other community partners, such as health, law enforcement, education, social services, parents, businesses, and nonprofit service organizations. Collaborative Coordinators and active Minnesota ACE Interface Trainers/Presenters are encouraged to attend.

OASIS healing circles/support groups for women

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 , 6:00pm-7:30pm Orientation, Circles meet on Wednesdays June 9, 16, 23, 30 
PLACE:  1922 25th Ave North Minneapolis, MN 55411

MARPE' HOPE: OASIS of Love is hosting a 4-part series for women harmed by the trauma of domestic violence and financial abuse. MARPE Hope, focused on financial abuse, is free and will be facilitated by OASIS Advocates.
Materials will be presented from OASIS T.P.T.  (Thrive Past Trauma) group curriculum modules and “Moving Ahead Through Financial Management” (Curriculum, ALLSTATE Foundation)

Participants enroll through an intake process.  Call OASIS to schedule 612-529-6055

Northside Family COVID Vaccine Fair

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 5, 2021, 10:00am-5:00pm 
PLACE: 1256 Penn Ave N.  5th Floor with free parking in the ramp at Oliver Ave N and Plymouth Ave

Pfizer vaccine for 12 +

No appointment or ID

Free Food - Music - Giveaways at Urban League Twin Cities 2100 Plymouth

Sponsored by The Minnesota Attorney General's Office, NorthPoint,  Urban League Twin Cities, Senator Champion and Councilmember Ellison.

Consent forms for the vaccine in English and Spanish on Event Website:

Cypher Side Dance School Spring Showcase

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 5, 2021, 5:00pm 
PLACE: Unison Restaurant & Banquet, 1800 White Bear Ave, Maplewood, MN 55109

Cypher Side will be hosting it's annual Spring Showcase this year, but in person for the first time since the pandemic.

CAAL CelebrAsian of KaYing Yang

DATE/TIME: Thursday, June 10, 2021, 6:30PM to 8:00PM
PLACE:  Online Zoom, RSVP Here

We invite you to join our board and staff in honoring and celebrating KaYing Yang for all she's done in her tenure at CAAL as Director of Programs and Partnerships. As she now transitions from the staff team to focus on her Bush Fellowship and other passions, we will send her off with good energy and best wishes for continued success.

KaYing joined CAAL in 2015. Her energy, passion, extensive experience in public policy, community organizing, and relational leadership skills were invaluable to moving community campaigns on immigration, education and economics. Her leadership grew our network and expanded our partnerships with many allies. 

Please join us for this virtual celebration. The funny duo, Saymoukda Duangphouxay Vongsay and May Lee-Yang, of Funny Asian Women Kollective (FAWK) will serve as our hosts for an evening of celebration. We hope to see you virtually!

Beyond Allyship to Solidarity Series

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 12, 2021, 12:00pm-2:00pm
PLACE: Online Zoom,
The AAOP Gender Justice team is so excited to share with you our 4-part, educational workshop series about APIDA queer allyship, which will take place each Saturday in June from 12-2PM CT. We encourage all queer and non-queer APIDA youth/young adults ages 14+ to join us in the community conversations! We look forward to seeing you each Saturday in June!

The four workshops include:
June 5, Workshop 1: “LGBTQIA+ 101”
June 12, Workshop 2: “Queerness in APIDA Families, Communities, and Cultures”
June 19, Workshop 3: “Addressing Queerphobia”
June 26, Workshop 4: “Advocacy and Community Building”
* Recordings of the workshops (only slides and official presentations) will be made available to registrants after the series.

Let us go Pick Up Books - 與書有約

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 12, 2021, 10:00am-12:00pm
取書時間: 6月12日,星期六,上午 10:00 - 下午12:00 中部時間
PLACE:  Crosby Farm Regional Park, 2595 Crosby Farm Road Saint Paul, MN 55116
取書地點: Crosby Farm Regional Park 2595 Crosby Farm Rd, St Paul, MN 55116 (地圖)
Read, bike, borrow books in the park

覺得白天無聊,晚上失眠嗎? 在這艱難的時刻,讓我們一起來回復活力吧,本次活動,特別租用 Crosby Farm Regional Park picnic shelters 來供您借還書,我們從台灣帶回來的最新書籍,請上網預約,為您的氣質充電,提升靈魂深處的共鳴!與此同時,您可以走出戶外呼吸新鮮空氣,享受世界的自然美,台灣線上圖書館邀請您在6/12 一起來細細品味生活!

書籍預約: 點選下列書籍或到網站

SEA Echoes Through Rivers

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 12 and Sunday, June 13, 2021, 3:00pm
PLACE:  Brooklyn Park Library outdoor plaza 8500 West Broadway Ave Brooklyn Park, MN 55443

SEA Echoes Through Rivers is a free live street theatre performance by your local Southeast Asian neighbors. Come experience Southeast Asian stories from the community members of the northwest suburbs.  Join us as we share stories from our history, youthhood, and dreams of tomorrow. It will be a day of fun for family and community.

The performances will be outdoor so pack your blanket and come join us on Broadway!

Rhythm of Spring III TCCDC Twin Cities Chinese Dance Center 

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 12, 2021, 7:00pm
PLACE:  Online, Youtube Live

Twin Cities Chinese Dance Center (“TCCDC”) is a non-profit performing arts and educational organization founded with the mission of promoting the understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture.  Our activities are designed to preserve traditional Chinese genres of performing arts and nurture innovations that reflect the dynamic and diverse Chinese cultural heritage

Bright Spring, Dazzling Dance

DATE/TIME: Sunday, June 13, 2021, 2:00pm
PLACE:  In person, Hopkins Center for the Arts 1111 Main Street Hopkins MN 55343, tickets:
Online Stream,
Featuring latest original choreography from Artistic Director Jinyu Zhou and new repertoire from Retired Artistic Director Lili Teng, CAAM CDT celebrates Spring and reemerges from a long winter with

Event Website:

Covid-19 Virtual Convening 

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, June 15, 2021, 9:30am-11:30am
PLACE:  Online Zoom, Register

Join us for TPT NOW’s COVID-19 Virtual Convening as we work together with Minnesota’s Black, Indigenous, Hmong, Somali, and Latinx communities to understand what information and resources might be helpful to our communities recover from COVID-19. The community conversation will be guided by our panelists and participants and topics may include mental well-being, COVID-19 prevention, and long term recovery strategies.

The 2-hour convening, which will be held via Zoom with TPT NOW stakeholders and simultaneously livestreamed via Facebook, will inform new content being developed for TPT NOW’s fall COVID-19 programming. The convening will include a thoughtful panel discussion, breakout sessions, and a chance for the broader community to provide input via a Facebook livestream and chat.

America Talks: Conversations to Shift from Division to Understanding

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 16, 2021, 1:00pm-2:00pm/ 2:00pm-3:00pm ET
PLACE:  Online Zoom, Register

Communication across difference is critical to move democracy forward. Join us June 16 as part of the National Week of Conversation 2021.

Wells Fargo Beyond College: 2021 Webinar Series A young man watches a webinar on a desktop computer.

Covering a wide variety of topics from personal finance to professional development, the 2021 Beyond College Webinar Series may help better prepare you for what’s next after college

DATE/TIME: June 17, 2021, 4:00-5:00 p.m. ET 
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC: Salary vs. value: How to determine which role is perfect for you.
Know what to consider when evaluating job offers and what you can negotiate.

DATE/TIME: July 29, 2021, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC: Wells Fargo careers and internships.
Recruiters from Wells Fargo share information about internships and full-time career opportunities, including how to apply.

DATE/TIME: August 26, 2021, 4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
PLACE: Online, Register here
TOPIC: Digital Native: Social media smarts.
Join a discussion about how social media can promote or destroy your personal brand.

Link to full site:

Flavor Fest

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 19, 2021, 12:00pm-5:00pm
PLACE:  History Center of Olmsted County 1195 W Circle Drive SW, Rochester, MN
Everyone is welcome to participate in sharing the story of your community with all its diverse and wonderful expressions and traditions.

Make new friends. Connect across cultures. Share what makes you unique. Join the festivities.

UROC's Community Day Critical Conversation, The Art of Transformation: We Thrive Together

DATE/TIME: Monday, June 21, 2021, 4:00pm 
PLACE:  Online Zoom, Register

A virtual Critical Conversation featuring five of UROC's innovative project leaders who've demonstrated exceptional resilience and creativity in growing their organizations and community-based projects over the past year.

The conversation will be moderated by special guest University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Chancellor Robert J. Jones, and include a welcome from University of Minnesota President Joan Gabel and University Associate Vice President for Public Engagement Andy Furco.

CTE Educator Workshop: Preparing Students for the Global Workforce

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 4:00pm CST/5:00pm ET
PLACE:  Online Zoom, Register

This virtual workshop is free for Career & Technical Education teachers from any U.S. state. It will explore the meaning of global competencies and how to align them with K-12 curriculum and Employability Skills Standards. Educational resources and strategies that easily adapt to classroom use will be shared and discussed. Teachers will have the opportunity to initiate a lesson plan. This workshop is supported by Indiana University's federally designated National Resource Centers and is organized in collaboration with the Asia Society.

Soil Strategy Workshop

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 4:00pm CST/5:00pm ET
PLACE:  Online Zoom, Register

Eleonore Wesserle & Ricardo Levins Morales are excited to offer a new workshop to organizers, activists, and similar troublemakers for a more just and loving world.

This three-part workshop will teach practices and strategies for connecting day-to-day organizing with long-term transformative change. Based on the Soil Strategy, we’ll go beyond thinking about campaigns and short term wins - the seeds of organizing - to explore how we can detoxify and nourish the cultural and political soil those seeds are planted in for deeper long term change. 

Over the course of three sessions, participants will:
•  dive into using the Soil Strategy as a lens for understanding our work, 
•  dig into the function of organizers as visionary gardeners tending to our organizing plots and the collective soil, and 
•  develop methods for applying the Soil Strategy and our new tools and relationships to day-to-day organizing.


Thai Night Market

DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 26, 2021, 11:00am-9:00pm
PLACE:  Wat Promwachirayan 2544 Highway 100 South, St Louis Park, MN 55416
Parking: Beth El, 5225 Barry St. W, St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Wat Promwachirayan, the Thai Cultural Council of MN, and Royal Thai Consulate -General, Chicago are excited to bring back Thai Night Market!

The Thai Night Market mimics the vibrant markets of Thailand and Southeast Asia. This event will offer authentic Thai food for pick up to enjoy live music, a parade, cultural performances, souvenirs, local vendors, fire dancing, and dances from all over Southeast Asia. We are also thrilled to celebrate the Anniversary of Wat Promwachirayan and the Thai Cultural Council of MN in our newfound home in St. Louis Park.

Additional Parking:
Beth El Synagogue, 5225 Barry St. W, St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Then crossover Hwy. 100 using the highway overpass.

Building Community Capacity One Cup of Coffee at a Time

DATE/TIME: Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 10:00am-12:00pm 
PLACE: Register Here

As part of More Resilient Minnesota initiative, some communities have used the 100 Cups of Coffee process to elevate the voices of community members who are not always “at the table”.  The process involves one-on-one conversations with community members to learn about their perceptions of, and experiences with, both community assets and challenges.  This is a way to gathering community input to drive community resilience planning. 100 Cups of Coffee supports partnerships with a range of community members, as well as creating opportunities for leadership development. Beltrami and Robbinsdale are two communities that have successfully utilized this process.  This is a valuable and practical tool for building community capacity in the journey towards community well-being. Join us for an overview of the More Resilient Minnesota initiative, an MN Department of Human Services funded initiative and to learn how you can implement or adapt this tool in your community.

Gen-K: K-Pop Talent Showcase

DATE/TIME:  Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 8:00pm
PLACE: Online, Youtube

A production highlighting the talents of the Gen Z K-Pop Community in Minneapolis. Featuring dance cover teams and vocalists from across the Twin-Cities, we invite you to join us on Wed., July 28th, 2021 (8PM CST) on YouTube!  Learn more about us at View on your desktop for best experience. Connect with us! or Email (

Hmong Family Celebrate Your Parks Day

DATE/TIME:  Saturday, July 31, 2021 from 1:00pm to 4:00pm
PLACE: Centennial Park, 6301 Shingle Creek Pkwy. Brooklyn Center, MN 55430.

An event to welcome Hmong families from the north metro to Centennial Park in Brooklyn Center to explore opportunities for recreation, walking, biking, and healthy living
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