Your News in a Flash on farm animals
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Compassionate eating is an important part of helping our kids become compassionate, more environmentally aware adults.

That’s why CCFA is proud to announce the launch of a new website: Humane Food for Kids. Aimed at children 8 to 13 years old, the site helps them explore issues surrounding farmed animals so that they can make kinder decisions about what they eat (and encourage their parents to do the same).

They’ll learn how farm animals—just like cats and dogs—are individuals, and each have their own personalities. They can read, in an age-appropriate way, about factory farming and how most farm animals are raised. At the same time, they can find a list of farm sanctuaries to visit and meet happy, cared-for farm animals up close and in-person.

The Food Labels page has helpful information on what to look for when shopping. It’s a good resource for parents too, with links to stores and farms that carry these labels.

What you can do offers ideas to help children take action—like the example we’ve provided where a student did a school project comparing natural farming with factory farming.
Children hear a lot today about global warming and greenhouse gases; the Environment page helps empower them by providing a clear explanation of greenhouse gases and how factory farming is a contributor—showing them that they can help change things simply by changing what they eat.

Speaking of which: Recipes! We have lots of easy, delicious veg recipes kids can try themselves or with some help from parents. How about making “Meatless Mondays” a regular habit at home? Children are naturally curious and are usually keen to help in the kitchen; our recipes are a great way to encourage them.

Please share our site with the young people in your life!

And let them know we’d love to hear from them: their feedback, their questions, their suggestions, and examples of school projects they’ve done on farming. They might be featured on the site!

Our site has been kid-approved by young reviewers who told us what they wanted and didn’t want in their website—we think the kids in your life will approve too.
© 2021 Canadian Coalition for Farm Animals. All rights reserved.
131 Bloor Street West  Suite 200/140  Toronto ON  M5S 1R8

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