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Expressway News

September 2024

In this Issue: 
Pedestrian Safety| Community Events 
As the leaves fall and the seasons change, the Mobility Authority is reflecting on an exciting September while gearing up for the months ahead. From sharing key safety initiatives to help you stay safe this fall to participating in community events that highlight the importance of mobility, we're committed to engaging with our community and keeping our operations transparent every step of the way. 

A Look Ahead at Pedestrian Safety Month

With Pedestrian Safety Month just around the corner, we invite you to take steps to keep everyone safe. Throughout October, we’ll be sharing tips to help pedestrians stay safe near roadways, such as wearing bright clothing, using crosswalks, and taking the time to look both ways before crossing the road. Drivers also play an important role by staying alert, especially near crosswalks and school zones, and always obeying traffic laws. Follow us on X/Twitter and Facebook for safety tips and ways we can all make a difference together. 

Prepare with More Tips

Driving Mobility Forward at Community Events

This month, we took part in the Movability Summit, an event uniting regional leaders to explore mobility and transportation challenges and opportunities. The Mobility Authority’s Executive Director James Bass was a panelist at this year’s event alongside Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority Executive Director Raymond Telles. James and Raymond shared information on the structure of and need for Mobility Authorities. James provided updates for ongoing tolled and non-tolled projects, and shared how toll road investments benefit our community. 

James also highlighted the Mobility Authority’s commitment to accessibility no matter how you travel, including our dedication to shared-use-paths and allowing public transit entities such as CARTS and CapMetro buses to use Mobility Authority roads toll-free, ensuring no extra cost is passed on to riders. 

Additionally, we participated in the Texas Tribune Festival. This annual event brings together thought leaders, policymakers, and community members to discuss politics, public policy, and current events that impact us all.  

On Sept. 17th, the Mobility Authority was a part of the 2024 Austin-San Antonio Growth Summit. This event brought together business and civic leaders from both regions to discuss growth and opportunities and how transportation plays a critical role in both.  

The Mobility Authority also attended the Texas Trails and Active Transportation Conference held Sept. 4-6. The conference focused on issues of economic development, health, safety, as well as other topics relevant to advancing active transportation and trails.  
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
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