GQ #013 - May 30.21
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Your thoughts are always moving you

They move you on to other thoughts, on to emotions and into action. 

That movement can be towards your vision and towards what you want, or it can be moving, sideways or against your vision. 

You're always moving. 

I hear others talking about negative and positive thoughts with the intention to ferret out the negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. I feel that there is much more nuance. 

It's about noticing your thoughts and observing where they're taking you. Are these thoughts supportive and helpful and truthful to you, and what you want? 

You may not be able to control every thought that pops into your mind. However, you can control how much truth you endow to your thoughts and how much attention you spend with each thought. 

Because your thoughts are always moving you it's critical to take notice of what your thoughts are moving you toward.
  • Is it toward being more present in the moment or toward being distracted by what else you should be doing?
  • Is it toward taking steps on the project or commitment you made to yourself or toward procrastination?
  • Is it toward having priorities that are meaningful to you now or toward letting others determine what you're doing and when? 
There are thoughts that will take you closer to what you want. And there are thoughts that will take you away. 

This is NOT about judging thoughts as good or bad. Thoughts are neutral. It's about being an objective observer of those thoughts and identifying how or whether they are helpful, valuable and supportive, for where you're wanting to go next. 

Rain is a miracle when there are forest fires and it's creates suffering when there are floods. 

Same rain.
No need to judge the rain, that's not going to change it. 

What do you want and what different thoughts are necessary to move you toward it? 

In other words...

You are today where your thoughts have brought you; 
You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.
-James Allen

Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life
and you will call it fate.
- Carl Jung

The best thinking is rethinking
- Shane Parrish

A good question...

What thoughts will move me toward the design I hold for my life? 

Until next Sunday,
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