CPF Newsletter May 14
~ CME & MOC Part 2 Virtual Education ~
"Treatments in Pediatric Epilepsy"
CME | MOC Part 2 Webinar | Monday, May 17 - 6 PM
Shilpa Reddy, MD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Neurology, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, will be leading a CME presentation for CPF members on Monday, May 17 at 6 PM discussing treatments in pediatric epilepsy, with topics including intractable (drug-resistant) epilepsy, classifying different types of epilepsy and epilepsy syndromes, non-medication treatment options, and when to refer to a comprehensive epilepsy center.

Presentation is approved for CME and MOC Part 2 credit for live attendees.
Register for Pediatric Epilepsy CME HERE
"COVID-19 Vaccines in Children"
Michelle Fiscus, MD, Medical Director, Vaccine-Preventable Diseases and Immunization Program, TN Dept of Health, led a presentation for CPF members this week discussing the latest updates on COVID-19 vaccines in children and what pediatricians and practices need to know to be prepared for the months and year ahead.

View the presentation VIDEO and SLIDES at the links.
COVID-19 Vaccines VIDEO
COVID-19 Vaccines Presentation SLIDES
COVID-19 Links
CPF Board Election
CPF is holding an election this year for a Community-Based Board seat! The CPF Board is made up of half community pediatricians and half Vanderbilt representatives. Board members are determined through a popular vote election. Terms are 3 years in length. 

We will be accepting nominations for the Community seat for the next 2 weeks! The nomination period will end on Friday, May 28 at 5 PM. You can self-nominate or nominate one of your peers. Please send nominations or questions to CPF Executive Director Lora Harnack at or by using the link below.
Send In a Board Nomination
Who's on the CPF Board? View the current members HERE
CPF Career Center
CPF's Career Center has posts of open positions in the membership network and also resumes of people looking for jobs in medical practices in the area. If you'd like to add a post to the page or remove one, please email CPF Program Manager Preston Spencer at
Tennesse Department of Health - Asst. Commissioner, Director, Division of Community Health Services
CPF is offering members several chances this year to complete PALS, PEARS, and BLS training for free. Here are the currently scheduled dates (classes to be held in-person at Vanderbilt 100 Oaks in Nashville at 8 AM):
FREE Access to AAP Point-of-Care Solutions
CPF provides members with a FREE subscription to AAP Point-of-Care Solutions as part of your annual dues, giving you easy access to well-care guides, patient education, the AAP's Coding Newsletter, RedBook Online, and more!

Need the log-in info? Email us using the link below.
Request AAP Point-of-Care Log-in Credentials
AAP 2021 Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Health Care

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Cumberland Pediatric Foundation · 5141 Virginia Way, Suite 230 · Brentwood, Tennessee 37027 · USA