Don Livesay Joins Oregon Conference as Interim President
On Friday, October 4th, the North Pacific Union President and the Oregon Conference Executive Committee extended the invitation to Elder Don Livesay to serve as Interim President of the Oregon Conference, which he accepted, effective immediately.
Livesay will provide presidential leadership as the Oregon Conference enters its fourth quarter of the year and begins preparing its budget for 2025. Livesay’s interim service will also allow the Oregon Conference search committee, which is comprised of all Oregon Conference executive committee and constituency nominating committee members, time to continue their thorough search and to seek the Lord’s leading for the next conference president. Keep reading...
Oregon Will Help Lead NPUC Pentecost 2025 Prayer Initiative
North Pacific Union has been asked to lead their members in prayer for the Pentecost 2025 prayer and evangelism movement during October. Oregon will be leading out October 16-19 with a hosted morning prayer meeting on Zoom. Learn how you can participate...
Church Communication on a Shoe-String Budget
Church in the age of digital communication faces a dilemma – how to engage with the public when you’re short on time, money, and volunteers. Thankfully, creating engaging online stories and great looking media is more affordable and easier than it used to be. Read on...
Disaster Response Certification Class 10/27/24
On October 27th Larry D. Mays, NPUC Disaster Response Coordinator, and Pastor Dauncey, Oregon Conference Adventist Community Services and Disaster Response Director, will be leading a Disaster Response Certification Class at the Gladstone Park Conference Center! Registration is $20. If interested, please RSVP by October 21 via text or call at (971) 901-7240 or by emailing!
ACS Responds to Hurricanes
Adventist Community Services (ACS) is on the ground responding to the needs of those affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton. The NPUC has deployed a team of 7 volunteers including Oregon Conference Disaster Response Director, M. Dauncey to Augusta, Georgia to run and maintain a warehouse there with additional teams from the NPUC including trained OC church members to be deployed in the near future. To donate to the recovery efforts visit and select DISASTER RESPONSE from the dropdown menu.
2025 Oregon
Prayer Conference Registration Now Open
Join us March 21-23, 2025 at Twin Rocks Conference Center in Rockaway Beach, Oregon for the Oregon Prayer Conference! Guest speaker, Dr. Richard Davidson will exploring The Sanctuary & Prayer with us. Learn more...
Join us for a Virtual Prayer Meeting
This Week!
Join Oregon Conference Prayer Ministries for their monthly prayer meeting via Zoom every third Tuesday at 7:30 PM. This month's prayer meeting will be held Oct. 15.
Learn more...
WWU Hiring for
Full-Time and
Part-Time Positions
Walla Walla University is currently hiring for part-time and full-time positions. Benefits include free tuition, retirement, generous paid time off, and more. Learn more...
LLU School of Public
Health Celebrates
60th Anniversary
As it celebrates its 60th anniversary, Loma Linda University School of Public Health proudly looks forward as it educates the next generation of public health professionals and conducts research that will shape the future of global health. Read more...
Adventist School
in Beirut Shelters
Families Amid Crisis
On September 23, school staff welcomed around 35 families with more than 250 members, including 55 children ranging from the ages of 1 month to 15 years, seeking refuge from the threat of bombs in their towns. Read more...
Pastor Appreciation Month When Ministry is Hard
That October was the worst one I can remember and by far, most difficult season of ministry I hope my husband and I ever experience. A large and influential family in our small rural church had staged a coup over a leadership vote, defeating the vote and leaving the church in one fell swoop. For months prior to the vote, some of them campaigned for whatever opposing view they could come up with that might put my husband’s theological convictions in a bad light. My husband would be quick to say he didn’t handle everything well, but it was a brutal experience for him, nonetheless. When that group of church members left, my husband’s reputation had been damaged in our small town, and the trust between pastor and congregation was in shambles. The body was broken, and we all felt the loss. Needless to say, October wasn’t Pastor Appreciation month that year. Keep reading...
Islam & Christianity Seminars with Tim Roosenberg
Join Gladstone Park Adventist Church, October 18-19 for a special weekend with presenter Tim Roosenberg. The topic of the weekend will be Islam and Christianity, and the presentations will help you understand what is going on in our world and what is coming. These are based on the Biblical prophecy of Daniel 11 that has been accurate for 2500 yrs. Pastor Tim has an M Div. degree and speaks internationally at conferences, pastor’s meetings, and seminars. See more at Meetings will be held Friday at 7:00 PM and Saturday at 10:00 AM, 11:15 AM, followed by potluck lunch and a 2:00 PM meeting. Gladstone Park Church is located at 8378 Cason Road in Gladstone. Questions please phone 503-655-2614.
Jaime Jorge: Here I Am To Worship Concert
Jaime Jorge will be live in concert at the McMinnville Adventist Church for his Here I Am to Worship concert tour. The concert will be held Thursday, October 24 at 7:00 PM. McMinnville Adventist Church is located at 1500 SW Old Sheridan Rd, McMinnville, OR 97128.
100 Years Celebration for McMinnville Adventist Christian School
McMinnville Adventist Christian School invites all alumni, staff, and board members from year past to celebrate McMinnville Adventist Christian School's 100 years of mission on October 26. RSVP is required. To RSVP call 503-472-3336.
Save the date! Portland Adventist Academy Scholarship Fundraiser
PAA will hold its annual student scholarship (PAASS) fundraising auction on Sunday, November 3 in the PAA gym. This year's theme is Welcome to the Jungle. There will be games, contests, and food, along with the silent and live auction. Please reserve the date now. Over 50% of PAA's students and families rely on your financial support.
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Wondering how you can support your church community with tithe & offerings when you can't be in church every week?
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