Track with the Needhams as we serve in Thailand
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10 Days and Counting

It is hard to believe that we'll be on a plane bound for the US in just ten days (hopefully!). We are all very excited to see family and friends and visit some of our favorite places. Here's a very tentative itinerary for the first three months we'll be in the US:

  • June 5-23 - South Carolina
  • June 25-July 8 - Virginia
  • July 12-16 - Michigan
  • July 17-23 - Kentucky
  • July 24-August 8 TBD
  • August 9-23 - Michigan
  • August 25-September 2 - Ohio
  • September 3-5 - Kentucky
  • September 6 - South Carolina
As you can see, we'll be on the road a lot during this time with even more stops we didn't mention above. Please pray for our family as we put in a lot of miles and highway time. We look forward to connecting with many of you and hope to encourage you with what the Lord is doing because of your partnership in ministry!
South Carolina friends: can you help us for a few weeks?
We we hope to purchase or borrow a minivan to use while we are in the US. For our friends and contacts in South Carolina, does anyone have car we could borrow for a few weeks (June 6-20) while we look for a vehicle? We would greatly appreciate it!
We Moved!
After living in the same house for five years (the longest we've ever lived in one house!), we decided to move to a nearby home. This decision was made for several reasons, the largest being that Eric's new role requires that he devote full-time to Crossworld leadership needs in Asia. Our new home has a room that will serve as a dual-purpose office space and guest room. We love our new place and are excited to come back to it at the end of the year!
Delayed Effects
COVID-19 has impacted everyone on the globe. Life inside Thailand was largely normal for the second half of last year. Since then COVID-19 has begun to take its toll. Thailand's infection rate is still not high compared to many other countries, but the country's economy has been ravaged. This is largely due to receiving no tourists and travel within the country being somewhat restricted. We have not been able meet with groups of ten or more for months, including churches and our boys have had to do virtual schooling. This has limited our ministry work, as you can imagine. We're saddened that we won't be able to give a proper "see you again soon" to some of our Thai and expat friends before we travel to the US, but we're hopeful that Thailand will be able to open up more late this year.
Saying Farewell
Tyler has been Jake's aid at Grace International School for two years but will be moving back to the U.S. for further education. He's been fantastic with Jake and will be deeply missed. We are amazed and thankful for the ways God has provided people in Jake's life, even in Thailand, so that Jake can thrive. We don't know what God has in store for the next few years at Grace International School, but we trust that God will continue to provide for his special education needs!
Prayer Needs:
  • The timing of our COVID tests and travel don't leave much room for error or delays, especially in this season where flights in Asia are spotty and are canceled frequently. Please pray these fall into place.
  • We'll be in transit for about 40 hours straight! Pray we are able to maintain our sanity! :)
  • For the provision of a vehicle that will reliably get us where we need to go over the course of the next seven months
  • That we might be able to bring you encouragement about what is happening in Asia as we visit with you!
Thank you for making this ministry possible!
In the Shepherd's Arms,
Eric, Faith, Jake, Owen and Titus
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