► Community
Keeping Our Neighborhood Clean

No matter how many houses are rehabbed or apartments built, most residents have to deal with other issues such as the cleanliness of their immediate area outside that which has been recently rehabbed or built. In several national studies, there is some evidence that the physical environment has other effects on health and well-being, including effects on mental health and child development. A study examining the emotional adjustment of children aged 9 to 11 years indicated that children living on commercial streets in inner-city neighborhoods were more lonely, fearful, and unhappy than their counterparts in strictly residential neighborhoods, after family composition and social class were controlled.

In response to those studies, the staff at West Lakes Partnership has been working with absentee landlords and the city's Code Enforcement Division to clean-up certain parts of the West Lakes neighborhood. The initiative has been met with great success. No resident - in the City Beautiful - should have to live near the conditions shown in these photos.

For code issues, go to or call your district city commissioner. Thanks to our volunteer code enforcement team of residents for the pictures.   

Are you behind on your rent due because of the financial impact of COVID-19? The city’s Rental Assistance Program may be able to help you, or someone you know, get current on up to 12 months of unpaid rent. Visit for eligibility requirements and to begin the application.

One Protection is looking for 3 employees with or without their Class-D license. 
Here's their link:

Call Mr. Aaron Clark at 321-527-1630 for salary and other questions. He is a Lake Sunset resident. 
The Bradley-Otis Boys & Girls Club is now hiring for various positions. For more information, click on the links below. 
Chef Assistant 
Program Assistant 
Program Assistant - Music 
Program Assistant - STEM
Teen Program Director 
► Resources
► Events
Barker Park Farmers Market Events 

West Lakes Partnership has said it once and we will say it again, what is going on at Barker Park each Saturday is community engagement at its finest! If you haven't attended these activities at the park, you can't understand what the community is doing or saying. Fresh fruits and fish; jazz and gospel; fresh green or grits; Black History and Juneteenth —just to name a few delicacies or themes for events held weekly at the park. 

All these goings-on are part of what makes West Lakes a great place to live. Besides being fun, well-managed events it offers a host of economic and social benefits to the neighborhood.

The economic benefits of Barker Park Farmers Market are easiest to see and most often cited–it attracts visitors, which stimulates the growth of interest in the neighborhood and dollars in businesses throughout the neighborhood. 

Let us know you are coming the week of Juneteenth and we will give you a $5 gift card to use at any vendor. Look for Timothy Ayers. 

Creating Wealth By Investing

Jun 3, 2021
6:30 PM 
There are so many ways to invest in 2021, what are you doing? Are you investing in the stock market? Do you know how to start investing? What should you look for in an investment? Is investing risky or risk-free? These and other questions you may have about investing will be answered by our financial expert from KLH. He will discuss how to create wealth and provide a legacy for your family.
We are a resident-driven community development nonprofit that depends on community giving. You can support our efforts by your purchases through AmazonSmile. Click on the button below. Our goal is to raise $2,500 toward our Housing Program. Can you HELP? 
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