
CSF Research Update No. 3

Good afternoon,

In this monthly newsletter we are sharing a round up of research and analysis that are important for aid actors in Sudan to better understand the complex contexts in which they are working and improve the impacts of aid.

We will also share occasional selected articles from the CSF Knowledge Hub archive that can help to provide background, history and lessons learned. All the publications below can all be found in the CSF Knowledge Hub.

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New CSF Research

Caught in Transition: food aid in Sudan’s changing political economy

Susanne Jaspars and Youssif El Tayeb, CSF, May 2021

Food aid has long been a part of Sudan’s political economy; whether as a form of government budget support, a way of maintaining or attracting political allies, to feed soldiers or deny food to enemies. This report provides a preliminary analysis of changes in the political economy of food aid since the revolution, and seeks to assist donors, UN and NGOs to navigate the dilemmas of distributing food aid in Sudan.

Top Picks

Sudan’s Exchange Rate: How to Sustain Progress and Preempt Risks

Suliman Brando, The Sentry, March 2021

On 21 February, Sudan’s civilian-led transitional government implemented a managed float of the Sudanese pound to align the official exchange rate with the market’s rate. This briefing highlights some of the opportunities and risks of this policy, while identifying some additional steps to stabilise the country’s economy and address corruption.

Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Sudanese Households

Government of Sudan and World Bank, December 2020

This report presents some of the findings from the Sudan High Frequency Survey on COVID-19, which aimed to understand the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 on households in urban and rural areas of Sudan, and provide near real-time data. It collected household (and firm level) information, using phones to monitor the crisis and assess the dynamics of the impacts of COVID-19 on households and businesses in Sudan. The survey intends to inform dialogue and mitigation measures.

Restructuring state power in Sudan [PAYWALL]

Andrew E. Yaw Tchie and Hamid E. Ali, Economics of Peace and Security Journal, 2021

Developing economic policies in Sudan remains a significant challenge. This article argues that understanding the conflict, its costs and the progress made during the current peace agreement are essential for advancing policy reforms in Sudan. The Sudanese transitional government has attempted to implement reforms, but little progress has been made because the civilian elements operate outside of the existing state power. This article argues that addressing structural reforms in Sudan means establishing control over the economy, defence and security sectors.

Understanding Sudan's electoral system: Principles of representation

Rift Valley Institute, April 2021

Following the overthrow of President Omar al-Bashir in April 2019, Sudan began a process to transition to democracy. This is intended to include the creation of new legislative and judicial institutions, culminating in the holding of elections (tentatively scheduled for late 2022). Most important amongst the challenges to address in the preparation of elections are the principles of representatin and demarcation, which have been hotly contested in Sudan’s previous polls. This briefing paper discusses how previous electoral systems in Sudan have addressed three main questions about representation and identifies some lessons that can be drawn from these in planning for the next elections.

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Targeting in Complex Emergencies: Darfur Case Study

Daniel Maxwell and Helen Young, Feinstein International Center, April 2009

This research is one case in a study commissioned by the World Food Programme (WFP) to investigate the participation of recipient communities in the targeting and management of humanitarian food assistance in complex emergencies. The study involved a substantial desk review of existing documentation, and two weeks of field work in October 2008. The purpose of the study was to understand the ways in which participatory or community-based approaches to targeting have been attempted, within the definition of community-based targeting suggested by WFP.


Sudan’s economic stabilisation

Africa Aware podcast, Chatham House, April 2021

In this episode of Africa Aware, Dame Rosalind Marsden discusses the state of Sudan’s transition, while Dr Adam Elhiraika speaks about the country’s economic reform priorities and international support.

The Conflict Sensitivity Facility (CSF) does not attempt to verify or substantiate any claims made within these publications. The opinions found therein are the responsibility of the authors themselves, and do not necessarily reflect those of the CSF.

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