
Dear <<First Name>>,

On Tuesday, March 18, Bard professor James Ketterer will give a talk beginning with American misreadings of the 2011 revolution and 2013 coup in Egypt and concluding with current tensions arising from the Israel-Gaza conflict.

The lecture will be held in RKC Room 103 from 10:30 am to noon. Due to the size of the room, there is a limit of 60.  This is a members only event.

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James Ketterer is a Senior Fellow at the Bard Center for Civic Engagement and teaches in the Master of Arts in Global Studies program.  He was Dean at the American University in Cairo and Egypt Country Director for AMIDEAST.  He has also worked in government at the federal and state levels, including at the National Security Council.

As a result of American policy errors, missed opportunities to reset relations resulted in default to decades-long patterns of substantial assistance to the Egyptian military with some support to educational and public initiatives. More recently, bilateral relationships have been buffeted by increased concerns on Capitol Hill about human rights abuses and alleged links between Egyptian intelligence and recently convicted Senator Robert Menendez, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee until his indictment.  Egypt’s economy is strained by the military governance and management choices. Egypt’s role in the current Israel-Gaza crisis further complicates relations in ways that remain unpredictable.

Plan to attend this timely and informative lecture with Professor Ketterer.

You can check our website at for more information.

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