
World of Gymkhana Newsletter

November 2024

Published by California Gymkhana Association

PO Box 410

Wilton, CA 95693

We are bringing back the newsletter!! Each month subscribers can expect to receive a newsletter containing important information, announcements and anything else to help our members stay informed and involved!

Presidents Message

Hello CGA

First off, I would like to thank District 2, for putting on a fantastic Jamboree. Thank you all for helping out and making sure the show ran great.

Who is ready for convention? In just 2 short weeks, we will all be dressing our best and hanging out with our good friends and family.  Don't forget to throw some gold in your wardrobe to show some love to our 50th convention. Remember, convention is your time as a member, to voice your opinion in front of members, directors, and governing body. A friendly reminder to everyone who received an absentee ballot to make sure you get it returned to state office by the 14th. It is really nice to see all the interest and the number of nominees running for positions this election. Best of luck to everyone running.

Thank you to each and every one of our members and riders for continuing to support this fantastic organization.

CGA President

Nathan Rowles

Upcoming Events

CGA Awards Banquet - November 16th at Wyndham Hotel, Visalia CA

CGA Northern/Southern Classics May 23rd - 26th  - Location TBD - Bids being accepted through December 15, 2024

2024 Nominees

Nominations have closed. It is exciting to see so many folks willing to dedicate their time to this wonderful organization!

Below are the candidates for both Board of Directors and Board of Governors. All members in good standing can vote for up to 4 Board of Director in person on Saturday November 16th. Voting closes at 2:00 pm.  If you requested an absentee ballot make sure to mail it back asap or hand deliver to convention before 2:00 pm on Saturday November 16th.

Board of Directors, District Delegates and General Manager vote for the Board of Governor position and voting will take place Sunday November 17th prior to the Board of Director meeting.

Jamboree Recap

Jamboree was small but mighty! Thank you CGA District 2, Deuces Wild, for running such an efficient show with such great, safe ground! District 2 is a relatively small group of folks so if any other smaller districts have even been hesitant to bid for a state sponsored show, don’t let it scare you. District 2 did it, and did it well!

Congratulations to all of our winners!

CGA Meet Up - Southern Region Recap

Our first of three regional visits took place on October 16th in Norco and it was well attended. Folks were able to ask questions, collaborate and share thoughts and ideas on moving the organization forward in a positive manner.

The Northern Region Visit has been scheduled for April 12th in Lincoln. The Central Region Visits are still in the process of scheduling.

Sportsman of the Year Nominations Open

Nominations close soon! November 10th is the last day for districts to submit their nominee.

It is that time of year again for Districts to submit  their nomination for the Sportsman of the Year Award.  Each nominee should be an individual that exhibits qualities highly regarded within CGA such as fairness, generosity, observance of rules, willingness to help and all around has a positive impact at the district level, State level or both.

Please remember this is an individual award.

In an effort to help our districts select their nominee, guidelines are below for your review. All nominees that meet these guidelines will be entered in the random drawing.

Some examples that exemplify a sportsman of the year candidate:

·        Returning an award that he/she didn’t earn but was given in error

·        Consistently cheering for and encouraging others

·        Not currently on a suspension or warning status with CGA

·        Nominees should be a CGA member in good standing

·        Prior winners will be excluded

Remember – each district gets only one nomination. Nominations from individual members will not be considered. Please submit your districts nomination on or before November 10th via email.

If you have any questions, please email

Convention Weekend 2024!

Convention is almost here!! We look forward to seeing everyone there!

For the awards banquet a lot of folks ask what the dress code is. The short answer - come in what makes you happy, just come! Some ladies do choose to get dressed up in their best evening gowns and men choose to wear a nice sport coat and their “fancy jeans”. The bottom line though, your company is what is most important, so come in what you feel comfortable in. If you are receiving your award on stage you will have the opportunity to get your picture taken with our CGA President and one of the members of the royal court.

In addition to the schedule below, we will also have a silent auction during the awards banquet so if you have an item to donate please bring it with you convention.

Current CGA Officers, Directors and Board of Governors

District News

~ Submitted from CGA District 27, Castle Country Riders ~

In case you haven't heard the news, District 27 is moving back to the Ed Hughes Memorial Arena in Ione.   Did you know that D27 started riding in Ione in 1992 and held shows there until the end of 2019?    We can't thank the Amador County Fairgrounds for their hospitality in giving us a place to ride for the past 3 plus years, but after having 5 straight rain outs this past season, we decided it was time to move back and utilize the covered arena.   Our show secretary is working on setting up jot forms to ease the registration process prior to the morning of the show, but you can still sign up at the show as well.   Hope to see you there at our first show on November 10th!

District Show Dates

Looking for a show to attend?

Use the button below to access the District Show Information for each district on the CGA website. This page also contains district information, locations and contact information.

Need to renew your membership?

Click the button below to complete the CGA Membership Application online.

Awards Programs

No matter what level of ability you and your horse may have, you can ride in CGA’s

programs and earn a Year End Award. Each of the award programs are described in detail in the CGA Information Book found at

Judges Corner

Pony Measuring Clarification:

Some folks have asked if two Master Judges are required to measure all ponies. The answer is below as stated in the rule book:

Ponies that are fifty-two (52”) inches or less may be measured by a Master

Judge and a Senior Judge. Ponies that are over fifty-two (52”) inches must be

measured by two (2) Master Judges.

At the Board of Directors meeting 7/20/24 the MAC was asked the following question:

Can a Lead line rider come in to the arena and the leader detach the lead rope and they still walk along with the horse and rider, knowing that they would get a “No Time”.

Following a MAC discussion the answer is yes. There is no rule in the CGA Rule Book that states a rider cannot do this.

The judges corner contains lots of good information such as who the Master Judges are, any recent rule changes, how to become a judge and other important information. Please visit the Judges Corner now by clicking the button below.

Below are the most recent rule changes as voted on at the November Meetings

Change date: 11/18/2023: The following rules have been changed per the Rules and Judges and General Membership meeting at Convention November 2023.

RB 2.3 Special “Lead Line” Rules for Riders who need assistance. A rider may be led through the course by a parent or responsible party and an additional assistant (if needed) provided the rider is not able to complete the course without assistance. Such assistance is allowed to ensure the safety of the rider but does not extend to the assistant(s) touching the poles, flags or other obstacles. The Lead Line Team (horse, rider, leader and additional assistant) must properly complete the course. The assistant(s) must conform to the same dress code defined for judges (see section 6.1)

RB 3.1 Clothing and Tack, a. Clothing. Motion to remove the last sentence “if a helmet comes off while an adult rider is on course, a 1 second penalty will be assessed. Motion passed.

RB 3.1 Clothing shall be neat and clean. All contestants shall be fully attired in a dress shirt with a button or snap (function or non-functional) in the front from top to bottom and a collar. Long Pants, belt or ½ belt and boots. The shirt may have a front or back zipper. If the shirt has a front zipper, it must be covered by non-functional button or snaps from top to bottom. Shirts must be tucked into pants. Only the top 2 buttons of the shirt may be left unbuttoned as long as the buttons go to the collar line of the shirt. A tie or neckerchief is not required but is encouraged.

RB 3.5 Pony Size. Motion to have RB 3.5 read “Pony Size and Certification Process”. “To qualify an animal to compete in a CGA Pony Division at a State Sponsored Show or for CGA State Year End Awards the animal must measure 13.2 hands or fifty-four (54”) inches or less without shoes. An additional one-quarter (1/4”) inch is allowed when a pony is shod. The measurement is taken using a CGA provided rigid measuring stick that has a leveler built into the horizontal arm. Ponies that are fifty-two (52”) inches or less may be measured by a Master Judge and a Senior Judge. Ponies that are over fifty-two (52”) inches must be measured by two (2) Master Judges. Certification expires at the conclusion of the current season. All annual certificates must be submitted to the CGA State Office by the certifying Master Judge(s). A copy should be given to the member for their records. Certificates are supplied to the Master Judges by CGA State Office. You may ask for a measurement for informational purposes (not a pony certificate) one time per season to verify if you need trimming, shoes or a calmer time for your pony. You ask for the Information and Certificate measurement at the same measuring session, so long as the pony does not leave the measuring area or the visual range of the Master Judge(s) doing the measuring. The final decision to certify an animal as a CGA Pony lies with the Master Judges(s) measuring the animal. The Master Judges Advisory Committee reserves the right to require a pony to be remeasured if a majority feels that circumstances have changed since the certification was granted. For pony measuring procedures see Appendix D. Protesting a Pony Measurement. If you fail a pony measuring session, you may file a formal protest and have one (1) remeasuring session. The formal protest must be sent in writing to the CGA State Office with a $100 fee within 30 days of the failed session. This $100 fee will be refunded if the pony passes at the remeasure. It is the protesters’ responsibility to contact and arrange a new pony measuring session with their district Master Judge or the Master Judges Advisory Committee after the protest is filed. If the pony fails the remeasure, then the pony will not be allowed to be measured again until the following show season and will run the current season as a horse.” • The motion would include that if this passes that it starts immediately. All those ponies who received certificates at State Show 2023, be allowed to run through the completion of State Show 2024. Then all pony certificates will run with the CGA show season

RB 7.4 Barrels Fifty-five gallon unweighted plastic barrels shall be used, and they may not be structurally altered. Barrel covers may be used.

RB 7.10 Speedball Race.  The speedball cone shall be made of a large pylon with the top cut down to a 5” diameter opening. The cone may be painted any color with contrasting strip or design and measure an overall height of 24” (see Appendix A). The balls used for speedball must be standard golf balls of any color.

Member Classified Ads

BarrelsNgymkhana Lessons by Sabrina,

Contact info 707.365.6066



Lesson Pony provided ages 4-12. Lesson Horse provided for adults or advanced kids. Mobile to you for lessons for additional fuel fee.


Personal (noncommercial) advertisements are FREE to all CGA members. 50 words or less.  3 ads maximum per member per issue.

Submit your ads to

Want to submit an article for the newsletter?

Deadline for submissions will be the 10th of the month for the next issue.