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Welcome to Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire News

Welcome to our weekly newsletter.  

In this week's email:

  • Chief Officer Update
  • Lincolnshire based Flu Vaccination Training: places available at £105
  • Reminder: Virtual Outcomes usage survey to decide on continuing subscription

Chief Officer Update

Dear all

There is not much to report this week, but behind the scenes myself and the Chair, Paul Jenks, have been working hard with the LMC to progress the roll out of the GP Referral to CPCS service across the county.  With that in mind, there will be a special update on GPCPCS roll-out progress next week in place of the weekly update.

We have also set up a meeting on 13th July with the Integrated Care System (ICS) development top level representatives, working with colleagues in General Practice, Optometry and Dentistry as part of the four pillars of primary care, to ensure the voice of the entire health care system is heard and considered in the development of an ICS in Lincolnshire.  In the meantime we continue to meet with operational leads and others to engage in STP and ICS development plans that impact community pharmacy.

I have visited a Pfizer and AZ community pharmacy vaccine hub in the county, so now have a much clearer understanding of the complexities involved in rolling out the vaccines across the county.  I have also had a chance to speak to a few Community Pharmacy PCN leads about their roles, enabling me to feedback concerns raised and potential support needs to both the committee and to ICS representatives when discussing future health system plans within the county.

Finally, as an academic and Chief Officer of Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire, I have been asked to sit on the Lincoln University Pharmacy and Practice Research Group, which will strengthen links between the university and Community Pharmacy in Lincolnshire.

As Covid-19 restrictions are slowly relaxed, we aim to highlight the vital role that community pharmacy has played in the pandemic and continues to play in supporting Lincolnshire residents as part of an integrated healthcare system to representatives of the system both locally and nationally. Thank you all for your continued hard work in community pharmacy, supporting the health and well-being of Lincolnshire's population.


Dr Tracey Latham-Green BA (hons), MBA, PhD
Chief Officer
Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire

Lincolnshire based Flu Vaccination Training

Booking Flu Vaccination Training- places available at £105 per person

Thank you for everyone who completed the flu vaccination training facilitation interest survey.  After considering the responses, we have identified the most popular locations and dates and we will be facilitating three local flu vaccination training sessions at a cost of £105 per person with 12 places per session as follows:

  • Wednesday 7th July, 0900-1230 at New Life Centre, Mareham Lane, Sleaford, NG34 7JP (12 places)
  • Tuesday 13th July, 0900-1230 at The Showroom, Tritton Road, Lincoln, LN6 7QY (12 places)
  • Saturday 10th July, 1330-1700 at The Showroom, Tritton Road, Lincoln, LN6 7QY (12 places)
These are half day sessions, lunch will not be provided but there will be light refreshments on arrival. Both venues have free car parking on site. Places are offered on a first come first served basis.

Please read this entire item before booking.

Places need to be paid for within 36 hours of receiving the invoice online using a credit or debit card via Paypal (you will not need a Paypal account to do this).  Unfortunately, we cannot accept payment via BACS.

If you are an employed Coop pharmacist you will not receive an invoice, the payment will automatically be completed centrally, but other pharmacists will need to pay the invoice received.

The training will include:
  • Landmarking thigh and deltoid
  • Intramuscular injections (Adult)
  • Sub-cutaneous injections (Adult)
  • Recognition and treatment of Anaphylaxis – including drawing up adrenaline
  • Recognition and treatment of faints
  • Basic Life Support (Adults)
  • Recovery Position
To book, please click on the following link:

Select a location:

Click on the session you require (see example below):

Click on external trainers.

This will take you to a link to the booking form for the session you have selected.  If it says ‘available’ (see screen shot below) you can then click on it and complete the online booking form.

If it says the session is ‘full’ (see example screenshot below) you will need to go back and pick another date and/or location.

Please ensure you include an email address with your booking as you are required to complete an online training module prior to the course date and the details will be sent to you.
  • If you are a Lincolnshire Coop Pharmacy employee please write ‘Lincolnshire Coop’ in the address line on the booking form and the payment will be made centrally via the Coop.
  • If you are not a Lincolnshire Coop Pharmacy employee you will need to pay the invoice that will be sent to you online using a debit or credit card securely via Paypal.  You do not need to have a Paypal account to do this.  We cannot accept payment via BACS, cheque or other direct payment. Please note, invoices will be sent out intermittently when part-time staff are in the office, your place will be reserved, but if payment is not received within 36 hours of an invoice being sent your place may be reopened to another participant.

A screen will appear saying your booking is confirmed but
your place is not 100% confirmed until payment has been made.

Please ensure you arrive on site 15 minutes before the course start time.  At the moment, social distancing measures are in place and masks must be worn, although this may change after the review on 21st June, but please ensure you have a face covering with you for the training.

Reminder: Virtual Outcomes Training Software Survey

Currently, Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire funds access to the Virtual Outcomes training platform for all pharmacy contractors in Lincolnshire, as a means of providing accessible training to support service delivery.

For the current (2021/22) and future years, continued subscribing to the training system will need to be covered from Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire (CPL) funds.  

Whilst it is not striclty within the remit of CPL to fund training provision for contractors, if we subscribe to Virtual Outcomes as CPL there is a saving overall compared to individual contractors funding the training. However, this is only realised and justifiable if enough contractors are utilising the platform.  

The Committee agreed at the meeting on 16th March this year that we would fund a further year's subscription to Virtual Outcomes for 21/22 from reserves, with the proviso that during this year we would ascertain usage and then make a decision on future funding of the training packages. 

We'd therefore like to understand if or how you and your team use the learning available to you on the Virtual Outcomes platform at

With the above in mind, please could you complete the short questionnaire accessed here, so we can understand the value of the Virtual Outcomes system to you and our contractors. The survey has four questions and should take around a minute or so to complete.

Thank you for your assistance.

Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire are continuing to update and refresh our website. Let us know if there are any specific things you'd like to see, You can email us at

Remember, you can also contact us using with any questions, queries or feedback you may have.
Lincolnshire Local Pharmaceutical Committee is the voice of NHS pharmacies in Lincolnshire.  For further information about the work we do, contact or visit 
Copyright © 2021 Community Pharmacy Lincolnshire, All rights reserved.

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