We exist to magnify Jesus by making disciples who share and show the transforming power of the gospel, and plant churches that multiply in the city of Greensburg and to the ends of the earth.

A few recent pics...

A few 4TC folks helping our new friend Barbara move into and fix up her new duplex. Please pray for more opportunities like this.


This backyard BBQ at a new core team member's house led to meeting several new friends and sharing the gospel with them. The next day after church...

Eli playing a little Bball with a few of our new friends at Mammoth Park. We are very excited about the young men Jesus is bringing to us!
Another park pic below...


Dear Gospel Partners,

Many Christians say they desire to be Christlike, but often what that means to them is Bible reading, behaving, and boredom. The reality is, if you desire to be Christlike, you MUST be on mission!

Being on mission leads to loving Jesus through the Bible, being transformed and conformed to His image, but NEVER boredom - because, Jesus chose to make His disciples while on mission seeking and saving the lost.

The month of May was anything but boring for 4TheCity Church! We met new people and built genuine friendships in each one of our neighborhoods. As a church, we had the privilege to meet a tangible need for a woman who lives in Eli and Hannah’s neighborhood. Barbara was new to the area and needed help updating her duplex. We were more than eager to rally together - using the gifts and talents God has given each one of us, to love and serve our new friend. I’m reminded of Ephesians 2:10 in moments like this:


“For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

It’s by grace we have been saved - we don’t do good works to receive God’s love. We receive the good work Jesus did for us on the cross, we receive the love God has for us, then we love and serve others on this mission to which He has called us.

At 4TheCity Church, we live to magnify Jesus by making disciples who share and show the transforming power of the gospel and plant churches that multiply in the city of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, and to the ends of the earth.

The story above is just one of many ways we are seeking to “show” the transforming power of the gospel. This, in of itself, is not enough though. There are many well-meaning people who help their neighbors move in and fix up their homes with no thought of sharing the good news of Jesus with them.

This is why, for the past several weeks, we spent Tuesday evenings together working hard to make disciples who are fluent in the gospel. This takes prayer, training, and Holy Spirit power to have the team think, feel, and perceive everything in light of what was accomplished through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

In order to see Jesus magnified and a church planting movement take root, we must make disciples who share the gospel!


“Gospel fluency requires immersion into a community of people so saturated with the gospel of Jesus Christ that they just can’t stop speaking the truth of Jesus wherever they go and in whatever situations they find themselves.” [excerpt from - Gospel Fluency]

We are intent on making everything about Jesus - even our backyard barbecues! Our most recent weekend was full of enjoying good food with even better neighbors who have become family. Ryan and Caitlyn, residents of our city and who are somewhat new to the core team, opened up their backyard (and brand new smoker) to all of us, which led to engaging even more people in Greensburg, including one who needed very sincere, direct gospel ministry. Our church is growing and we know that’s because God is building His church here in Greensburg!

We are enjoying getting to know one another better as a church while engaging our neighbors by inviting them into the family. As we are sharing meals and having fun in our community, the gospel is in our hearts, on our minds, displayed in our lives, and comes out of our mouths. God continues to give us opportunities to share the gospel as we live our everyday lives in community with one another. It’s been really good and I’m blown away by the goodness of God.

Now that summer is almost here, and as we continue to build momentum as our city opens up more, we look forward to having our first public worship service in the fall. We know that we can’t do any of this without God’s ongoing provision, so please pray for the following:

  • That God would call a few more people, who are serious about the gospel and reaching those who don’t know Jesus yet, to Greensburg.
  • That God would bring more people into our lives who are generous givers and will give sacrificially each month to help support this mission of church planting in Greensburg.
  • Open doors, windows, cracks, and crevices for the gospel to penetrate.
  • People with whom we're sharing our lives and the gospel: Michael, Elana, Matt, Jesse, Nikki, Jennifer, Mark, Ethan, Gwen, Michael, Nya, Shawn, Danni, Tommy, John, Rachel, Tim, Cathy, Marian, Jack, Bob, Kay, Barbara, Becky, Nick, Toni, Ellie, Kendra, Janet, Mary, Carol, Zach, Alex, Ron, Karen, Terri, Sterling, Eric, Anita, Lori, Matt, Marry, Dawn, Adriana, Morgan, Corbin, and Mary
  • Our first location.
  • Our worship team to develop.
  • Delight in Christ to increase.
  • Unity and Holiness
  • A Church Planting Movement

Please continue to pray and give as we share and show the transforming power of the gospel in Greensburg!

Gospel On...

- Pastor Scott

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