Guardian Angels exists to reach out from the Altar of Christ to educate, serve and evangelize.
Dear School Parents,

Classes have ended at Guardian Angels Catholic School, but its legacy lives on – in your families and the families of the thousands of other students who have attended the school over the past decades.  It leaves a great impression on me to hear some of the many stories that there are of faith, family and fellowship that our school has brought.  This is a time of many emotions for all of us. Let’s hold one another in prayer as we mark this bittersweet milestone.

Last Wednesday, Archbishop Hebda celebrated Mass with us to honor the legacy of our school. It was good to see so many school families at the final school Mass this week.

Last Thursday, we celebrated 8th grade graduation to mark the achievements of our final graduating class. What an impressive group of young people they are. Congratulations, 8th graders!
This past Friday we held the school picnic sponsored by the PTO. Thank you, Brenda, and all who made this such a nice event!  Make sure to check out the school Facebook for photos from the picnic and all the events this week.
Finally, I thought you may want to read the announcement about the legacy of Guardian Angels Catholic School posted on our website, as well as the article about our school in the current issue of The Catholic Spirit. We have a long and proud history and that legacy lives on.

Catholic education opportunities live on with scholarships for current Guardian Angels students to attend neighboring Catholic schools through eighth grade. So far, families of about two-thirds of current kindergarten through 7th graders are planning to attend nearby Catholic schools next year and others are in the decision-making process. We hope all current students stay in Catholic school. Catholic education opportunities also live on in the parish in the form of faith formation opportunities for all ages in English and Spanish.   Please call the parish office at 952-227-4000 to learn more.

I understand this is a difficult time for students, for families, for teachers and alumni. Together, let’s put our faith in God to guide our next steps. Change and loss are difficult to bear, but Holy Scripture gives us strength by reminding us of what is eternal: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)
We can look to the future with hope. Hope for a vibrant parish. Hope in the children formed in the faith here at Guardian Angels who are out in the world doing wonderful things.
Please know that you and the entire Guardian Angels Catholic School family are in my prayers now and in the coming days.

Yours in Christ,
Father Tony VanderLoop
Copyright © 2021 Guardian Angels Church, All rights reserved.

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