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Parshas Behaalosecha - Rishon with Rashi

At the end of last week’s parsha, we learned about the presents that the Nesiim gave for the Chanukas Hamizbeiach. But one shevet did not bring a present — Shevet Levi. Aharon felt bad about this, but Hashem told him that he would do something greater — he would light the Menorah! That’s why we learn about how the Menorah is lit now:

Hashem tells Moshe to tell Aharon how to light the Menorah.

When Aharon sets up the wicks in the Menorah, he should make sure that the wicks face the middle branch of the Menorah. Also, when he lights the wicks, he should make sure that the flame catches onto the wick until it is burning on its own.

Even though Aharon was so overjoyed to be able to do this mitzvah, he still made sure to do it exactly the way he was told.

In order to show how special it was for Aharon to light the menorah, the Torah tells us again how special the menorah was. It was made out of one piece of gold, and made in a way of a neis! This shows us that what Aharon did to prepare the Menorah was greater than what the Nesiim did to prepare the Mizbeiach!

Now we learn how the Leviim started working in the Mishkan:

Hashem told Moshe to make the Leviim tahor, by sprinkling them with water from the Parah Adumah, in case any of the Leviim had Tumas Meis. They also had to cut off all their hair like a Metzora (a person with tzoraas), and put their clothes in the Mikvah.

Why did they have to have their hair cut off like a Metzora? Rashi explains that this was because the Leviim were going to do the Avodah in the Mishkan instead of the Bechorim, the firstborns, who served Avodah Zarah with the Eigel Hazahav.

An offering to Avodah Zara and a Metzora are both also called “Meis.” The Leviim had to cut off their hair to take away the tumah of Avodah Zara (Meis), the way a Metzora has to cut off his hair to take away his tumah of tzoraas (Meis).

The Leviim should also bring a Korban Olah similar to the korban which a group of people who do Avodah Zarah have to bring, and a Korban Chatas.

All of the Leviim should stand in front of the Mishkan, and the Yidden should watch them bringing their korbanos. Aharon lifted up the Leviim and waved them like the korban of a Metzora is waved, and the Yidden did semicha (leaning on them, like we lean on a korban) on the Leviim, since the Avodah of the Leviim is a korban which is a kapara for the Yidden.

When the Leviim bring these Korbanos, they will become special for Hashem, ready to work in the Mishkan.



66 - 68

In Kapitel Samech-Vov, it says “Hofach Yam LaYabasha” — Hashem made the water into dry land, during Kriyas Yam Suf.

Chassidus explains that this is like what happens when Moshiach comes.

Usually, there is water that covers over the sea. But when Hashem makes it into dry land, we can see what’s inside, what’s usually hiding!

When Moshiach comes, we’ll be able to see things that are hidden. Now we can’t see how Hashem makes everything be, but when Moshiach comes we will see it!



Shaar Hayichud Veha'emunah Perek Daled

The Alter Rebbe is starting to explain to us that even though all of the Gashmius things in the world are botul to the chayus of Hashem, we can’t see it! Hashem hides so much that even though Hashem is RIGHT HERE we still aren’t able to see Hashem’s chayus.

Hashem has two special names:

1) Yud-Kay-Vov-Kay
2) Elokim (we will learn about this name later — this is how Hashem hides Himself)

Yud-Kay-Vov-Kay has the same letters as Havayah, which means “to make things be.” Hashem is called by this name when He makes everything in the world, “Yeish MeAyin.” And like we said before, Hashem is doing this all the time!

Nowadays Hashem is hiding, using the name Elokim.

When Moshiach comes, there won’t be any more hiding, and we’ll be able to SEE how Hashem is making everything in the world become alive with the name Yud-Kay-Vov-Kay!



Yud-Beis Sivan

When we say the bracha “Shehakol,” we make sure to say Shehakol NIHIYAH Bidvaro, not NIHIYEH (like other people have a nusach to say).

The Rebbe Rashab wrote in a letter:

Be very happy if someone tells you how you can do something better, because then you can fix it and start to do things in the best way!

For example, if you make a book, don’t just listen to the people who say how nice it is. Listening to the people who say how it can be better will make it the best it can be!



Shiur #318 - Mitzvas Lo Saasei #279, #277, #275, #278, #273

Today we learn 5 mitzvos for a judge to keep, to make sure he is judging according to the rules of the Torah:

1) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #279) A judge may not have rachmanus on someone who hurt or killed someone else and needs to pay a knas. He needs to judge him according to the halacha, and not say “he can’t afford it,” or “he made a mistake.”

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Shoftim: וְלֹא תָחוֹס עֵינֶךָ נֶפֶשׁ בְּנֶפֶשׁ עַיִן בְּעַיִן שֵׁן בְּשֵׁן יָד בְּיָד רֶגֶל בְּרָגֶל

2) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #277) Don’t judge in a way that a poor person wins if he doesn’t really deserve it. Don’t use this as a way to give tzedakah to the poor person! Tzedakah is a separate thing, but the judgment has to be correct and fair.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Mishpatim: וְדָל לֹא תֶהְדַּר בְּרִיבוֹ

3) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #275) Don’t be nicer to any of the people in Beis Din, even if they’re more important — treat them all the same. Don’t say “he’s a rich or respected person, how can I make him lose?”

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Kedoshim: וְלֹא תֶהְדַּר פְּנֵי גָדוֹל

The details of this mitzvah are explained in many places in Mesechta Sanhedrin and Mesechta Shevuos.

4) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #278) Don’t judge against someone just because you know he’s a rasha — judge each case by itself, and see if the halacha says he should be punished.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Mishpatim: לֹא תַטֶּה מִשְׁפַּט אֶבְיֹנְךָ בְּרִיבוֹ

5) (Mitzvas Lo Saasei #273) Don’t do anything different than the Torah says when you pasken. The Torah tells us how make someone innocent or guilty, and the judge has to follow each of those halachos exactly.

We learn this mitzvah from a posuk in Parshas Kedoshim: לֹא תַעֲשׂוּ עָוֶל בַּמִּשְׁפָּט



Hilchos Sanhedrin

In today’s Rambam, we learn about when the Beis Din gives malkos to someone to punish them for certain aveiros.

In Perek Tes-Zayin, we learn about how malkos are given. We learn that the person who gives malkos should be very smart, but not very strong — because the halacha is that he has to hit as hard as he can, and we don’t want the person to be hurt more than they need to be.

Perek Yud-Zayin teaches us how many malkos to give. We try to figure out how many a person can handle, and only give that many. Because of the way malkos are given (1 on the front, then one on the back on each shoulder), we only give a number that we can divide by 3, like 9 or 12 or 18. If a person can only handle 11, we round down to 9, not up to 12!

Perek Yud-Ches tells us about the kinds of aveiros that make a person deserve malkos. These aveiros are all from the Torah, but a Beis Din can give Makas Mardus, another kind of malkos, for doing an aveira Miderabanan.



Hilchos Shevuos - Perek Vov

The Rambam teaches us what happens if a person changes his mind and wants to take away a shevuah. This is called Heter Shevuos.



Lebn Mit Der Tzeit

In the times of the Beis Hamikdash, there were special korbanos that needed to be brought on Shavuos.

Since we don’t have a Beis Hamikdash now, we can’t bring these special korbanos. Still, there are certain presents we do give Hashem on the Yom Tov of Shavuos. We add in our learning and teaching Torah, with ourselves and with others. We do it with a new chayus and excitement, the way the Yidden felt when they got the Torah for the first time!

What does a person do if he didn’t bring these special presents on Shavuos?

The Torah teaches us what to do when we miss an important chance: Even if someone missed bringing the Korban Pesach, a very big mitzvah, it is not too late! Hashem gives us another chance to make up for it. Es iz nishto kein farfallen — it’s never too late!

Today is the last day of the Yemei Tashlumin for Shavuos. In the times of the Beis Hamikdash, Yidden had until today to make up for any korbanos that needed to be brought on Shavuos.

If we missed out on making a hachlata to learn Torah with more chayus, or to add a shiur in Torah, it’s not too late! Today is the day to chap arein and do it!

See sicha Yud-Beis Sivan Tof-Shin-Mem

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Yud-Beis Pesukim - Review

We are reviewing the Yud-Beis Pesukim, in the order of where they come from.

We started with the first two pesukim of Torah Shebichsav, the pesukim of Torah Tziva and Shema. The Chachomim say that these pesukim should be the first thing we teach a child, as soon as they learn to talk! In our time, the Rebbe strengthened this hora’ah of the Chachomim, by putting them first into the Yud-Beis Pesukim that every child should know.

A few weeks after teaching the first six pesukim of the Yud-Beis Pesukim, the Rebbe taught us more! The Rebbe started by adding two more pesukim from Torah Shebichsav, the pesukim of Bereishis and Veshinantam.

Today we will review the posuk of Bereishis, and see how the first posuk the Rebbe taught this time is a continuation of the very first posuk the Rebbe taught before!

Bereishis Bara Elokim — “In the beginning, Hashem created the Heavens and the earth.” This is the very first thing that the Torah tells us! We shouldn’t be afraid if it looks like the world doesn’t seem like such a holy place. We should remember that Hashem created this world! Hashem gave us the Torah, which lets us change this world into a beautiful holy world, the way it is supposed to be.

Once we know what it says in the posuk Torah Tziva, that the Torah is a precious treasure that each Yid has, we get to start USING our treasure, by learning as much as we can! We start from the very first posuk of the entire Torah, Bereishis!

There, we also see another special thing about our precious Torah: That the Torah helps us fix the world into the way Hashem wants it to be!



Davening Shemoneh Esrei Quietly

We daven Shemoneh Esrei in a quiet voice that no one else can hear. The Chachomim say that a person who davens loud shows that he doesn’t have such strong emunah, because he thinks he has to daven loud so Hashem can hear.

But that’s only if you’ll still be able to have kavana, because kavana is the main thing. If davening out loud will help you have more kavana, and won’t bother anyone else (like if you’re davening at home, and not with a minyan), then you can also daven out loud.

You are also allowed to daven out loud for chinuch, if you want your family to learn how to daven.

See the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch, Hilchos Tefillah, siman 101

לעילוי נשמת הרה״ח ר׳ דניאל יצחק ע״ה בן ר׳ אפרים שי׳ מאסקאוויץ
שליח כ"ק אדמו"ר נשיא דורנו למדינת אילינוי



We Will Clearly See!

The Navi Yeshaya told us in a nevuah about Moshiach that we will all be able to see how Hashem will come back to Yerushalayim!

קוֹל צֹפַיִךְ נָשְׂאוּ קוֹל יַחְדָּו יְרַנֵּנוּ כִּי עַיִן בְּעַיִן יִרְאוּ בְּשׁוּב ה׳ צִיּוֹן

Kol Tzofayich Nasu Kol — The watchmen who are standing on the walls of the city will call out

Yachdav Yeranenu — They will sing together

Ki Ayin Be’Ayin Yiru — Because we will be able to see clearly with our own eyes

Beshuv Hashem Tzion — When Hashem comes back to rest in Yerushalayim, in the Beis Hamikdash!

Chassidus explains that this also means that we will be able to clearly see Hashem! Nowadays, we can understand a little bit about Achdus Hashem and Hashgacha Protis from what we learn in Torah. But when Moshiach comes, we will be able to SEE these things clearly with our Gashmius’dike eyes!

See Yeshaya perek Nun-Beis posuk Ches

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לע"נ התינוק זאב ארי' ע"ה בן יבלט"א הרה"ח ר' שניאור זלמן שי' גליק
נפטר ב' מנחם אב ה'תשע"ג

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