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Reminder:  The DuPage Countywide Elected Officials Forum at Wheaton City Hall is TONIGHT! Thursday, October 3 from 5:30-8:55 pm - grab a friend and go!

Got Ideas?  Join LWVRB's Strategic Planning Process
Help us think about the future of the League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale. 

We’re all about empowering voters and defending democracy, but: we need to grow, be more effective, and make the most of our volunteer time. Plus, we want to make things fun and actively attract younger members and future leaders. It’s a tall order. Shefali Trivedi is leading our process.
Can you share your ideas and spend about 6 hours with us over three strategic planning sessions starting on Saturday, November 9th and 23rd (both in the morning), and maybe a quick wrap-up session in December (date TBD)?
Saturday mornings - November 9 and 23 and one brief wrap-up session in December (Date TBD). For more information, or to indicate interest - contact: Barb Hochstadt at

Be an informed voter! (and please share these links with your friends)

  1. Listen to the Candidate Forum for DuPage County District 1.

  1. Listen to the DuPage Forest Preserve Referendum presentation by DFP President Dan Hebreard. LWVRB has no position on this referendum.

  1. Learn about the Roselle Public Library referendum at their referendum information webpage.  LWVRB has no position on this referendum. The library is requesting $22 million to erect and furnish a new library campus with increased space for meetings and programs, with larger dedicated areas for technology and young adults/youth. 

    The official ballot question will read as follows: “Shall the Roselle Public Library District, DuPage and Cook Counties, Illinois, erect a library building with dedicated youth space, programming space, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) space, meeting and study rooms, furnish necessary equipment for, and construct site improvements to, the new library building, including a drive-up window, and issue its bonds to the amount of $22,000,000 for the purpose of paying the costs thereof?"

    Additional opportunities to learn more are coming up at the Roselle Public Library, located at 40 Park St. in Roselle.
    Public information session - Mon 10/7, 7 PM
    Coffee with the Board - Sat 10/19, 10 AM
    Chat with the Board - Wed, 10/23, 6 PM 

Attend a Candidate Forum for Illinois Congressional District 8 
Saturday,  October 12th 10:00 - 11:00am at the Schaumburg Library - Rasmussen Room

The participating candidates are Raja Krishnamoorthi (D) and Mark Rice (R).
Advance Registration HERE. The public was invited to submit questions by Oct 1 during the registration process.

National Voter Education Week October 7-11 - Help Voters Get Needed Info

In observance of National Voter Education Week (NVEW) we are passing out information on our one stop voter education shop, Vote 411 at area Metra stations. We’re looking for outgoing volunteers to hand out business cards and engage commuters in discussions related to registering or voting. 

NVEW is a nonpartisan voter education campaign held annually during the first full week of October. The goal is to equip voters with the tools and information they need to cast their ballots with confidence. NVEW is a concerted effort of hundreds of partners across different sectors, all working together to support voters.

During this week of interactive education, NVEW partners help voters find their polling location, understand their ballot, make a plan to vote, and more – all of which can be done at!

To volunteer:

Questions? Contact Joan at

Register to Write GOTV Postcards to Voters in our Area - Saturday, Oct. 19th
It's not too late to get in the game! We are calling on all members and friends, to join us for a postcard-writing party. They are FUN! We will write a personalized note encouraging the recipient to use the QR Code to learn about the candidates, and most importantly, to VOTE on November 5th! And we will hand-address each card. Our next one is Saturday, Oct. 19 from 9-11 am at Panera Bread (370-420 W Army Trail Rd, Bloomingdale). Roberta will be there with baked goods! 

RSVP using this form: a sheet of postcard stamps if you'd like to help even more! 

Prefer to write cards at home? Dottie and Joan will deliver postcards and instructions. Send Joan an email at to arrange. 

WEBINAR: Register for Diversifying Your League - Thursday, Oct 10th at 7:00 pm, Virtual

Join the Leagues of Women Voters of Illinois and Wisconsin for an informative and inspiring evening with LWVUS' Demetrius Fisher. Learn strategies to diversify your League, from leadership to the general membership, through programming, recruitment, and outreach. Hear success stories from other Leagues and come away with action steps for greater equity, inclusion, and League Members Only access in your community. Register here.

Delegate Needed for League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region Annual Meeting and Conference

The League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale is a member of the League of Women Voters Lake Michigan Region (LWV LMR) inter-league organization (ILO). It is one of two watershed management-based Leagues in which we participate -- the League of Women Voters Upper Mississippi River Region is the other. In both instances, the ILO coordinates the work of Leagues on issues that cross state borders.

The LWVLMR will hold its annual meeting and conference in Michigan in October. Details to follow. Would you like to serve as our delegate? Check out their July 2024 newsletter for an idea of what issues they are currently working on:

Get Your VOTE411 Yard Sign: Election Info for All
Tell your neighbors; request and display a yard sign today

Our League is pleased to provide,  the nonpartisan election and voter education resource. VOTE411 is a “one-stop shop” for election information that provides simple, accessible tools to help voters navigate the voting process. VOTE411 provides personalized candidate information, voter registration details, polling place locations, and other helpful election information for voters nationwide. In time for early voting, people can review the races and candidates on their ballot and learn where candidates stand on the issues.

Look for ballot details to be published on the week of Sept. 26. Visit the site to make a voting plan and be prepared to cast your vote confidently on Election Day. Share this resource with your friends and neighbors! Every LWVRB member who wants a yard sign is entitled to one - we will be passing them out at events this fall or you can email and one will be set aside for you. 

Girls Lead Program Now Accepting Applications

For the second consecutive year, the Illinois Council on Women and Girls is inviting girls in grades 5 through 12 to apply for the Illinois Girls Lead Program, a job shadowing and mentoring opportunity designed to connect students with women leaders in state government.

The Illinois Girls Lead Program offers a chance for young students to witness firsthand the impact women have on shaping Illinois. Participating mentors come from different areas of state government and serve in various leadership roles, including elected General Assembly women, policy directors, general counsels, chiefs of staff, agency directors, and more.

The shadowing opportunities are tailored by grade level, as follows:

  • 5th Grade: One day of shadowing a female leader in state government, followed by a short reflection on what each participant learned.

  • 6th-8th Grade: One day of shadowing a female leader, accompanied by an essay written by each participant on their mentor’s role, the office shadowed observed, and key leadership lessons.

  • 9th-12th Grade: A minimum of three days shadowing a female leader and learning from her team. Participants will select an ongoing policy topic and write a research paper offering personal recommendations for solutions.

Applicants should demonstrate a strong desire to learn about the inner workings of state government. Applications are due by the end of the day on October 20th. To apply, visit the State Board of Education’s application page.

Voice of Democracy Scholarship - High School Students: Win Up to $35,000 in Scholarships

VFW Bloomingdale Post 7539 announces the 2024 Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition. High school students in Bloomingdale, Roselle, and Medinah can compete for scholarships and a trip to Washington, D.C. The national winner receives a $35,000 scholarship.

This year's topic: Is America Today Our Forefathers' Vision?

How to Enter:

  1. Write and record a 3-5 minute essay on the topic.

  2. Submit your recording (on a flash drive), typed essay, and entry form to:

  3. VFW Post 7539

  4. c/o Bloomingdale Library

  5. 101 Fairfield Way, Bloomingdale, IL 60108

Entries must be received by October 31, 2024.Details at or contact Randy Winter at

Mark Your Calendar:
  • TONIGHT! Thursday, October 3 from 5:30-8:55 pm - DuPage Countywide Elected Officials Forum at Wheaton City Hall
  • October 7-11 - National Voter Education Week
  • Thursday, October 10 at 7 pm - WEBINAR: Diversifying your League
  • Saturday,  October 12th 10:00 - 11:00am - Candidate Forum for Illinois Congressional District 8
  • Saturday, October 19 from 9-11 am - GOTV postcard writing at Panera Bread in Bloomingdale
  • Wednesday, October 30 - Mock Elections at LPHS


Our Mission: Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Our Vision:  We envision a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate.
Our Value:  We believe in the power of women to create a more perfect democracy.

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan, political organization whose mission is to encourage informed and active participation in government, to increase understanding of major policy issues, and to influence public policy through education and advocacy.  In our 100-year history, the  League of Women Voters has never endorsed a political party or candidate for office. Membership in the League is open to anyone regardless of gender, race, or ethnic group. Thank you for supporting our work to defend democracy and empower voters and thanks for helping our local league GROW! Please share our newsletter with your friends.

Copyright © 2024 League of Women Voters of Roselle-Bloomingdale, All rights reserved.

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