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SCAN is hiring!

The Scarborough Civic Action Network (SCAN) is a community-driven network focused on mobilizing a civic voice for Scarborough, one that is inclusive of marginalized and underrepresented communities and reflective of the diversity of community members who live in Scarborough. SCAN aims to support civic engagement to address priority equity issues throughout Scarborough. SCAN is governed by its Stewardship Group made up of community-serving agencies and Scarborough residents and SCAN is trusteed by Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA). 

SCAN is currently hiring for the following positions: 
  • SCAN Project Coordinator
  • Canada Summer Jobs Community Services Worker 

Project Coordinator 

SCAN is seeking a Project Coordinator to continue its work of promoting civic engagement to address priority equity issues facing Scarborough communities. The ideal candidate will have a strong knowledge base about Scarborough communities, priority equity issues facing communities throughout Scarborough, community-based civic engagement and experience working with grassroots groups and in collaborative initiatives that bring residents and community-serving agencies together. 

See job posting here. The deadline to apply is June 5, 2021. 

Community Services Worker

SCAN is seeking to hire 1 Community Services Worker to support SCAN’s civic engagement in neighbourhoods across Scarborough, with a focus on Scarborough Centre, and to carry out its community summit survey and enlist community members. SCAN is looking for someone who is motivated, eager to learn, takes initiative, is reliable, builds relationships with communities and has a passion for civic engagement in Scarborough. This position will focus SCAN’s action mandate of addressing issues related to affordable housing as well as community safety.

See job posting here. The deadline to apply is June 7, 2021. 


SCAN is a non-partisan network that aims to build empowered communities in Scarborough through civic engagement to address inequities. SCAN’s work is about strengthening Scarborough communities through civic engagement that aspires to improve the quality of life and create a livable, prosperous Scarborough for all. SCAN aims to support a flourishing civic culture in Scarborough in which people are convening, connecting and enabling the civic actions of people inclusively and equitably. The core of SCAN's work is currently funded by The United Way and SCAN is trusteed by Agincourt Community Services Association (ACSA). SCAN also gratefully acknowledges funding support from Maytree Foundation. For more information, contact Anna Kim, SCAN Coordinator:

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