
What we're are talking about this week

The Power of Words.

We have two beautiful features out this week, both tied to the notion of how language displays and allows us to own our identities. 

First, columnist Emily Hauser writes about how motherhood is supposed to be both a full-time avocation and a life-defining role, and yet, paradoxically, how mothers are taught to elide or discard it in order to perform as individuals in the workplace and the world. 

“In a culture rooted in and built on misogyny, it serves those in power to tell you that motherhood is both a woman’s highest calling and not up to her. Both parts of that are a lie,” Hauser writes.

And, as Dianna Anderson writes in their piece this week, transphobic discourse isn’t harmless, nor is it an ‘opinion’: trans lives are not up for debate. As Anderson points out, “Having language that feels right to describe who you are has long been the project of the queer community as we seek recognition and civil rights.” Language for identity is the floor, not the ceiling. “I’m a human being who is tired of being considered a divisive issue simply for existing.” 

During a record-breaking year for anti-trans legislation, elevating trans changemakers is more important than ever.

Read more on language:
How the prison system fails to acknowledge incarcerated trans identities 

America is literally warring over words


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The practice of publishing anti-abortion politicians and activists’ claims void of crucial context wasn’t new to coverage of Kavanaugh — it’s a frequent feature of the toxic and inaccurate both-side-isms that plague media coverage of abortion. Read the rest of Kylie Cheug's feature.

Catch the next Facebook live broadcast of Debunked! With our resident disinformation sleuth Brooke Binkowski tomorrow (Thursday) at 11am PST/2pm EST

Missed Brooke last week? Watch it here  “The far-right has been organizing for years now to offer the illusion of consensus and popularity for their ideas where none exists… If their ideas were popular, they wouldn’t need to do this.” 

What we're reading.

Next Monday marks the 100th anniversary of the Tulsa Race Massacre, often called the "the single worst incident of racial violence in American history,” in which over 1,000 homes and businesses were destroyed and hundreds of Black Americans died at the hands of white residents in 1921. The New York Times takes a visual look at what was destroyed. Then, take a look in our archives at Ida Harris’ piece on the denigration of Black life in the U.S. 

Are you missing the days of small talk with coworkers and passerbys? You’re not alone. Studies show that the past year’s absence of those small conversations is affecting us more than you think.

Let’s talk about THAT photo from Sunday night’s Mare of Easttown on HBO. The internet has lots of thoughts about what’s on it

There’s been lots of talk about UFOs on the news lately. The Atlantic takes a look at why these objects fail to make a strong case for alien life. 


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The only book about menopause we can’t wait to read by the pool. With her characteristic humor and no-holds-barred truth-telling, we’re ready to get the straight scoop on the “change” from DAME fave ObGYN Dr. Jen Gunter’s Menopause Manifesto

Rid yourself of stank-ass energy

We will happily indulge a little woo-woo energy if it gets us to the right headspace to deal with re-emerging in the Covid world and Republican fuckery. Part self-help, part gloriously curse-laden goodness, Mandi Em gives us simple ways to connect with witchy goodness and reclaim our time in Witchcraft Therapy: Your Guide to Banishing Bullsh*t and Invoking Your Inner Power.

What’s on your bookshelf? Tell us about your most anticipated new release or what you can’t put down right now. Your rec might become our next bookshelf read!

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