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Expressway News

October 2024

As October comes to a close, we reflect on our commitment to equip you to make informed decisions, share your input, and understand the workings of our regional transportation system. Stay engaged and discover how you can play an active role in shaping transportation and mobility in Central Texas.   

Understanding Toll Truths 

We’d like to mobilize the truth about tolling. Here are some key facts about toll roads:
Gas taxes are paying for new road construction. 
  • State and federal gas tax rates haven’t increased since 1991 (state) and 1993 (federal).   
  • Gas taxes are fixed per gallon and not indexed for inflation.
  • The 15 cents per gallon allocated for transportation has lost nearly half its purchasing power since 1991.   
  • More fuel-efficient vehicles mean lower demand for gas and less revenue.  
  • Texas is a "donor state" that receives less in federal funding than it pays in gas taxes.  
  • Population growth is increasing demand and congestion on roadways.  
  • Gas tax revenues don’t always go to the most congested regions, so local dollars are needed to meet local needs. 
We should build additional non-tolled lanes instead of tolled express lanes.
  • Adding non-tolled lanes in high-growth areas does not effectively manage congestion.  
  • Express lanes use variable toll pricing to keep traffic moving—higher tolls when traffic is heavy and lower tolls when it's light.
  • Express lanes support public transit by allowing toll-free access, encouraging its use. 
Interested in learning more? Visit our website.   

MoPac Environmental Study

The Mobility Authority and TxDOT invite you to engage in the environmental study process as we announce the Recommended Build Alternative, the identified solution that best creates an opportunity for reliable travel times, improves operational efficiency, creates a dependable route for transit, and facilitates emergency response for the MoPac South corridor.   


Tues. Nov. 12, 2024, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.  

Austin High School Cafeteria  

1715 W. Cesar Chavez St.  

Austin, TX 78703  


Tues. Nov. 12 – Sun. Dec. 29, 2024   

*The Virtual Open House will be active by 5 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 12, 2024. Until then, you can find more information about the project at   

About the Open House  

The in-person open house will take place Tues., Nov. 12, 2024 from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. The Virtual Open House will begin at 5 p.m. Tues., Nov. 12, 2024, and be available for viewing until Sun. Dec. 29, 2024.   

Participants may:  

  1. View exhibits in person or online at  
  2. Speak with Project Team members at the in-person meeting on Nov. 12, 2024  
  3. Share your input:   
    1. In-Person: At Austin High School on Nov. 12  
    2. Online:
    3. Email:  
    4. Mail: Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority, c/o MoPac South Environmental Study, 3300 N. IH-35, Suite 300, Austin, TX 78705  

About the MoPac South Environmental Study  

The MoPac corridor between Cesar Chavez Street and Slaughter Lane is a critical link in our region, keeping South Austin and Hays County connected to major highways like Loop 360 and US 290, and providing access to downtown Austin. According to 2023 TxDOT traffic counts, this 8-mile stretch of MoPac attracts up to 200,000 cars and trucks per day. The growing population as well as residential and commercial development has led to increased traffic congestion. If we do nothing to address congestion, drivers could spend 42% longer traveling the corridor.  

Thus far the MoPac South Environmental Study has evaluated a full range of Alternatives and Operational Configuration Options. Now, with an updated traffic forecast and public feedback, we will share the Recommended Build Alternative.   

Public Engagement  

Public engagement is paramount to the Mobility Authority and this project, from developing the evaluation criteria to making adjustments to potential solutions.

The official comment period for the Open House begins on Tues., Nov. 12, 2024 and lasts until Sun. Dec. 29, 2024. Comments may be submitted in person at the Open House, through the Virtual  

Open House, by email, or mail as noted above. Please note that any comments submitted through other channels or outside the comment period will not be considered part of the record for this public meeting.   

Stay Involved  

The Mobility Authority values public input and encourages you to follow the process and share your feedback. Following the upcoming Open House, there will be one additional public engagement opportunity for the project at a Public Hearing anticipated for 2025.   

Special Accommodations  

The virtual and in-person public meeting will be conducted in English. If you need an interpreter or document translator because English is not your primary language or you have difficulty communicating effectively in English, one will be provided to you. If you have a disability and need assistance, special arrangements can be made to accommodate most needs. If you need interpretation or translation services or you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to attend and participate in the Virtual Open House, please contact the MoPac South Project Team at 512-342-3299 no later than 4 p.m. on Wed., Nov. 6, 2024 for the in-person meeting and no later than 4 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 20, 2024 for the virtual meeting. Please be aware that advance notice is required as some services and accommodations may require time to arrange.   

Se Habla Español: Para más detalles e información acerca del proyecto en español por favor comuníquese con uno de los miembros del equipo al 512.342.3219 y le atenderemos con gusto.  

As part of our projects, the Mobility Authority conducts comprehensive environmental studies in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other state and federal regulations. These studies evaluate design alternatives and assess potential impacts on vegetation, endangered species, water resources, air quality, historic and archeological sites, and more. Community impacts, including environmental justice and access patterns, are also carefully considered. 

Extensive public outreach is performed to gather additional insight and feedback as the study progresses. All findings are documented in technical reports and made available for public review at completion of the study. If environmental clearance is reached, the project can move forward to the next phase. This thorough process ensures projects align with regulatory requirements and community needs while protecting both natural and human environments.  

In addition to the MoPac South Environmental Study, the Mobility Authority is conducting a study for the 183A Added Capacity Project and a study will soon begin on 290 Phase IV. To stay up to date on all our environmental studies, visit our projects page

Remember to Vote 

Your vote is your voice, and every election is an opportunity to shape the future of your community. Check your registration, find your polling place, and make a plan to cast your ballot. Every vote counts! 

Learn More About Voting
Questions or Concerns about your Toll Bill?
 Contact us at 833-762-8655 or visit our website. We're here to help!
Need more information?
Visit our website
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