
BBQD Meats is Back for Thanksgiving 2024!

We are excited to be back for this Thanksgiving! We have paired down the selection but it’s the same great BBQD Meats! We are thankful for each of you!

Turkey Breast-$70.00
Pulled Pork-Whole-$85.00
Pulled Pork-Half-$45.00

Pre Orders will close Sunday, November 17th. 

We will be cooking the weekend of November 22nd-24th and ready for pick-up November 25th. 

BBQD Meats is very grateful and thankful for each of you! We appreciate your continued business and support and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Please feel free to contact Jason at 214-586-1686 or email us with any questions. 

Thanksgiving Turkey Breast

Our boneless turkey breast is covered in a peppery, savory rub and smoked with pecan wood.  A great addition to your table!


Thankful & Grateful

We are very thankful & grateful for your continued support. We hope you have a Happy, Happy Thanksgiving!!

Copyright © 2021 BBQD Meats LLC, All rights reserved.

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