
AAUW NC STEM Education Newsletter
October 2024 - remembering those affected by Huricane Helene

World Space Week October 4-10
World Architecture Day October 7
Earth Science Week October 13-19 
National Chemistry Week October 20-26. 
 "Picture Perfect" program in a box. 

For Guilford and  Forsyth County students, consider joining an exciting NEW FIRST Robotics club, Quantum Force Eagles, which is sponsored in part by an AAUW Community Action Grant.


High school students passionate about robotics and STEAM are invited to join, regardless of experience. Open to 9th-12th graders in Guilford County and beyond. We also have special considerations for 7th and 8th graders with previous robotics, programming or engineering experience.​

How to Join: Express your interest in joining the SHIELD QuantumForce Eagles Robotics Team by filling out this form.

High School and College student initiatives:

National Center of Women in IT Aspirations in Computing AiC Recognition Awards - application opportunities are open September 1st through November 11th. To make certain that potential candidates receive information on when and how to apply, high school and college students must first be registered with an account on this website: If you have already registered as an NCWIT network before, you CAN use those same credentials to log in. AAUW North Carolina encourages students and educators to register and apply. Successful applications may be recognized at the National level or the State regional level. In North Carolina, there are two AiC regions: CharlotteMetro/PiedmontTriad and Raleigh/Durham/Coast. Previous awardees are shown, by student/parent permission, on this website:  Contact Mrs. Tew for assistance on applications for high school and college NCWIT AiC and Impact recognition awards.

University, Nonprofit, and Professional education and research Grants and Fellowships

AAUW Grants and Fellowships applications submissions are due November 15th. Approximately $6 million are awarded each year.

AAUW North Carolina encourages community members as well as college/university affiliated pre-professionals to apply. Successful applicants will be notified in June 2025 for the 2025-26 academic year. AAUW STEM Ed is especially focused on supporting community groups and organizations who offer STEM programs in communities throughout North Carolina. We encourage you to apply for AAUW Community Action Grants. Recipients are notified in mid-April and awards are issued in June 2025.

AAUW North Carolina
- Information submitted from across the state

CONNECT - the state wide newsletter from AAUW NC Board and 14 branches 

CC GRIFFIN MIDDLE SCHOOL Girls In STEM night on October 11, 2024.  5:30-7:30, (International Day of the Girl). The goal is to encourage girls to join more STEM activities and ultimately careers. 

NCCAT  North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) provides high-quality professional development programs for educators in North Carolina. NCCAT offers a wide range of programs designed to enhance teaching effectiveness and student learning outcomes.

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