Newsletter Family Gittens
Dear family and friends!
It’s been a little while since our last email newsletter, but we're so happy to have seen some of you in person in August during our stay in Switzerland.
However, now we're excited to share with you what we've been up to and what God has been doing back in Zambia. Thank you for all your interest, your encouragment, your prayers and your support. We appreciate you very much!
New website!
We're finally online!
Go check it out: and share with your friends!
Building update
We were able to continue building the new building on our property in June/July. The water inside (from the last rainy season) had completely dried up after a few weeks and we were able to finish the roof.

Now we're setting up the electricity and installing the doors and windows. The rainy season is approaching (we've already had sporadic showers) and we don't want the rooms to be flooded again...

After the doors and windows, we'll have to plaster the walls, finish the floor and put up the ceiling before the house will be ready.

We've also already been able to order the solar system for it. Hallelujah!

Over the last two weeks we were also able to start on the second new building (we're planning a total of 3 smaller houses like this on our property in the long term): the foundation is finished and the walls are going up now.

We are so grateful that we can continue working on the houses as much as possible before the heavy rains and we are already looking forward to all visitors, teams and other missionaries who will find a home in them (for a short or longer period of time) in the future.
We're excited for Emma to join our team this month and come serve alongside us. Daryl will pick her up in Mansa on October 11th and we are excited to see what God has in store for her and of course for all of us in the coming time together.
(Pictures are from Emma's visit here in December 2023 during her Harvest School Outreach)
Maoma update
At the end of May we were able to hold a baptism service in Maoma. We are so grateful to see again and again how people publicly confess their faith in Jesus and decide to live completely for him.

In June we then had a joint service here in Puta with the church from Maoma and we were able to appoint a pastor who is now responsible for the new church in Maoma.

We remain in close contact with him and continue to encourage him in his ministry.

In fact, next week a few of the leadership team of our church here in Puta will go and spend a few days with him and the church there.

We were also able to order the Bibles that we also told you about in the last newsletter and after a long delay in delivery we expect to receive them in November.

A big THANK YOU at this point to all of you who have contributed financially!
Church conference in Ponde
In September, shortly after our return from our visit in Switzerland, a 3-day cross-congregational conference took place in Ponde (a neighboring village).

It was a wonderful time of communal worship and encouragement for everyone involved.

During this conference we were also able to host a pastor couple from Nchelenge and their little daughter. It was so nice having their family staying with us.

Bus update!

We have (more than) a bus! Hallelujah!

Over the last year we've shared several times that we have a heart to buy a bus for our ministry here. We have always done passenger transport for the churches, pastors, youth, etc. on our truck (but it is not officially "allowed" and we always pay the corresponding fines at the checkpoints...). So we dreamed of buying a bus and then being able to use it as a source of income for our ministry too.

Shortly before we returned from our trip to Switzerland we received the funds for the bus and Daryl was able to buy an amazing bus within the first two weeks here. We are still overwhelmed by God's goodness and provision and are deeply marked by the generosity we've experienced.

All glory to Jesus! We are SO grateful and the bus is already in full use (right now on a route between here and Tanzania as a means of transport for business people, as a source of income for us). Hallelujah!

2nd miracle!

About a week after we'd written the above update regarding the bus, we just experienced another huge miracle: we have now even purchased a second bus!

We still can't quite believe it ourselves and are truly overwhelmed by God's goodness and provision. A second bus was definitely not expected or planned, but God clearly led us and provided us with the finances and so we were able to purchase this second bus (at a fraction of the original cost). Hallelujah! Simply all the glory to Jesus!

May this testimony encourage you in your daily life too! God is faithful and his goodness is even greater than we can ever imagine.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

On October 18th we celebrate the national day of prayer and fasting here in Zambia and our province is organizing an event in Mununga (about 50 km away from us on a bumpy road). We will be able to use the two buses to provide transport for 50 pastors from the region! Hallelujah!

Gods blessings on you too and much love,
Daryl & Tabea with Yosef, Alyna and Zoë
If you have it on your heart you can support us HERE.

or you can do a direct transfer:
PostFinance Ltd
Mingerstrasse 20
3030 Berne
IBAN: CH72 0900 0000 3020 7809 3

T. Gittens
Kirchbühlacker 8
3043 Uettligen

or you can give through Iris Global (tax deductible): 
(we are "Iris Chienge", click "donate to this base" and insert your amount in USD)


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Korrespondenzadresse Schweiz:
D.&T. Gittens, Kirchbühlacker 8, 3043 Uettligen

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Daryl and Tabea Gittens · Kirchbühlacker 8 · Uettligen 3043 · Switzerland

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