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Mother, May I?

Well, if the CDC says it's okay, then (maybe?) it's okay with me! 

Remember when we were little and we'd ask, "Can I have a [popsicle/muffin/pony/hug/whatever]?" The response would always be a snarky, "I don't know, can you?" And then, because we were wee ones, we would furrow our little brows in confusion.

As a former English teacher and daughter of a father who was quick to correct my grammar--"She gave it to you and me, not to you and I"--I'll confess to displaying this magnet on my fridge:

Maybe I shouldn't. Most people laugh when they see it, but there's a good chance the message might intimidate. It might make friends hesitate before saying something for fear of exposing ignorance of when to use who vs. whom or I vs. me or any number of confusing grammar rules. If you have to research a rule before committing to the bold act of saying something to another person, is it time to change the rule?

Some might say, "Supposably."  Since recently added this word to their dictionary (suppressing a shiver right now!), I did my best to open my mind to the possibility that some people have been using this word correctly all along. Upon further research, however, I determined they have not. Confused? Here's a link for clarification, but be forewarned--it contains a lot of "English teacher" language! Is Supposably A Real Word?

Language and grammar rules evolve and new words continue to expand our lexicon (ir)regardless of my opinions (and so many shivers). I know this. And so, I will do my best to honor the "SILENTLY" part of the grammar message on this magnet . . . but I'll keep it displayed prominently on my fridge, if only to make people laugh!

"Mother, may I have a pony?"

"Not a chance. And while you're standing there moping, take 3 giant steps backward!"
(Ahhhh! Childhood game memories!)


Upcoming (and maybe some past) Events!
  • Monthly: Buena Vista Public Library conducts FREE monthly enrichment program for adults (and children)! Remember to check their website each month to participate in a variety of programs. I really enjoyed hosting the letter writing workshop last month, and their "take and make" kits are fabulous!
  •  May 24, 9-noon: CCWE's WE Write session on the topic of writing scene descriptions! Author and CCWE President Jean Gabardi will host this informative session. Put it on your calendar! Free and open to everyone! You don't need to be a CCWE member to participate, but you might want to be after your first experience! Questions? Ask me! I'm the Membership Chairperson! Contact Jean to register:

***Support your Local Public Libraries and Book Stores!***

(contact me if you'd like a personalized autograph of any of my books)

(please send me literary news you'd like to share)
  • More Awards FINALISTS to announce for the 2021 Colorado Authors' League Book Awards: Peace by Piece: 10 Lessons from a Jigsaw Puzzle! by yours truly and Nadine Collier; the Sasquatch Series by Linda Ditchkus (book 4 in progress!); Gaga Gabardi and Judilee Butler's The Last Hurrah: A Phoebe Korneal MysteryTodd Fahnestock's Tower of the Four; and Cary Unkelbach's Heartbreak Kennel! Please support us by buying our books and leaving positive reviews!
  • Award-winning Leadville author/journalist Amy Frykholm has a new book ready for pre-order! Wild Woman: A Footnote, the Desert, and My Quest for an Elusive Saint will drop to your Kindle on August 3rd! Looks absolutely fascinating! I'll let you know about her launch party--scheduled for September 30--when we get closer!
  • A nonfiction piece I wrote about a visit to Bishop Castle called A Catwalk to Nowhere will be published in the Spring/Summer edition of Tiferet Journal! Check out this literary journal's latest writing contest (click on link) for poetry, short story, and nonfiction entries! June 15th deadline. An earlier version of my essay also won 1st place for nonfiction in the Friends of the Alamosa Public Library Messages from the Hidden Lake, 12th edition. (brag, brag, brag). I credit my West Point mentor, COL (Ret) Pat C. Hoy, with offering constructive suggestions for ways to improve my initial essay. Pat inspires me still, and was instrumental in my decision to graduate from West Point.
  • A confession: I haven't created a new podcast episode in quite a while (time to get back to it), but I've been having too much fun posting TikTok clips and YouTube videos! I have several playlists, so check out my channel for a variety of entertainment! 


Check out each to see how they might help you advance your craft!

[photo credit by Elise Sunday; a fall day on the Arkansas River, Buena Vista, CO]

Have you checked out my  podcast Alligator Preserves lately? There are unique short stories and interviews and insights galore! I hope you'll subscribe!

Looking for hot Writing Tips? Check HERE
Please send me some of your own and I'll credit you in my list!

Please let me know if you're participating in any awesome writing contests and if you have any personal writing/publishing news you'd like to share! I do my best to publish this newsletter by the ides of every month, so keep that in mind when sending me your literary news!

Until next month...
Be kind to yourself. Wash your hands . . . lots. And please wear a mask around others.
(here's a link to all of my books, available in paperback and Kindle and some on audiobook!)
Copyright © 2021 Laurel McHargue, All rights reserved.

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