
Oct. 10, 2024

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Mpox fight continues.

Posts of the Week

Notable News

Moving toward “irreversible climate disaster.” A group of the world's most senior climate experts published the 2024 state of the climate report — a report riddled with harsh, yet blatantly real, language calling (yelling?!) for “bold transformative change.” The report assessed 35 vital signs in 2023 and found that 25 were worse than ever recorded, including carbon dioxide levels and human population, indicating that the “future of humanity hangs in the balance… a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis.” Authors concluded, “In a world with finite resources, unlimited growth is a perilous illusion… Humanity's future depends on our creativity, moral fiber, and perseverance.”

Marburg — “under control, not yet contained.” The Marburg outbreak in Rwanda is now one of the largest on record with 58 confirmed cases and 13 deaths. Of the reported cases, 80% are health care providers. The Rwandan Ministry of Health, together with Africa CDC, and regional and global bodies jumped to action to contain the outbreak. Rwanda’s Health Minister shared that authorities are tracing “every potential contact of the index case” to reduce the risk of wider spread. There are currently no approved vaccines or treatments available; however, WHO is working with the Rwandan government to access candidate vaccines and drugs. This week Sabin Vaccine Institute and Mapp Biopharmaceutical Inc. made drugs available In Rwanda under clinical trial conditions. Gilead Sciences also donated 5,000 vials of the antiviral drug remdesivir for emergency use; however, the drug is not approved to treat Marburg and “its safety and efficacy against the virus is unknown.” Meanwhile, Rwandan authorities instituted several measures to prevent international spread, including expanded contact-tracing, quarantines, regular testing, and screening at entry and exit points. WHO has requested US$7.7 million from October to December 2024 to support the government response. In the U.S., the CDC issued a health alert to public health departments and clinicians and announced that travelers coming into the U.S. from Rwanda will be screened on arrival. Referencing the Marburg outbreak and the mpox emergency, Africa CDC issued a statement urging, “all countries to refrain from implementing travel bans or movement restrictions targeting African nations.” 💥 Read CEPI’s explainer on the Marburg virus and the latest AIRA Marburg report with recommendations for community engagement and behavior change communications.
More H5N1. Gamechanger in the HIV pandemic? In response to pressure, Gilead signed agreements with six manufacturers to make and sell generic lenacapavir — a twice yearly injection shown to prevent HIV — in 120 “high-incidence, resource-limited” countries. While progress, the deal reportedly excludes many upper middle-income countries, where 41% of new infections occur. Advocates, including UNAIDS’ Winnie Byanyima stress that the drug “could be a gamechanger,” but only if it is accessible to those in need.

Steps toward unlocking financing.

Network News

The Task Force on Fiscal Policy for Health — co-chaired by Mike Bloomberg, Larry Summers, and Mia Mottley — published a report detailing how health excise taxes could generate US$3.7 trillion and prevent 50 million deaths.

Dive into Impact Global Health’s G-FINDER 2024 Landscape of Emerging Infectious Disease Research & Development (EID R&D) Report covering the evolution of EID R&D funding between 2014 and 2022. 

ONE launched The Climate Finance Files, a deep dive into how much is actually being spent — compared to claims — to support climate-vulnerable countries.  

The Center for Global Development (CGD) published a series of new policy briefs on global health priorities to the incoming European Commission.
The UN Foundation recapped the UN High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance and previewed the next steps.  

WHO released its Global Strategic Preparedness, Readiness, and Response Plan to address Aedes-borne diseases, including dengue, Zika, and chikungunya.

Gavi published its 2023 Annual Progress Report, highlights include the prevention of over 1.3 million deaths due to Gavi-supported vaccines

KFF is tracking the status of the U.S.’ pledges to upcoming multilateral health replenishments, including the Pandemic Fund, WHO, Gavi, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

WHO is calling for experts to join the Technical Advisory Group for the preparedness, prevention, surveillance, and response related to respiratory viruses. Application deadline is Nov. 11. 

Johns Hopkins’ Emerging Leaders in Biosecurity Fellowship program is open to applications. Apply by Oct. 16. 

CEPI and the Gates Foundation are searching for epidemic modelers to train and mentor researchers addressing national, regional, and global health challenges. Applications close Jan. 15, 2025.
Have something to share with the Network? We accept communications, policy, and advocacy opportunities on a rolling basis. 


Check out CGD's events on the sidelines of the 2024 IMF/World Bank Annual Meetings

Join the upcoming African Community of Practice on Gender and Health webinar on Oct. 23. The conversation will focus on how a gender-just climate transition can transform health systems resilience.
Register for the 2024 Lancet Countdown Report launch on Oct. 30. 

Dates to Watch

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