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October 22, 2024, City Council Meeting

October 22, 2024, Meeting Agenda   View Live Stream of the Meeting

Photo of Chris Dabrowski
Swearing in of Councillor Chris Dabrowksi
Bill Matson, City Clerk, swore in Councillor Chris Dabrowski as a Niagara Falls' City Councillor for the remainder of the current Council term.

A motion to declare a City Council position vacant following Councillor Thomson's resignation was made on September 10, 2024. 

Council decided to fill the vacancy through an appointment for the remainder of the term and instructed staff to contact the first runner-up in the last election to confirm their willingness to fill the vacancy. 

As a result, the Council of the City of Niagara Falls appointed Chris Dabrowski to the office of City Councillor for the remainder of the term.
Photo of the Industrial Park
Niagara Industrial Association (NIA)

Jordan Sherlock, Executive Director of the Niagara Industrial Association (NIA), provided an update on the industry in Niagara Falls.

The NIA is a 16-year-old grassroots not-for-profit whose mandate and mission are to represent Niagara's industrial sector. It is driven by the need to ensure that the sector remains relevant. The NIA represents a growing membership of nearly 300 businesses. Its efforts are focused on three strategic areas: to be a network, a resource, and an advocate in everything it does. 

View the presentation.
Photo of happy group of Seniors
World Health Organization Age-Friendly Designation for the City of Niagara Falls

Joe Szabo, a member of the Seniors Advisory Committee, presented to Council seeking endorsement for submitting an application for the city of Niagara Falls to become recognized as an age-friendly community (AFC) with the World Health Organization (WHO).

Partnering with the World Health Organization (WHO) provides access to a vast network of cities and nations, sharing best practices, guidelines, and resources. This helps municipalities adopt proven strategies to address challenges, particularly for aging populations.

Council supports and approves the submission of an application to the World Health Organization (WHO) for the City of Niagara Falls to join the WHO Global Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities.

Mayor Jim Diodati will provide an official letter of support to become a designated city under the World Health Organization (WHO).

View the report. View the presentation.
Photo of Land at 7230 Lundy's Lane
Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment:
7230 Lundy’s Lane

Council received the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments to increase the permitted building height at 7230 Lundy's Lane to 9 storeys with a density of 63.53 units per hectare and rezone the lands to a site-specific Tourist Commercial (TC) Zone to permit the construction of two 9-storey apartment buildings consisting of 50 total residential units (25 units in each building), for information.

View the report. View the Staff presentation. View the Applicant presentation.
CityView graphic
CityView Software Implementation

The City of Niagara Falls Planning, Building, and Development department initiated a new software program called CityView to process building and planning applications. 

The CityView software launch was broken up into two phases: the first phase, which was funded by the Provincial government as part of the streamlining initiatives, and Phase 2, which was budgeted for through Council in 2023 for by-law enforcement and licensing.

The goals of Phase 1 were to improve efficiency, enhance data management and support decision-making, increase public self-serve online options, and optimize workflows.

Phase 1 of this project is nearing completion. Council received a status update report on the implementation of the program.

View the report. View the presentation.
Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund

The Ontario government announced the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund to improve access to sports and recreational opportunities. The fund aims to promote active lifestyles and make sports more accessible while supporting communities in hosting events and competitions.

Council received a report on the Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund and authorized Staff to apply to Stream One (Repair and Rehabilitation) for the MacBain Community Centre project and Stream One and Stream Two (New Builds/Signature New Builds) for the Chippawa Willoughby Community Centre project.

Council approved the MacBain Community Centre and Chippawa Willoughby Community Centre capital projects, which will be contingent upon successful funding applications and funded by a mix of Grants, Development Charges, and Debt funding.

View the report.
Additional Reports
  • Santa Claus Parade Request for Downtown BIA Funds
    • Council approved the transfer of $15,000 from the Downtown BIA unspent levy being held in reserve to offset the cost of the Santa Claus Parade and lighting of Queen Street. Council also authorized the use of downtown assets for the Santa Meet and Greet and to animate Queen Street and Centennial Square.
  • Proposed Vacant Building Registry & By-law
    • Council approved the vacant building by-law registry as detailed in the report, authorized staff to prepare an implementing vacant building registry by-law for consideration and adoption and authorized staff to update the Schedule of Fees to include the vacant building registry fees identified in the report. 
The complete list of reports may be viewed on the October 22, 2024, agenda at
Proclamations, Flag-Raising and Illumination Requests
Photo of people talking
Proclamation Request  |  November 18 - 24, 2024
Talk to a Stranger Week
Council approved a request from GenWell, a Canadian Not-for-Profit, to proclaim November 18 - 24, 2024, as "Talk To A Stranger Week." This proclamation aligns with the mission of GenWell, a Canadian-led Global Human Connection movement that highlights the critical importance of human connection for the health, happiness, longevity, and overall well-being of all Canadians.
16 Days Against Gender-Based Violence graphic
Proclamation Request  |  November 25, 2024
16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence
Council approved a request from The Canadian Federation of University Women Welland and District to proclaim Monday, November 25, 2024, as the "International Day for the End of Violence Against Women" and to raise a "Wrapped in Courage" flag to create awareness and promote gender equality.

The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence begins on Monday, November 25, 2024, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women,  and ends on December 10, 2024 - International Human Rights Day.
Upcoming Proclamations, Flag-Raising and Illuminations
(approved at Previous Council Meetings)
Proclamation Request | Niagara Falls Public Library
(October 2024)
Proclamation Request | Child Care Worker & Early Educator Appreciation Day 2024 (October 24, 2024)
Proclamation Request | Christian Heritage Month (December 2024)

Proclamation Request | Giving Tuesday (December 3, 2024)
Image of Niagara Falls City Hall
Next Council Meeting: Tuesday, November 12, at 4:00 pm
The Niagara Falls City Council meeting will be open to the public and held on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, at 4:00 pm. For more information, please visit
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