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These are not your average costumes... This photo was captured the other night of a few trick-or-treaters from the Crescent Harbor webcam in Sitka.  Just some of the local residents taking a midnight stroll among the boats!
Alaska Day is always a big deal in Sitka and we look forward to parades, bagpipes, back-of-the-Lutheran-church pie sales, Coast Guard flyovers, live music, and a whole weekend of festivities. 
Blain has been busy this fall around the boat and house, but got to put in  some volunteer time with Sitka Trail Works on a couple of projects. It turns out he shovels gravel, too. 
This week marks a year after Blain's mother Eileen's passing. We know she would have loved our week in Colorado to celebrate her life with family and friends in gorgeous Rocky Mountain NP. It was beautiful (of course it is - it's Colorado) for a sweet remembrance and a meaningful trip across the Continental Divide. 
On our recent whirlwind trip of Colorado, we had the joy of stopping by Pingree Park where we met - and later tied the hitch on a sunny September 5th in 1998. The exact spot was off by a few hundred feet, and the dresscode was a bit more casual, but we were working from memory to reenact an incredible day.  
It's an early winter in Juneau, and the crew got to hike up to the Muir Cabin overlooking Auke Bay a couple of days ago to join friends Megan and Travis in a winter wonderland. We are definitely winter people, and loved this sunny day with great people. 
If you've been aboard S/V BOB, you'll know Captain Blain loves to randomly quote from Coen brothers' films, and The Big Lebowski is his favorite. We recently got to channel our inner Maude and Walter at Sitka's Halloween ball and even met a few other's living the dream.

Dude. Let's go bowling,
Join us on a trip from Sitka or Juneau to Petersburg and we may get a tour of the Five Fingers Lighthouse in Stephens Passage. This historic 1920's lighthouse is crewed and maintained by volunteers, and we are sometimes lucky enough with the weather to land folks ashore for an unforgettable day. 
Sweet little Tempest is clearly in need of a vacation. Here she is trying to sneak into her Mom's new BOB schwag bag for a flight from Juneau to warm Hawaii. We certainly can't blame her. Thanks for the cutest photos ever Zane!
Our 2025 season calendar still has trips open. Contact us now to reserve a dream trip. We're also booking 2026 trips. Rates go up November 1st - so contact us soon. Come sail away! 
  • 23 Apr Herring Return – Whales Dream trip (Sitka/Baranof Island round trip) 5D/4N
  • 15-18 May Introduction to Sailing Classes 1 eve/1 day
  • 22 May Alaska Islands & Hot Springs Adventure (Sitka to Juneau) 8D/7N 
  • 25 June Baranof and Admiralty Islands Exploration and Hot Springs (Sitka to Petersburg) 7D/6N 
  • 4 July Wildlife Photography Expedition With Pro Barbara Eddy (Petersburg to Juneau) 8D/7N 
  • 3 Sept Alaska Islands & Hot Springs Adventure (Juneau to Sitka) 7D – 10D
  • 13 Sept Sitka Sound Explore, Coho fishing, Whales (Sitka Round Trip) 5D/4N
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