Issue 10, June 2021
This is a monthly newsletter from the IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP). In this 10th edition, which covers activities in May, the newsletter features the IMF staff proposal to end the pandemic, regional and national seminars to share key points from the latest World Economic Outlook, and the recruitment of an HQ-based Japanese-English translator.   IMFアジア太平洋地域事務所の月刊ニューズレター。第10号は5月のニュースを網羅しており、パンデミック終焉を促進するIMF提案のほか、最新の世界経済見通しの重点内容を広めたセミナー、日英翻訳者の募集などを紹介しています。
Global & Regional News

IMF Proposes a $50 Billion Vaccine Expansion Plan to End the Pandemic

The IMF has made a concrete proposal to help end the pandemic by expanding vaccine coverage to at least 40% of the population in all countries by the end of 2021 and at least 60% by the first half of 2022. Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva announced on May 21 at the EC/G20 Global Health Summit that an IMF staff proposal estimates financing requirements of $50 billion, including $35 billion in grants and $15 billion in loans from multilateral development banks, to cover the vaccine target, and economic returns of around $9 trillion in global GDP by 2025. Read the IMF staff proposal, its blog and her speech. /  G20世界保健サミットに登壇したIMFのゲオルギエバ専務理事は、早急にパンデミックを終結させるためのIMFスタッフ・プロポーザルを紹介。無償資金350億ドルと開発銀行などの融資150億ドルを合わせた500億ドルあれば、今年中に世界各国の人口40%、来年6月中に60%の人々のワクチン接種を完了することができ、その経済効果は2025年までにGDP約9兆ドルに上ると述べました。ブログはこちら

Asia-Pacific Audience Hears IMF Economic Outlook and Policy Advice

More than 200 participants from the Asia-Pacific region benefited from presentations on economic policy recommendations for recovery from the pandemic and growth at a May 13 seminar hosted by the IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, during which four economists who co-authored the IMF’s latest World Economic Outlook spoke. Malhar Nabar, Division Chief in the IMF Research Department, said that emerging markets and low-income countries might suffer greater scarring from the pandemic due to their limited policy space, and recommended that countries focus on limiting persistent damage from the crisis through targeted policies. Read more here. / アジア太平洋地域から参加した200人以上を前に、最新のIMF世界経済見通しを記した4人のエコノミストが、5月13日に開かれたセミナーで、コロナ禍からの回復や経済成長に関する政策提言を披露しました。IMFアジア太平洋地域事務所主催。

IMF Joins BOJ Think Tank’s Conference on “Adapting to the New Normal”

IMF Chief Economist Gita Gopinath joined discussions on the post-pandemic new normal on May 25 at the invitation-only international conference hosted by the Bank of Japan’s think tank, the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies. She spoke on ‘The Great Divergence,’ the widening gap between low income and emerging market economies and advanced economies, and discussed with panelists from central banks and academia how the global economy will look after the pandemic and what needs to be done to ensure a strong and equitable recovery. Read the BOJ Governor’s speech (link to the BOJ website). / IMFチーフ・エコノミストのギータ・ゴピナートは5月25日、日本銀行金融研究所の国際会議に参加し、ばらつきのある回復について述べた後、中央銀行家や学者らとともにニュー・ノーマルへ向けた経済や金融の在り方について議論しました。黒田総裁のスピーチ (日本銀行ウェブサイト)。

OAP News Highlights
OAP Director Talks at Webcast “Balancing Act”
IMF Regional Office Director Chikahisa Sumi presented an overview of the global economic situation and discussed opportunities and risks for the economic recovery from the pandemic with Tetsuya Kodama, Barclays Asia Pacific Vice Chairman, in their closed webcast “Balancing Act” on May 18. It was a part of the webcast series “Macro Perspectives”. Watch the video here. / 鷲見周久OAP所長はバークレイズの顧客向けウェブキャストに登壇し、同社の児玉哲哉アジア太平洋地域副会長と、パンデミックからの景気回復の機会とリスクについて議論しました。
Latest Economic Outlook Presented in Japanese
Sharing the IMF’s latest global economic outlook in Japanese at a seminar hosted by the Japan Center for International Finance on May 19, OAP Director Chikahisa Sumi said that the IMF advises countries not to withdraw special measures abruptly and start preparing for a fairer and greener recovery once the pandemic is contained. Watch archive video here. / 国際金融情報センター主催のセミナーで鷲見周久OAP所長は5月19日、パンデミックが続く間は緊急支援策を続け、回復が進むにつれ格差のない環境に配慮した社会への回復に向けた施策に取り掛かるべきだと述べました。
JPN Translator Wanted for IMF Language Services
The IMF Language Services is in search of an experienced Japanese translator who handles translation work between Japanese and English. The job requires collaboration with OAP colleagues to ensure the quality of translation of official materials. The application deadline is June 20. See more details here. / IMFの言語サービス課では日英翻訳を担当する日本語翻訳者を募集しています。日英翻訳では必要に応じてアジア太平洋地域事務所の職員とも協力し翻訳の質を担保しています。応募締め切りは6月20日。
Regional Seminar on Fiscal Responses to be Held
Registration for an upcoming June 15 regional seminar on fiscal responses to get ahead of the pandemic is now open. Lead economists who co-authored the IMF's latest Fiscal Monitor will present key points. For registration, visit the seminar website. / 6月15日開催予定の財政政策に関する地域セミナーの事前登録が始まりました。『財政モニター』最新号の筆頭エコノミストたちがプレゼンを行います。詳細はこちら
Asia-Pacific Country Update
IMF bilateral surveillance on macroeconomic policies leads to various research papers and country-specific reports with policy analysis and recommendations, including the Article IV Staff Report on country economic developments and Country Reports on thematic analyses. The latest work relevant to each of the 37 member countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including communication products, is listed here.  /  IMFの二国間経済審査では、経済動向の分析や政策提言を4条協議レポートや国別レポートなど様々な報告書として発表しています。最近発行されたアジア太平洋地域関連のレポートや広報資料は次の通り。
OAP Upcoming Events

To promote the Fund’s initiatives and share its policy advice, the IMF regional office in Tokyo organizes conferences, workshops and seminars for specific stakeholders and participates in external events to reach out to various audiences. See also the News and Events on the OAP website. /  アジア太平洋地域事務所では、以下のイベントを開催する予定です。OAPウェブサイトのニュース&イベントもご覧ください。
  • June 15: OAP to host the Asia-Pacific Regional Seminar on the IMF's latest Fiscal Monitor.
  • June 15-16: OAP Director to join the 9th OECD-AMRO-ADB/ADBI-ERIA Asian Regional Roundtable.
  • June 19: OAP to join an online career fair hosted by Keio University.
  • June 22-23: OAP Deputy Head to join the APEC Senior Finance Officials Meetings.
  • June 22-24 (TBC): OAP to host the thesis presentation, seminars and farewell reception for graduates of the Japan-IMF Scholarship Program for Asia.
Useful Links

COVID-19 Information on the IMF Website
The IMF website's landing page features a COVID-19 information box that links to the following four sites.  / 
  • IMF COVID-19 Hub / 新型コロナウイルス  IMFの対応
    All IMF responses to the COVID-19 pandemic are put together here. / 
  • Policy Tracker / 政策トラッカー
    This webpage shows member countries’ macroeconomic policies to fight against the COVID-19 crisis. / 世界193か国のコロナ危機下の経済情勢や対策の最新情報を紹介しています。
  • Emergency Financing / 融資トラッカー
    This webpage shows the list of member countries that have received IMF emergency financial assistance. / 加盟国への緊急融資を一覧にまとめています。
  • Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) / 特別引出権 (SDR)
    This webpage put together all relevant information on SDRs. / 特別引出権に関する最新情報をまとめています。
  • Sovereign Debt / ソブリン債
    This website put together all relevant information on public debts. / 公的債務に関する情報をまとめています。  
IMF Factsheets List  / ファクトシート一覧
This webpage lists all the IMF Factsheets that explain the Fund's core activities, lending schemes and decision-making system.  / 

Japanese translations / 日本語翻訳情報
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