Upcoming Events
- Saturday, October 5, 10:00 am Blessing of the Animals at SLU Dog Park and Sculpture Garden (see details in the bulletin)
- Sunday, October 6
- 9:00 am St. Vincent de Paul meeting in the 2nd floor Conference Room of the Parish Center. (see details in the bulletin - all are welcome)
- 9:15 am Adult Faith Formation: Introduction to the Enneagram & Parenting with Dave Ebenhoh in the Ballroom (see details below - all are welcome)
- Wednesday, October 9, 6:30 pm Fr. Matthew Baugh, SJ “The Joy of the Gospel in a Polarized Public Square,” at SLU's Catholic Studies Center (see details below)
- Sunday, October 13
- After 8 am and 10:30 am Masses - Donut Sunday! (see details below)
- After 10:30 am Mass - Dining Out with Fellow Parishioners (see details below)
[Please see the bulletin and sfxstl.org for more upcoming events.]
Tip: if reading this email on your phone, it may be helpful to turn your phone sideways (unless you have auto-rotate turned off).
Join us this Sunday for an Introduction to the Enneagram & Parenting* with Dave Ebenhoh
This Sunday, October 6 at 9:15 am in the Ballroom
In this first of three one-hour interactive sessions, we will explore the Enneagram and how it can help us navigate the journey of parenting (*also applies to grandparenting, godparenting, teaching, mentoring, etc.). Never heard of the Enneagram? No problem!
Whether the kids in our lives are 2 years old or 20, the Enneagram offers insights that can help us become more self-aware, more understanding of the children we love, and more open to the path of growth and humility that God may be inviting us to follow.
While the sessions will build upon each other, feel free to attend any of the sessions that you can. Join us at 9:15 am in the Ballroom this Sunday, Oct. 6th, Sunday, Nov. 3rd, and Sunday, Dec. 8th. Designed with our Youth Faith Formation parents in mind but all are most welcome! Coffee will be available.
Dave Ebenhoh has been a parishioner here at St. Francis Xavier since 2007, along with his wife Maureen and kids, Grace and Jonah. He works as a Chief Mission Integration Officer at Ascension Health and has been leading Enneagram sessions for groups and teams for the last 10-15 years, as well as offering spiritual direction and coaching for individuals, leaders, and parents.
The Joy of the Gospel in a Polarized Public Square
This Wednesday, October 9, 6:30-7:30 PM
Join our former Associate Pastor, Fr. Matthew Baugh, SJ, this Wednesday evening, 6:30-7:30 pm at the Catholic Studies Center on the campus of Saint Louis University.
As we prepare to vote in the upcoming elections, this is a wonderful opportunity to hear from Fr. Matthew on the realm of politics and the hope Pope Francis finds in the Gospel for our polarized societies.
With a wealth of wisdom and experience, Fr. Matthew will guide us on how the Gospel can reshape our approach to faith and politics.
Free parking is available and no RSVP necessary. See details above.
One More Week Until Donut Sunday
Please join us downstairs in the Ballroom on Sunday, October 13, after the 8:00 am and 10:30 am Masses for Donut Sunday!
We will have complimentary donuts, fruit, coffee, tea, juice, water, and friendly people of all ages who would enjoy meeting you.
Stay tuned for a BIG announcement in next week's e-newsletter about Donut Sunday.
Dine Out With Fellow Parishioners
The Pastoral Care Commission is offering opportunities to dine and enjoy gathering with fellow parishioners. This is for Senior Parishioners and anyone who would like to join us! Everyone pays for their own meal. New participants are always welcome and encouraged to attend.
Next Sunday, October 13th after 10:30 Mass, join us at The Parkmoor 220 Lockwood, Webster Groves, 63119 (swing by the Ballroom to grab a donut on your way). The Parkmoor menu offers breakfast, brunch and lunch options. Plenty of WG parking lot and/or street parking available. Hosted by Bridget Brennan. Please RSVP by October 10th to Tina Saunders: 314-443-4509 or tinas12311@gmail.com.
Hope to see you there!
Learn about the Freedom Suits
You are invited to a docent-led tour of the special exhibit of The Freedom Suits now on display at the Law Library Association of St. Louis, 10 N. Tucker Blvd., 13th Floor (in the Civil Courts Building, between Market and Chestnut Streets).
Arrangements have been made for the archivist to guide parishioners from College Church and our neighbors at the Rock Church through the documents and artifacts that tell the story of enslaved African Americans who sued for their freedom in St. Louis courts.
The tour will be held on Tuesday, October 22nd from 4:30 – 6:00 pm.
Admission is free and space is limited. Please contact parishioner, Joan McGinnis, to reserve a spot: jfmc676@gmail.com.
Our Prayer Angels in St. Peter's Square
Parishioner, Aimee Wittman, sent this picture of our SFX prayer angels in St. Peter's Square on October 2nd! She shared, "I brought all the prayers and blessings from our community to the opening Mass for the Synod."
Pope Francis presided at the Mass for the Solemn Inauguration of the Second Session of the 16th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome.
Several weeks ago, Aimee gave parishioners the opportunity to write a prayer, intention, or blessing on an angel for her to carry on her pilgrimage to Rome. Aimee is part of a delegation of 50 pilgrims (including laity, religious women, deacons, and priests) from around the world (Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Ecuador, and US). They are praying for the Synod as they celebrate and bear witness to the gifts and graces of women in our Church.
Aimee also shared a picture of the program from the opening Mass:

Let us continue to pray to the Holy Spirit for all who are participating in the Synod and for our St. Francis Xavier community:
"Lord, help us to enlarge the space of the tent, so that those who are on the margins of our societies or on the margins of the Church may be listened to and valued. While we walk together, we want to join in prayer. There is not Synod without a true encounter with You! You, Lord, invite us to welcome in our hearts those left by the roadside, to an inner conversion to welcome those whom you have invited. May we leave no one behind on this synodal journey, may no one be excluded, but be part, brother, sister, friends. Amen."

We are still seeking a one or two committed volunteers to assist in building a project website and implementing web-based forms. These will specifically support a “census" College Church is conducting this Advent season to update and understand our parishioner demographic information.
This project is expected to take place between early-October and mid-December 2024.
Does this sound like you? Or maybe someone you know? Have these skills but not sure how much time you can commit? Please connect with us to learn more by contacting Leah Shea at leahcshea@gmail.com or 314.825.1201.
If you are open to receiving more emails, please see the links below to sign up for two informative e-newsletters that can help us live our faith here in St. Louis (and, of course, you can always unsubscribe!). These e-newsletters include details about LOTS events that we can't fit in our SFX bulletin or this email (thank you for making it this far!):

Put your faith into action! Sign up for the Seeds of Justice Network newsletter to receive a weekly list of social justice events and opportunities in the St. Louis region that support Catholic Social Teaching. Click here to sign up.

All are welcome to sign up to receive the Northern Vicariate News & Events e-newsletter (the Northern Vicariate is our region of the Archdiocese). It is chock full of great information about things happening around the Archdiocese. Click here to sign up.
We are glad to share our bulletin for October 6, the Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. We look forward to welcoming you to Mass.
Our parish Masses are at 5:15 pm on Saturday and 8 am and 10:30 am on Sunday. SLU Campus Ministry coordinates the Masses at 4:30 pm and 8:00 PM on Sunday (with different music).
The livestream of the 10:30 am Sunday Mass will be available to access at any time on our YouTube channel.