Niagara Transit Presentation
Chair Mat Siscoe, Chief of Staff Jordan Hambleton, and General Manager Carla Stout of the Niagara Transit Commission attended the Council meeting to address questions about the Niagara Transit finance model.
After numerous iterations, presentations, and discussions among local municipalities, the current model was ultimately approved through the triple majority process.
Niagara Falls City Council voted on this proposal in December 2021, and it was first included as a report in the Council's agenda in July 2021. The plan stipulates that each local area municipality (LAM) will pay a Special Levy based on the service hours it receives.
The report's Key Facts state, "Service levels are different in each municipality; therefore, the Region proposes that twelve (12) Special Levies be adopted in 2023. Each special levy will allocate 65% of 2023 net transit costs based on service hours, with existing Niagara Regional Transit services continuing to be allocated to the special levy based on local share of Region-wide assessment."
View the Memo from Niagara Transit.