Now that it is a few weeks since we first started investigating increasing our protein in our daily diet, hopefully we have all looked at how we can implement some of those changes into our regular eating habits.
I know I have made the effort to scramble a couple of eggs at lunchtime to have on toast instead of perhaps having a sandwich. I have changed from oat milk to cow’s milk on my granola, and when we have Spaghetti Bolognese, I make sure I eat more of the meat. I’ve never eaten so much broccoli and I have learnt that I get more protein in my granola than I would from porridge.
We have received some really helpful tips and recommendations from our readers which have been really enlightening. Apparently, M&S have a yogurt with 25g of protein per pot. Also, there are high protein pittas available,
However, one email brought to my attention the alarming presence of preservatives, emulsifiers and other ingredients in the brand of high-protein bread that I suggested. Obviously we would not wish to consume these but I have to admit that I hadn’t even considered to look into that, for which I apologise. So, the moral of the story is to look at the ingredients and check out if the added protein is worth the unhealthy additives in any particular product.
Many of you will be aware of Mike’s Auntie Pauline as she has been mentioned several times before in our Newsletters. Pauline, who has always lived in the East of England, is now 96 years young, as bright as a button, has pink hair and applies her make-up every day. She moves around in her flat with a walking aid and has a carer visit to clean and make sure she is in good order.
A few months ago, Pauline recognised for the first time that occasionally she was feeling a bit lonely – something she hadn’t felt before - so she asked her carer if she could increase her hours and visit for two hours every day so that she could have more company. I call Pauline every night for a chat which I always look forward to as she is so funny and has some wonderful tales to tell of her time, decades ago, when she worked for the Police. Pauline’s carer is wonderful and I was so impressed that she had taken this decision.
Back to the subject of eating more protein… One evening I explained to Pauline that it was really important that we all eat a bit more protein as we get older to help our muscles to stay strong and to help protect us from falling and keep us more mobile. The following day Pauline had passed on this information to her carer who messaged me. She said ‘I’ve decided that I’m going to cook Pauline a fresh dinner every day so that it’s healthier. Please can you tell me what she should be eating?’ So, I suggested more chicken, fish, lean meat, eggs, yogurt, and a little cheese for the protein and unlimited vegetables. I also decided to post a pack of Healthspan's Multivitality Gold multivitamin tablets to Pauline for her to take once a day.
Up to this point, Pauline had been eating frozen meals from Iceland which she heated up in her Air-fryer. She had enjoyed them and coped well with heating them up. But now, my goodness, she was over the moon with her new, freshly cooked, meals! ‘It was absolutely delicious’ she told me on day 1 and enthused about the number of fresh vegetables and how beautifully it was all cooked.
Within 10 days, Pauline, who is always positive and sparky anyway, metamorphosised into a sparkly, energetic and effervescent younger version of herself announcing when I call her to ask how she was, ‘I feel absolutely wonderful! I can’t remember feeling this well in years!’ I explained to Pauline that whilst the frozen meals she had been eating probably tasted nice, they most likely contained all kinds of ingredients that are not as healthy as fresh home-cooking. She totally agreed and was delighted now to be eating such delicious and wholesome food.
This made me think that we really ought to understand exactly what we might unknowingly be eating if we go for ready-made, mass-produced products instead of wholesome home cooking. And, you will remember Mary recently writing about the horrors of ultra processed foods (Issue 200), so let’s dig a little deeper…
What are the facts?
Manufacturers use emulsifiers and preservatives in processed foods to improve texture, extend shelf life, and prevent wastage during the manufacturing process. However, some studies have shown that they can have a negative effect on our health when consumed in excess.
Emulsifiers (e.g. polysorbates, carboxymethylcellulose, lecithin) help blend ingredients like oil and water in foods such as salad dressings, ice cream, and processed baked goods. (If you have been watching BBC’s ‘Inside the Factory’ with Paddy McGuinness, you may have seen foods being emulsified.)
- Potential Health Risks
- Gut Microbiome Disruption: Some emulsifiers can alter gut bacteria, leading to inflammation and increased intestinal permeability ("leaky gut") which is linked to metabolic disorders.
- Increased Risk of Inflammation: Research suggests emulsifiers may contribute to chronic inflammation, which is associated with conditions like obesity, diabetes and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD).
- Metabolic Issues: Some emulsifiers may alter how the body processes fats and sugars, potentially increasing the risk of metabolic syndrome.
Preservatives (e.g. sodium benzoate, nitrates, sulphites, BHA/BHT) are used to prevent microbial growth and wasted food in the manufacturing and storage process.
- Potential Health Risks:
- Hormonal Disruption: Some preservatives, like BHA and BHT, may interfere with hormone function.
- Carcinogenic Concerns: Certain preservatives, like nitrates/nitrites (found in processed meats) can form cancer-causing compounds (nitrosamines) when exposed to high heat.
- Allergic Reactions: Sulphites and benzoates can trigger allergic responses or asthma in sensitive individuals.
- Neurological Effects: Some preservatives, like sodium benzoate, have been linked to hyperactivity and behavioural issues, particularly in children.
So, why should we avoid these apparent ‘nasties’ that we have almost certainly been innocently eating over the years? After all, we are still here, so what’s the big deal?
The Bottom Line
While emulsifiers and preservatives can make food more convenient, frequent consumption of processed foods containing these additives may negatively impact gut health, metabolism, and overall well-being. Opting for fresh, whole foods with minimal processing is a better choice for long-term health - and I think Auntie Pauline proves the point wonderfully!
Serves 4
Per serving 214 calories/1.1% fat (excluding accompaniments)
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Marinating time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 10 minutes
200g rump steak
2 tbsps plum sauce, (more to serve)
zest and juice of 1 lime
2 red onions, finely sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
200g chestnut mushrooms, sliced
400g cooked noodles
180g mangetout
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
- Remove and discard any fat from the beef and cut into strips. Place in a bowl with the plum sauce and lime zest and juice and marinate for 30 minutes.
- Heat a non-stick wok and dry-fry the onion and garlic for 3 - 4 minutes over a high heat, seasoning with black pepper. Add the marinated beef and the mushrooms and continue cooking for 2 - 3 minutes.
- Add the remaining ingredients, except the mangetout, and toss well together, making sure all the pieces of beef are sealed. Just before serving, stir in the mangetout to heat through.
- Serve straight away with additional stir-fry vegetables and some plum sauce on the side.
Don't forget, you can download and print a copy of all our recipes if you click on the image to go to the recipe's page on the website.
Fun, Facts & Fitness from Mary Morris MSc.

About every six months or so I take my Body Composition Scales into my classes, as it is always good to get a measure of how all those healthy-living tips I give everyone each week are paying off. Apart from the fact that I can see that on the whole they are slim and fit because they have been in my classes for so long, I feel it is also important to know a bit more than just that, if we are to be able to say ‘you are really healthy and in great shape - both inside and out!’ After all, that has to be our ultimate aim.
These Body Composition Scales give me a fairly reliable reading of not only their weight but also their fat:muscle ratio and what I want them to be is in the healthy range for body fat for their age and to have a really good amount of muscle too. That will indicate that they are doing plenty of strength training, which in turn helps them to stay strong, stable and mobile.
What is a Healthy Fat Percentage?

Two Types of Fat
Whatever our fat percentage, it may be made up of two types of fat. There is the fat that lies just underneath our skin called subcutaneous fat, which makes up the greater part of the total fat in our body. This type of fat collects mainly around the hips and thighs in the majority of females (‘apple shape’ figures are an exception) and the abdominal area in males.
Although it is not a good idea to have too much fat, (and those percentages above serve only as a guide), it does have some very important functions that we cannot do without:
- It stores energy for when it is needed (in times of food shortage, body fat is our energy reserve)
- It insulates the body, helping to regulate our body temperature
- It acts as a padding for our muscles and bones
- It acts as a passageway for nerves and blood between the skin and the muscles.
How much body fat we have is partly dependent on our genetics but largely dependent on our lifestyle… how physically active we are and how well we manage our diet.
But there is also another type of fat called visceral fat. This type of fat wraps around our vital organs in the abdominal area, so is located deep inside, surrounding our liver, intestines and stomach. It can also build up in our arteries and is often referred to as 'active' fat because it seriously increases the risk of ill health, such as pre-diabetes, diabetes and heart disease. It secretes a protein that increases insulin resistance with the result that we get a build-up of unwanted inflammation in the body.
However, some visceral fat is necessary to protect and cushion our vital organs, a bit like bubble wrap! As usual it is the level of visceral fat that needs to be right, and we may well ask... how would I know? Well the Body Composition Scales do give a visceral fat rating, so I am able to give feedback to those I measure and generally those with a high body fat will also have a higher visceral fat reading. The good news is that if we lose some weight, for every pound of body fat we lose we will be losing visceral fat too.
The Body Composition Scales I use are a fairly reliable method of telling me if the total body fat, including visceral fat, rating is too high. These scales have been often used in research studies to assess their accuracy and the conclusion is that they give a good indication if levels are too high. With the visceral fat the reading needs to be under 12 to be considered healthy. Any higher and it should raise some concerns.
Waist to Hip Ratio
Without the use of Body Composition Scales there is a very practical and easy way to know if we are carrying too much fat around our abdominal area and that is by using the Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR).
You just need a tape measure and a calculator:
- Stand up straight and breathe out. Measure around the smallest part of your waist first, making sure the tape is around 1” above your tummy button. This is your waist circumference.
- Now measure around the largest part of your hips – the widest part of your buttocks. This is your hip circumference.
- Using your calculator now calculate your WHR by dividing your waist circumference by your hip circumference.

I find myself to be at the top end of this chart and my only excuse is that I am an apple shape and therefore carry more of my body fat around my middle – I have to blame my Mum and Dad!
Waist to Height Ratio (WhtR)
This is an even simpler test requiring only a piece of string. Measure your height using the string and then simply cut it in half or fold it in two, and if you are in the healthy visceral fat range that should fit round your waist! Have a go!
How to Lower Visceral Fat:
- Increase Aerobic exercise. Increased blood flow to the muscles and fat cells causes the fat cells to release fatty acids into your bloodstream. They then travel to your 'active' muscles and the fat cells will shrink. The most effective is cardio workouts of a moderate duration and intensity. Suits us perfectly with our daily walks!
- Reduce Stress Levels. Chronic stress causes the excessive production of cortisol (the stress hormone) which leads to visceral fat accumulation.
- Eat a Healthy Diet. By reducing the consumption of sugar and unhealthy fats in our diet and cutting out ultra-processed foods, we will automatically reduce body fat.
- Retain Muscle. We automatically lose muscle as we age which in turn lowers our metabolic rate. Do as much as you can to retain muscle with your regular strength workouts!
Rosemary interviews her PA, Peter Legg, about how he found the motivation to lose weight after lockdown when he bought a set of Body Composition Scales which told him his weight, muscle mass, fat percentage and his metabolic age!
This Week's Fitness Challenge
Did you know...
In an ideal world we would all be at our perfect healthy weight and all have the medically correct proportion of muscle, bones, fat etc.

But do you know anyone who lives in a perfect world? Let's celebrate our differences, eat healthily, exercise regularly and learn to love ourselves, whatever shape we may be!
And finally...
I hope this week's Newsletter will have inspired you to keep up the great work of eating more healthily and keeping active. Remember, going for your walk burns fat and strength exercises keep your muscles strong. Why not test your visceral fat levels with one of the tests that Mary has suggested? We all know it makes sense!
Have a great week.
With love and best wishes,

Rosemary Conley CBE DL